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1、长塘里小学长塘里小学 吉寒英吉寒英第1页(一)复习目标(一)复习目标 1.1.语言知识语言知识:归纳总结阶段内所学语音、词汇、语法、归纳总结阶段内所学语音、词汇、语法、功效、话题等知识规律功效、话题等知识规律;2.2.语言技能语言技能:深入巩固与熟练听、说、读、写这几方面深入巩固与熟练听、说、读、写这几方面技能技能 ,使学生能自觉利用这些技能去完成任务,使学生能自觉利用这些技能去完成任务;第2页3.3.情感态度情感态度:培养学生主动学些英语兴趣培养学生主动学些英语兴趣 ,建立学习自,建立学习自信心,信心,主动参加课堂活动主动参加课堂活动;4.4.学习策略学习策略:学会整理、归纳所学知识方法,主

2、动与他学会整理、归纳所学知识方法,主动与他人合作学习,注意总结和反思学习中进步与不足人合作学习,注意总结和反思学习中进步与不足 ,主,主动探索适合自己英语学习方法动探索适合自己英语学习方法 ,并在学习上实现自我,并在学习上实现自我管理管理;5.5.文化意识文化意识:深入加深了解日常生活中中西习俗不一样深入加深了解日常生活中中西习俗不一样 ,学会去尊重他人文化。,学会去尊重他人文化。第3页(二)复习计划(二)复习计划第一阶段(开学至今):第一阶段(开学至今):以8本教材为本,安排学生在家自主复习,重新阅读教材。这是最基础复习,可唤起学生对遗忘知识记忆,同时注意基础单词、词组、句型过关。按计划天天


4、力和笔试题要领,做到综合练习,融会贯通。第6页(三)详细实施(三)详细实施1 1过好单词关。过好单词关。(1)按词性归类复习单词。(2)按所含元音字母及字母组合归类复习单词。(详见复习课件phonics AEIOU)第7页2 2过好句子关。过好句子关。(1)指导学生在语境中复习句子,让学生分清日常交际用语利用场所。(2)依据句子类型指导学生在比较中复习句子,教给学生适当语法知识。(3)指导学生在演出中利用句子,使复习课一样生动有趣。第8页3 3过好阅读关。过好阅读关。阅读短文能让学生全方面利用所学知识,所以指导学生认真阅读也是英语复习主要步骤。在复习过程中我们能够教材为本,将教材内容整合、提炼

5、成短文让学生进行阅读,争取做到在较短时间内起到较高效率。第9页4 4课课落实以上三关。课课落实以上三关。第10页 第一课时:个人情况第一课时:个人情况.复习话题复习话题:个人兴趣个人兴趣Book1(M2,4,7),Book2(M1,3,4),Book7(M3)家庭情况家庭情况 Boo1(M9)、Book4(M1),Book6(M2)生活习惯生活习惯 Book2(M5,6)Book7(M8)个人拥有物个人拥有物 Book2(M9)Book7(M6)能力介绍能力介绍 Book3(M6)Book5(M6).复习重点:复习重点:Key words:name,words of colors,how ol

6、d,words of numbers,favourite toy/color/animal,like,words of sports/activities,words of food,hobby,phrases of hobbies,words of family members,words of jobs,words of character,learn/teach English,retired,get up,go to school,have dinner/,go home,watch TV,do homework,go to bed,have Chinese/English/,ofte

7、n,always,sometimes,never,have/has got,by bike/bus,on foot,can,cant,well,badly,fast,high,far第11页Sentences:Whats your name?My names What do you like?I like Whats your favorite.?My favorite.Whats your hobby?My hobby is This is my grandma/,she is a,she learnt English.She is retired.What time do you get

8、up?I get up at what do you do at the weekend?I play football/I often/always /never/sometimes Have you got a?Yes,Ive got Can you?Yes,I canwell/fast/Sorry,I badly.复习难点:复习难点:能描述自己或家人情况。第12页.活动设计活动设计1.采取采取brain storm分类复习词汇分类复习词汇 从而引导学生输出相关本话题相关知识从而引导学生输出相关本话题相关知识;2.经过经过pair work完成以下表格完成以下表格:第13页 Persona

9、l Information 个人情况ItemsUseful ExpressionsItemsUseful ExpressionsNameMy name isPossession拥有I have gotAge年纪Imyears old.Habit习惯I oftenNationality国籍Im fromLifte 生活I get up at.I at the weekend.favoritesMy favorite is.Best Friend挚友My best friend is She is/canHobby兴趣I likeMy hobby isMy family memberMy gran

10、dma was a She learntAbility能力I canDream梦想I want to be a 第14页3.利用表格内容进行自我介绍:利用表格内容进行自我介绍:Hello,my name is_.Im from _.I like_.My favourite _is_.I often _at the weekend.I can .Ive got_.Do you like me?第15页第二课时:旅游第二课时:旅游.复习话题:复习话题:旅游景点:旅游景点:Book4(m2,7)Book7(m1,2)旅游经历旅游经历:Book5(m3)Book6(m6)旅游计划:旅游计划:Book3

11、(m7)Book6(m10)Book7(9).复习重点:复习重点:Words:country,capital,city,beautiful,famous,big,small,long,wide,tall,old,east,west,north,south,Buckingham Palace,the River Thames,Big Ben,Hyde Park,Tower Bridge,the Great Wall,the Summer Palace,the Tiananmen Square,the West Lake,the Huangshan Mountain,Chinatown,the U

12、N went,visited,climbed,saw,ate,had,took photos,第16页 Sentences:is the capital of is a famous city.Its in the north/What is this?Its the Great Wall/Tell me more about it.Where did you go?I went to/visited When did you go there?I went there last year/Did you go with your?.复习难点:复习难点:灵活利用灵活利用went,visited

13、,climbed,ate ,saw,had,took,was,were 等动词过去式来描述发生等动词过去式来描述发生过事情。过事情。第17页 .活动设计活动设计1、出示中国、美国、英国地图,引导学生、出示中国、美国、英国地图,引导学生 快速快速 说出首都、著名城市及其地理位置。说出首都、著名城市及其地理位置。出示伦敦、北京、纽约三大城市著名景点,引导学出示伦敦、北京、纽约三大城市著名景点,引导学生说出这些地名并进行大致描述。生说出这些地名并进行大致描述。第18页2、完成书信、完成书信(讲述旅游经历讲述旅游经历)went,swam,ate,had,took,sawDear Daming,How

14、are you?I _ a lovely day on Saturday.I _to Hainan with my parents.We_the sea and we _there.The sea was very really beautiful and we _ lots of photos.We _lots of fish.Now I am sending some photos to you.From Lingling 第19页3、pair work(讲述旅游经历)A:Where did you go for your holidays?B:I went to A:Where is i

15、t?B:Its in the of A:When did you go there?B:I went there last year/two years ago/A:Did you go with your?B:Yes,I did.A:What did you do there?B:I visited第20页4、reading(谈论旅游计划)A:Im going to visit China for the holidays.Im going to visit the Great Wall.Can you tell me something about the Great Wall?How l

16、ong is it?B:Its about 6,700 kilometres.And its very old.Its a famous building in China.Are you going to go with your parents?A:Yes,I am.B:What are you going to take?A:Im going to take some clothes,shoes,toothbrush第21页5、pair work(谈论旅游计划)A:Where are you going to go this summer?B:Im going to go to Im g

17、oing to visitB:What are you going to take?A:Im going to takeB:Who is going to go with you?A:My 第22页第三课时:第三课时:Festival.复习话题复习话题:中西方传统节日中西方传统节日 Book2(M7),Book3(m9)Book7(M4)我最喜欢节日介绍我最喜欢节日介绍 Boo7(M4).复习重点:复习重点:Key words:Chinese New Year,Spring Festival,Lantern Festival,Mid-autumn Festival,Dragon Boat Fe

18、stival Christmas,Halloween,Thanksving,Flag Day 第23页 Sentences:What s your favourite festival?My favorite festival is Can you tell me more about?What do you do on?We always have/eat We say,“Happy”/.复习难点:复习难点:灵活利用句型谈论自己喜欢节日及节日活动。灵活利用句型谈论自己喜欢节日及节日活动。第24页1、Brain storm e.g Its a Chinese festival.People h

19、ave a big family dinner and visit relatives and friends at this festival.Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节中秋节 Christmas 圣诞节圣诞节 Thanksgiving感恩节感恩节 Halloween 万圣节万圣节 Childrens Day儿童节儿童节 Mothers Day 母亲节母亲节 Fathers Day 父亲节父亲节 Teachers Day 教师节教师节 Spring Festival 春节春节 National Day 国庆国庆the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节端午节

20、 Lantern Festival 元宵节元宵节 .活动设计活动设计第25页2、Fill in the chartfestivalsWhat do people do?Spring FestivalLantern FestivalDragon Boat FestivalMid-autumn FestivalChristmasHalloweenFlag DayThanksgiving第26页3、Pair workA:Whats your favourite festival?B:My favourite festival is A:What do you do at the festival?B

21、:I alwaysMid-Autumn Festival 中秋节中秋节 Christmas 圣诞节圣诞节 Thanksgiving感恩节感恩节 Halloween 万圣节万圣节 Childrens Day儿童节儿童节 Mothers Day 母亲节母亲节 Fathers Day 父亲节父亲节 Teachers Day 教师节教师节 Spring Festival 春节春节 National Day 国庆国庆the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节端午节 Lantern Festival 元宵节元宵节 第27页 第四课时:计划第四课时:计划.复习话题复习话题:野餐、旅游野餐、旅游

22、Book3(M7)Book4(M3)Book6(M10)运动会运动会 Book3(M8),未来天气未来天气 Book4(M4)Book8(M2)中学生活中学生活 Book8(M10).复习重点:复习重点:Key words:Picnic,take,kite,visit,clothes,shoes,present,ticket,passport,toothbrush,aiport,Sports Day,run the 100 metres,do the high/long jump,sunny,rain,hot,windy,snow,cold,middle school,chemistry,ph

23、ysics,history,Gography,French第28页Sentences:Where are you going to go for the holidays?Im going to go toWhat are you going to take?Im going to takeWe are going to have a picnic on Saturday,will you take your kite/?Yes,I will./No,I wont.What are you going to do for Sports Day?Im going to do the high j

24、ump/It will be sunny tomorrow.Its going to rain tomorrow.What are you going to study in middle school?Im going to study chemistry/.复习难点:复习难点:能正确利用will 或be going to 谈论未来情况。第29页1.听听录录音,在音,在对应对应格子里打格子里打“”,并,并进行复述行复述。What will he/she take for the picnic?kiteball Computer gameapples cake DamingLinglingSa

25、mAmy.活动设计活动设计第30页2、听、听录录音,在音,在对应对应格子里打格子里打“”,并,并进行复述行复述。What will the weather be like in tomorrow?33BeijingHarbingShanghai Hainan 第31页3、group work What are you going to do for Sports Day?100m 200m high jumpLong jump I S1S2第32页4、Activity(make a schedule)What are you going to study in middle school?Ma

26、ke a schedule and talk about with your partner.第33页第五课时:场景描述第五课时:场景描述.复习话题:复习话题:照片描述照片描述:Book3(m3)Book8(m3)公园场景:公园场景:Book3(m4)生日场景:生日场景:Book8(m4,5).复习重点:复习重点:Words:Writing a letter,taking pictures,talking to her friend,playing with a toy,raining,shining,singing,eating,doing Taijiquan,rowing a boat,p

27、laying chess,drinking milk,making a birthday card,falling,flying away,playing the trumpet,ringing,singing loudly 第34页 Sentences:Look at this picture.Whats he doing?He is writing a letter.In this photo,the sun is shining.Look at the people in the park,what are they doing?They are doing Taijiquan.Who

28、can help me?Sorry,I cant.Im making a birthday card.Daming is having a birthday party.Hes playing the trumpet,but the phone is ringing.复习难点:复习难点:能灵活利用动词进行时谈论相片或能灵活利用动词进行时谈论相片或某个场景中正在发生动作。某个场景中正在发生动作。第35页.活动设计活动设计1.Match(一分钟动词短语大比拼一分钟动词短语大比拼)2.Eyesight challenge(快速记忆并描述相片)快速记忆并描述相片)3.Read,then write“T

29、”or“F”.Im on a bus.Im looking out of the window.Its sunny.People are dancing in the park.Birds are singing in the trees.Children are flying their kites.Some girls are playing catch.Some boys are playing with balls.An old man is making kites.A group of young people are talking loudly.There are lots o

30、f old buildings in the city.They are old and beautiful.I like this city.第36页()1.I am on the train.()2.People are walking in the park.()3.Birds are flying in the sky.()4.Children are flying their kites.()5.Some boys are playing catch.()6.Some girls are playing with balls.()7.An old man is taking phot

31、os.()8.A group of old people are talking loudly.()9.There are lots of new building in the city.()10.Its sunny today.第37页 第六课时:谈论名人经历第六课时:谈论名人经历.复习话题复习话题:谈论中外名人谈论中外名人Book8(m7,8).复习重点:复习重点:Key words:flew,space,became,pilot,spent,hours,son,pround,born,blind,deaf,couldnt,drew,letters,learned,world,model

32、,made第38页Sentences:In October,Yangliwei flew into space in Shenzhou V.He spent about 21 hours in space,he made a video.Hellen keller was born in America in 1880.She became blind and deaf,she couldnt see and hear.She had a teacher.Later she learned to read and write.She went all over the world.She is

33、 a model.Louis Braille was born in France.He became blind.He learned to read at school.He made the first letters in Braille.复习难点:复习难点:能正确利用动词过去式描述名人事迹。第39页1.完成表格并和同伴完成表格并和同伴进进行行讲述述 .活动设计活动设计 Yang Liwei Hellen KellerLouis BrailleWhere wasborn?What happened?What did do/learn to do?Why isfamous?第40页lat

34、er2.巧用图片复述故事巧用图片复述故事was bornshe couldt_and_Then she had a_She learned to_She learned to_She wentHelen Keller is a _第41页3.Read and chooseWhat When Why Who Where 1._is his name?His name was Louis Braille.2._was he born?He was born in France.3._was he born?He was born in 1809.4._happened to him?He beca

35、me blind in 1812.5._did he do at school?He learned to read at school.6._is he famous?Because he made the first Braille letters.7._helped him?His father helped him.第42页(四)几点自己看法(四)几点自己看法1 1、加强与学生交流。加强与学生交流。2 2、精心备课,保持兴趣。精心备课,保持兴趣。3 3、变换方式,小组合作。变换方式,小组合作。4 4、因材施教,分层教学。因材施教,分层教学。第43页结 束 语担心复习工作已经全方面展开,我们要以学生为担心复习工作已经全方面展开,我们要以学生为主体,一切从实际出发,让全部学生都有不一样主体,一切从实际出发,让全部学生都有不一样进步与提升,顺利完成小学阶段学习任务,并为进步与提升,顺利完成小学阶段学习任务,并为今后学习打下良好基础。同时希望经过共同努力,今后学习打下良好基础。同时希望经过共同努力,师生们都能感到复习阶段学习是愉快、充实、有师生们都能感到复习阶段学习是愉快、充实、有效。效。第44页

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