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1、总结it的用法和there be句型的用法(一)It的用法小结1. It作主语的句子(1)It指前面已经提到过的人或事物(有时指心目中的或成为问题的人或事物)时,It是真正的主语。如:Whats this ? Its a horse . 这是什么?这是一匹马。Who is it ? Its me . 谁?是我。Its the wind shaking the window . 是风刮得窗户响。(2)It指时间、季节 :如:What time is it ? Its nine . 几点了?九点了。Its time for the meeting . Lets go . 开会的时间到了,我们走吧!

2、What day is today ? Its Saturday . 今天星期几?今天星期六。What is the date today ? Its Oct.(the)1st . 今天是几号?今天是十月一号。What season is it ? It is summer . 现在是什么季节?是夏季。(3)It指气候。Is it cold in this room ? No , it isnt . 屋里冷吗?不冷。Whats the weather like today ? Its fine . 今天天气怎么样?是晴天。It often rains in summer and it ofte

3、n snows in winter in this city . 这个城市夏天经常下雨,冬天经常下雪。(4)It指距离、情况等。如:It is five kilometres from my home to the school .从我家到学校有5公里。It is very near from this factory to that one .从这个工厂到那个工厂非常近。It is a long way to the sea .(这)离海很远。Is it well with you ? 你身体好吗?2. It作形式主语动词不定式、动名词短语或从句在句中起主语作用,而这一部分用词较多时,可用i

4、t作为形式主语,放在句首代表其后所说的事实上的、真正的主语,而把真正的主语放在后面。(1)It +谓语+动词不定式。It作形式主语,动词不定式作真正主语。如:It is difficult to climb a mountain . 爬山是很艰难的。It is a good habit to do morning exercises . 做早操是个好习惯。It is important to do proper memory work in the study of a foreign language . 在学习外语时适当地做一些有助于记忆的练习是很重要的。It is right to do

5、 so . 这样做是对的。(2)It+谓语+动名词短语。It作形式主语,动名词作真正的主语。如:It is no use learning without thinking . 学而不思则罔。Its useless arguing with a silly boy . 和笨孩子争论是没有用的。(3)It+谓语+名词性从句。It作形式主语,以that引导的名词性从句是真正的主语。如:It is a pity that you didnt see such a good film .你没看这么好的电影,真可惜。It is certain that we shall succeed . 我们一定会成

6、功。It is strange that nobody knows where he lives .真奇怪,谁也不知道他住在哪里。It is said that the plane will take off at ten tomorrow morning .据说飞机明天上午十点起飞。3. It作形式宾语 It作形式宾语,代表其后所说的真正的宾语。真正的宾语是以that引导的名词性从句或不定式短语。如:I consider it wrong that you Chinese students learn English without comparing it with your own la

7、nguage .我认为你们中国学生学习英语不和你们自己的语言比较是不对的。I find it not so difficult to learn a foreign language . 我发现学习一门外语不那么困难。I remember I made it clear to you that I was not coming . 我记得向你明确表示过我不来。They want to make it clear to the public that they are doing an important and necessary job .他们要向公众表明,他们在做一件必需做的重要工作。 4

8、. It用于强调结构在表示强调的结构中it可用作先行代词,这种结构的句型如下:It+动词be+被强调的部分(词或词组)+that+其他部分。如果强调的部分是人,可用who,whom代替that。如:Miss Wang teaches us English every Monday afternoon .王老师每周一下午教我们英语。强调主语:It is Miss Wang who teachers us English every Monday afternoon .强调间接宾语:It is us whom Miss Wang teaches English every Monday after

9、noon .强调直接宾语:It is English that Miss Wang teaches us every Monday afternoon .强调状语:It is every Monday afternoon that Miss Wang teaches us English .It was here that I first met him . 这就是我初次与他见面的地方。(强调状语)It is the people who(或that)are really powerful . 真正强大的是人民。(强调主语)(二)有关含有引导词there的句子结构英语“There + be+(

10、not)”结构表示“有(没有)某人或某物”时,there是无词义的引导词,be是谓语动词,它后面的名词是主语,两者在数上必须一致。句末往往有表示地点或时间的状语。1. 肯定式(表示“有”)There+(助动词或情态动词)+be+主语+地点(时间)状语。如:There is a picture on the wall . 墙上有一张画儿。There are 24 hours in a day . 一天有二十四小时。There was only one school in the village before . 以前这个村子里只有一所小学。There were 1,500 students in

11、 our school last year . 去年我校有一千五百名学生。注意:如果there + be之后是并列主语,第一个主语又是单数名词时,习惯上用There is 如:There is a boy and a girl in the room . 屋里有一个男孩和一个女孩。There is a pen and some books on her desk . 她的书桌上有一支钢笔和一些练习本。2. 否定式(表示“没有”)There + be(助动词或情态动词)+not(any)(或+no)+主语如:There was not an underground in Beijing befo

12、re . 北京从前没有地下铁道。There are not fairies in the world . 世上没有神仙。There is nothing more for me to do now . 现在没有别的什么事要我做了。There are not many people who want to read this book . 没有多少人要看这本书。There wont be a dance this weekend . 本周末没有舞会。3. 疑问式(1)一般疑问句 Be+there+(any)+主语? 助动词或情态动词+there+be+(any)+主语?如:Is there an

13、ything I can do for you ? 我能为你做点什么吗?Is there any water in your bottle ? 你的瓶里有水吗?Will there be a report by the famous scientist this afternoon ? 今天下午有那位著名科学家做报告吗?(2)特殊疑问句:疑问词(+名词)+be+there+状态?如:How many months are there in a year ? 一年有几个月?Whats there in your pocket ? 你口袋里装的是什么?When will there be last

14、ing world peace ? 什么时候世界上能有持久的和平? 4. 含有引导词there的句子用seem to be,happen to be,used to do或live等词作谓语的结构。 如:There happened to be an old friend of mine in the shop .恰好在商店里有我的一个老朋友。There used to be a temple here . 以前这儿有一座庙。There seemed to be no point in refusing . 看来没理由拒绝。There once lived an old fisherman i

15、n a village by the sea .从前,在海边的一个村庄里住着一个老渔民。【模拟试题】综合练习(一)1. Look ! There some apples in that tree . A. is B. was C. are D. were2. Whats on the plate ? There some bread on it . A. is B. are C. has D. have3. Lucy and Lily going to the Great Wall tomorrow . A. are B. is C. am D. be4. Three fourths of t

16、he homework today . A. has finished B. has been finished C. have finished D. have been finished 5. A large number of the students in our class girls . A. are B. was C. is D. be6. The number of in our class fifty . A. student , is B. the students , are C. the students , is D. students , are 7. Either

17、 of the two books for you . You can choose one . A. are B. were C. is D. was 8. The population of our country by 50 percent over the last twenty years . A. has increased B. were risen C. have been increased D. have rose 9. Maths my favourite subject . A. be B. is C. am D. are10. Here a new pair of s

18、hoes for you . A. is B. are C. have D. has11. The Chengs here for years . A. is living B. have lived C. has lived D. lives 12. Not only my brother buy also I good at painting . Both of us good painters . A. are , are B. am , are C. is , is D. are , is 13. Two months quite a long time . Yes , Im afra

19、id that he will miss a lot of his lessons . A. is B. are C. was D. were14. Every man , woman and child in this club to realize the danger of smoking . A. come B. comes C. have begun D. must 15. Everyone except David and Sam there when the meeting began . A. is B. was C. are D. were16. Are the twins

20、on the football team ? No , neither of them on the team . A. is B. are C. were D. be17. I have no letters from Peter . Oh , well , no news good news now . A. is B. are C. was D. were18. One and a half apples on the table . A. is leaving B. is left C. are left D. left 19. When and where to build the

21、new factory yet .A. is not decided B. are not decided C. has not decidedD. have not decided 20. Doing eye exercises good for your health .A. are B. is C. have D. has 21. There an apple and ten bananas in the basket . You can take any of them . A. are B. is C. has D. have 22. Each of the boys an appl

22、e . A. have B. has C. to have D. to has 23. Are there any fish in the lake now ? No . any water in it in winter . A. There isnt B. There arent C. It isnt D. They arent 24. Joan with her uncle going to visit the Summer Palace next month .A. are B. is C. was D. were 综合练习(二)1. The story is interesting

23、. That means it is interesting story . A. an , the B. the , an C. / an D. / , a2. I found the cat was in room . A. Lily and Lucy B. Lilys and Lucys C. Lilys and Lucy D. Lily and Lucys 3. of the teachers in the school is 300 , of them are women teachers .A. The number , first fourth B. The number , o

24、ne fourth C. A number , one second D. A number , three quarters 4. Shanghai Waihuan Tunnel is already open to traffic . So it will take us time to go to Pudong International Airport . A. a few B. fewer C. a little D. less 5. Lots of visitors come to Nanjing because she is city . A. so a beautiful B.

25、 very a beautiful C. such beautiful a D. quite a beautiful 6. Its a nice car . have you been in it ? Just to Shanghai . A. How much B. How long C. How soon D. How far 7. Is the street too narrow for the bus to go ? A. through B. across C. on D. in 8. Im going to the supermarket . Will you get me som

26、e chocolates you are there , mum ? A. since B. because C. if D. while 9. Must I leave right now ? No , you . A. may not B. cant C. mustnt D. neednt 10. There is a ticket on the floor , is it yours ? Oh , yes , its mine . Let me for you . A. to pick up it B. to pick it up C. pick up it D. pick it up

27、11. The teacher told the boys in the street . A. not play B. not to play C. dont play D. dont to play 12. I have finished this book . You can take it away . A. to read B. read C. reading D. reads 13. The teacher told us yesterday that December 25 Christmas Day . A. is B. was C. has been D. will be 1

28、4. I have to go now . Please remember to the lights when you leave . A. turn off B. turn down C. turn up D. turn on 15. Dont ask me such a strange question , ? A. shall we B. will not you C. will you D. dont you 16. Are the twins on the football team ? No , neither of them on the team . A. is B. are

29、 C. were D. be 17. Mr. King didnt know yesterday evening .A. when does his son come homeB. when his son comes home C. when did his son come home D. when his son came home 18. I didnt know they could pass the exam or not . A. that B. what C. which D. whether 19. Who has a dictionary , children ? I ha

30、ve . A. it B. this C. one D. so20. He returned to the small town he grew up as a child .A. which B. where C. that D. when21. In China , when the traffic lights are green , the traffic go and people on foot cross the street . A. can , cant B. cant , can C. cant , must D. neednt , must 22. What are yo

31、u going to do next Sunday ? . A. Im sorry B. Here you are C. Ive no idea D. Thats right 23. I cant find the right size . The shoes in the shop are too big too small . A. neither , nor B. either , or C. both , and D. not , or24. The colour of his socks is different from of mine .A. one B. that C. it

32、D. this 综合练习(三)1. It was spring . American girl went to London . A. a , The , a B. / , The , / C. / , An , / D. / , A , /2. Its a long to Paris . Its two thousand kilometers . A. street B. road C. way D. walk3. Where are the students ? Are they in ? A. the Room 406 B. Room 406 C. the 406 Room D. 406

33、 Room 4. The weather in summer in Beijing is cooler than in Shanghai . A. this B. it C. that D. one 5. In our English study reading is more important than speaking , I think . I dont agree . Speaking is reading .A. as important as B. so important asC. the most importantD. the same as 6. Can you unde

34、rstand me ? Sorry , I can understand you . A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. ever 7. Youd better not go out now . Its raining . It doesnt matter . My new coat can keep rain . A. in B. of C. with D. off 8. How did you try to get to school on time you missed the school bus ? A. when B. if C. once D. th

35、at 9. You go and ask Meimei . She know the answer . A. must , can B. must , may C. need , can D. can , may 10. I saw Betty go to Grandpa Zhangs home just now . Yes , she is often seen the old man with his housework . A. help B. to help C. helps D. helped 11. My watch doesnt work . I must have it . A

36、. repaired B. repairs C. repair D. repairing 12. She usually to work on foot but today she by bike . A. go , going B. goes , is going C. is go , is going D. goes , going 13. Where you your ticket ? I it on the floor .A. have , found , founded B. did , find , founded C. did , found , found D. did , f

37、ind , found 14. You may go fishing if your work . A. is done B. will be done C. has done D. have done 15. James , these are your socks . Please . OK , Mum . A. put away it B. put it away C. put away them D. put them away 16. Martin is good at fishing , ? A. is he B. does he C. isnt he D. doesnt he 1

38、7. How many students are there in your school ? the students in our school over two thousand .A. The number of , is B. The number of , are C. A number of , isD. A number of , are 18. He asked me .A. if she will come B. how many books I want to have C. they would help us do it D. what was wrong with

39、me 19. Ann has been so busy these days she has no time to play with her friends . A. when B. that C. because D. and20. Oh , there is someone in the room . must be my mother . A. There B. She C. This D. It21. Is this the very museum some Japanese visitors visited last Wednesday ? A. one B. where C. t

40、hat D. which 22. The sign “ BUSINESS HOURS ” can be seen in a . A. shop B. school C. park D. museum 23. Would you like some more ? . Im full . A. Yes , please B. Id love to C. No , I wouldnt D. No , thanks 24. Have you moved into your new home ? Not yet , the rooms . A. were being painted B. are painting C. were painted D. are still being painted

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