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1、义务教育教科书小学英语六年级上册教案教学主题:Unit 1 What did you do this summer? 授课课时第二课时教学目标一、知识与技能目标1. 能理解、认读表示过去活动的句型“When did you come bake? I came bake last Thursday.”并尝试询问(When)和应答。2. 能理解、认读本课中出现的动词 climbed、finished、swam、caught、was、took、let和“last”构成的表示过去的时间短语,并尝试运用这些动词和时间短语进行替换练习。3. 能理解、朗读本课对话。4. 能询问同伴做过的事情并尝试描述。二、

2、口语训练目标What day is it today?Its How many days in a week?What are they?When did you come back?I came back last Thursday.三、过程与方法:1.通过观察图片理解语言(过去式)的含义。2.通过图片的对比,能仿照例句进行仿照回答。3.根据所听内容给图片标号训练学生听力能力。四、情感、策略、文化意识目标通过询问假期生活,加强同学间交流。教学重点理解,朗读对话。教学难点不规则动词过去式(caught、let、took)的构成。教学用具教具:教学软件、课件,单词图片。 教 学 过 程教 学 阶

3、 段Step 1Warming-up导入(1) Review the last lesson, role play the dialogue or talk about the students summer vacation.(2) Talk about the summer camp and ask some questions.(准备一些夏令营的图片帮助学生理解camp)l Did you have a summer camp in the summer vacation?l What did you do at the summer camp?l When did you go to

4、a summer camp?l When did you come back?设计意图:为学生铺垫语言情景,头脑中初步感知。Step 2Listen and say 学习对话1. Talk about the picture.Have the children observe the picture, and then ask them:Who are they?Where are they?2. Listen and answer.Have the children listen to the dialogue with a question:What is the dialogue abo

5、ut? -Linglings summer camp3. Read and answer.Play the dialogue.Have students read the dialogue and answer the following questions:When did Lingling come back from her summer camp?What did Lingling do there?反馈句子,并教授:She came back last Thursday.She climbed the mountains and she swam in the river. She

6、went fishing one day and caught three fish.4. Play the dialogue again.Have students read the dialogue and answer the following questions again:Was the camp very far?Did Lingling have a lot of fun? Why?反馈句子,并教授:No, it took only two hours by bus.Yes. 5. Listen and repeatStudents follow the tape to rea

7、d the dialogue.6. Read in roles.Have them role play the dialogue. First rend with teacher, then read in group, and then group show.设计意图: 在提问中帮助学生理解Lingling夏令营的活动,并能够正确表达。引导学生模仿录音中的语音、语调。Step 3Listen, look and learn 1.Show the picture and listen to the phrases twice.came back/last Thursdaywent to the

8、 airport/last Monday morningfinished the piano lessons/last week.2. Listen and repeat.3. Ask and answer in pairs.Have the children ask and answer in pairs with the above words or they can use other phrases to practice.4. Snowball game.设计意图: 提供了时间和动词短语操练所需的主要句型,此部分要求学生达到熟练运用的目的。Step 4Listen and numbe

9、r1. Have the children observe the pictures and talk about each picture with their partner.2. Choose a child to describe what they can see in the pictures.3. Play the tape twice and have them number the pictures.4. Have them listen again and check the answer in class.设计意图: 此部分听力训练,引导学生认真看图,预测听的内容,提高听

10、力能力。Step 5Lets do 1. Review the verb phrases.复习动词词组,帮助学生突破难点。2.Teacher writes down the words ”went to the park” into the form. Repeat the procedures until teacher finishes the activity.3. Have the children do with their partner.4. Have the children describe what his/her partner did last week.5. Show the form.设计意图:通过调查活动,达到熟练应用的目的。Step 6 Summary and homework 1.熟读对话,能提取信息。2.默写词组和句型。板书设计Unit 1 What did you do this summer?When did you come back?I came back last Thursday.came back/last Thursdaywent to the airport/last Monday morningfinished the piano lessons/last week.

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