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1、Unit 9 What does he look like? 教案(Period 5 Section B 3a-selfcheck) By 林挺法Teaching aims:1. Language aims:(1). Students should be able to read, understand and use the words in this unit (2). Students should be able to use the following structures: -What does he/she look like?- He/She is tall/ short/he

2、avy/ thin/ of medium height/of medium build. He/She has long/ short/curly/ straight hair.-Do they have straight hair or curly hair? - They have curly hair.- Is he tall or short? - He isnt tall or short. Hes of medium height.2. Ability aims:(1). Students are able to describe a person from his appeara

3、nce.(2). Students are able to guess a person from the description of the appearance.3. Emotional aim:Ss learn never to judge a person by his appearance only but his ability.Teaching importance and difficulties:1. Ss can describe a person from his hair style, build and height.2. Ss learn to use the p

4、attern “have/has+n.”, “be+adj.” correctly.Teaching aids: PPT, Bb, tape recorderTeaching methods: pairwork, groupwork, writingTeaching procedures:Teaching StepsPurposeStep 1.Warming up1. Greeting.2. Self-introductionSs make a short self-introduction during class.To stimulate Ss passion about learning

5、 in free talk.Step 2. Presentation1.Revise the following expressions with the pictures.-What does he/she look like?- (1)She has short/long/curly/straight hair. (hair)(2)He is tall/ short/ of medium height. (height)(3)He is heavy/ thin/ of medium build. (build)- Is he tall or short? - He is short.- D

6、oes he/she have straight hair or curly hair? -He/She hashair.2. Summary Ss try to talk about a person from the hair, height and build.Revise the key words and sentences in the unit .Ss learn to talk about others appearance from build, height and hair.Step 3. Guessing and talking1. Play a guessing ga

7、me.2. Describe your friend.Activate the class and practice talking with the target language. Meanwhile, it leads to the next step naturally.Step 4. Practice1. 3a Complete the passage with the words in the box.2. 3b. Write about your friend.Ss try to form a passage with the languages theyve learned .

8、Step 5. Self check1. Write more words in the box.2. Describe your parents.Helps Ss learn how to write about others appearance.Step 6. Grammar and exercisesTo consolidate the target language in written forms. Step 7.Homework(1) Please remember the words and sentences in the unit.(2) Please write a pa

9、ssage about your parents.Bb Design:Unit 7 What does he look like?(Period 5)Height: He is tall/short/ of medium height.Build: He is heavy/ thin/ of medium build.Hair: He has long/short/curly/straight/black/blonde hair.-What does he/she look like? -He/She is /has- Is he tall or short? - He is short.- Does he/she have straight hair or curly hair? -He/She hashair.

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