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1、3A复习I. Writing (请默写下列词汇)小姐;老师 Miss 先生;老师 Mr 太太;女士 Mrs蛋糕 cake 桌子table 制作make盘子;碟子 plate 起立stand up 坐下sit down打开open 关闭close 门door名字name 书book 写字write果酱jam 手hand 胖的fat男人man 有(三单)has 悲伤的sad坏的bad 一;1one 二;2two三;3 three 四;4 four 五;5 five六;6 six 七;7 seven 八;8 eight九;9 nine 十;10 ten 十一;11 eleven十二;12 twelv

2、e 今天today 他(主格)he她(主格)she 中文;中国人Chinese 日文;日本人Japanese瘦的thin 高的tall 矮的;短的short男孩boy 女孩girl 朋友friend钢笔pen 红色red 爷爷;外公grandfather奶奶;外婆grandmother 父亲father 母亲mother哥;弟brother 姐;妹sister 我(宾格)me风筝kite 自行车bicycle 猪pig大的big 他的his 粉红色pink是(be动词)am/is/are 和一起;用with 拐杖;贴;粘stick眼睛eye 鼻子nose 头发hair耳朵ear 嘴巴mouth

3、 小的small长的long 学校school 图书馆library厕所 toilet 大厅;礼堂hall 操场playground教室classroom 照片photo 玫瑰花rose苹果apple 桔子;桔色orange 香蕉banana桃子peach 狗dog 商店shop小船boat 气球balloon 花flower黄色yellow 小学生pupil 试管tube拿着hold 旧的;老的old 音乐music瓢虫ladybird蜜蜂bee蝴蝶butterfly蚂蚁ant;苍蝇fly黑色black鸭子duck太阳sun小鸡chick母鸡hen叶子leaf叶子(复数)leaves树枝br

4、anch树干trunk根root植物;种plant绿色green漂亮的beautiful一个a/an在后after下午afternoon和;与and动物animal在(某处)at婴儿baby球ball鸟bird生日birthday黑板blackboard吹blow蓝色blue盒子box棕色brown芽bud但是but买buy能;能够can卡片card擦;干净的clean颜色;涂色colour进来come in凉爽的cool数count切;剪;砍cut爸爸(昵称)dad跳舞dance一天日day画画draw梦dream吃eat结束end傍晚evening脸face家庭;家人family农场far

5、m感觉feel(身体)好fine折叠fold足球football朋友friend大门gate拿get女孩girl去go好的good生长grow猜guess快乐的happy有(一,二复)have这里here炎热的hot多少(+可数名词)how many多少(+不可数名词) how much 我(主格) I在里面in昆虫insect 它(主格)it猫cat喜欢like幼小的little看着.look at许多many可以may早上;上午morning妈妈(昵称)Mum 我的(所有格)my新的new好看的;美好的nice夜晚night不是no现在now只;仅仅only我们的(所有格)our公园par

6、k聚会party图画;照片picture打篮球play basketball踢足球play football请please紫色purple 放put 穿上put on兔子rabbit下雨的rainy阅读read骑ride看见see种子seed鞋子shoe购物单shopping list唱歌sing一些some向日葵sunflower晴朗的sunny超市supermarket当然sure游泳swim尾巴tail教师teacher那;那个that在那里there他(她;它)们(主格)they这;这个this到;去to 也too玩具toy曲调tune在下面under很;非常very温暖的warm我们

7、(主格)we什么what哪里where白色white谁who是的;对 yes你;你们(主格) you你的;你们的(所有格) yourII. Read and change the words (按要求,写单词)1. 反义词open _ down _ big _ sad _ short _ fat _that _ here _ black _ cool _ hot _ new _ tall _ good _dirty _ no _2. 同音词for _ here _ to _ _ son _ right _ eye _ no _3. 缩写形式what is _ is not _ can not

8、_ she is _ do not _ are not _ they are _ he is _ I am _ has not _ have not _ that is _ we are _ it is _ you are _ where is _ who is _ here is _ name is _4. 动词+ing(动名词) draw _ play _ sing _ write _ dance _ ride _ skip _ swim _ run _5. 在名词前面加a, an或/, 并写出复数_ boy _ baby_ _ ear _ eye _ orange _ apple _ i

9、nsect _ library _ _ animal _ leaf _ fly _ mouse _ branch _ butterfly _ elephant _ jam _ sheep _ peach _ family _ box _IV. Rewrite the sentences (按要求改变句型)1. This is my school. (一般疑问句)_(肯定回答)_(否定回答)_(划线提问)_(否定句)_2. They are chicks.(一般疑问句)_(肯定回答)_(否定回答)_(划线提问)_(否定句)_3. His brother can play football.(一般

10、疑问句)_(肯定回答)_(否定回答)_(划线提问)_(否定句)_4. I like eating chicken.(一般疑问句)_(肯定回答)_(否定回答)_(划线提问)_(否定句)_5. I am ten years old.(一般疑问句)_(肯定回答)_(否定回答)_(划线提问)_(否定句)_6. My mother is thin.(一般疑问句)_(肯定回答)_(否定回答)_(划线提问)_(否定句)_7. She is my sister.(一般疑问句)_(肯定回答)_(否定回答)_(划线提问)_(否定句)_8. We have got ten apples.(一般疑问句)_(肯定回答)_(否定回答)_(划线提问)_(否定句)_9. The cakes are on the table.(一般疑问句)_(肯定回答)_(否定回答)_(划线提问)_(否定句)_10. My bicycle is blue.(一般疑问句)_(肯定回答)_(否定回答)_(划线提问)_(否定句)_

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