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1、本科生毕业论文设计 题目:文化视角下时政新词汇的英译 作者姓名 XXX 指导教师 XXX 所在学院 XXX学院 专业(系) 机器翻译 班级(届) XXX级 完成日期 XXX 年 5 月 6 日 A study on Translation of political neologisms From Chinese into English from the perspective of culture By XXX Prof.XXX,Tutor A Thesis Submitted to Department of English Language and Literature an Parti

2、al of the Requirement for the Degree of B.A in English atXXX University May 6th, XXX Abstract Culture is an inseparable part of the language, and also an important factor to influence the translation. Due to the difference between the Chinese culture and foreign culture it brings a lot of difficulti

3、es to the translation of Chinese political neologisms. Political news is not only an important form of Chinese propaganda to the outside world but also a significant channel for the western countries to understand the Chinese national conditions, economy, politics and culture. The quality of transla

4、tion has a direct impact on the Chinese diplomacy and Chinas image. This paper discuss the English translation of Chinese political neologism from the perspective of culture. First, the author gives a general understanding of the Chinese political neologisms, such as the definition, the features and

5、 the significance of Chinese political neologisms translation. Second, the author discusses the Chinese political neologisms from the perspective of culture. One is the classification of Chinese political neologisms according to its contained culture, the other is the important position of culture i

6、n the Chinese political neologisms. At last, the author introduces the current state of Chinese political neologisms and the solutions to the current problems as well as translation skills.Key words: the perspective of culture, Chinese political neologism, translation iii 摘要 文化是语言不可分割的一部分,也是影响翻译的重要因

7、素。由于中国文化与西方文化之间存在着差异,这也给翻译工作带来了困难。特别是时政翻译。时政新闻作为中国对外宣传自我的一种形式,也是西方国家了解中国国情,经济,政治文化等的重要途径。翻译的好坏直接影响着中国的外交,以及中国的国际形象。 这篇论文浅析文化对时政翻译新词汇的影响。首先对时政翻译新词汇做了总体的概括,介绍其定义,特点以及翻译的重要性,接着从文化的角度讨论了时政翻译新词汇。一是依据其所含的文化内涵对其进行了分类,二是介绍了文化在时政翻译中的重要地位。最后讨论了当前时政翻译新词汇的现状,以及应对的方法和有关时政翻译新词汇的翻译技巧。关键字:文化角度,时政新词汇,翻译iv Table of C

8、ontentIntroduction1Chapter One Overview of Chinese political neologisms41.1 Definition of Chinese political neologisms41.2 Features of Chinese political neologisms51.2.1 Novelty51.2.2Cultural connotation61.2.3News features71.3 Importance of Translation of Chinese political neologisms7Chapter two The

9、 manifestation of Chinese culture in the political neologisms82.1 culture82.1.1Definition of culture82.1.2 Classification of Culture92.1.3 Features of culture92.2 Significance of culture in the political neologisms102.3 Classification of political neologisms in the cultural perspective102.3.1 Politi

10、cal Neologism by using numbers112.3.2 Political Neologism by using the typical Chinese four-character structure112.3.3 Political Neologism by using old Chinese sayings12Chapter three Overview of English Translation of Chinese political neologisms133.1Problems in English translation of political neol

11、ogisms133.2Difficulty in translation of political neologisms143.3 Cultural principles in translation of political neologisms153.3.1Accuracy and fidelity.153.3.2 Creativity15Chapter four Translation methods of Chinese political neologisms174.1Metaphrase174.2 Paraphrase184.3Transliteration184.4The int

12、erpretive method194.5Untranslatability19Conclusion21Bibliography23v Introduction Political news, as an important part of news, has played a significant role in the life of human beings, and contains many special characters. Today, especially since the reform and opening up, the main purpose of polit

13、ical news translation is to introduce Chinese situations to the foreign countries, to increase their understanding of China, and strengthen our friendship. Political news, as the name implies, should be the new and important news relating to Chinese politics. Because Chinese languages and foreign la

14、nguages have many cultural differences and Political news also have some unique characters, the translation from Chinese to English of political news is distinct from other stylistic translation. The English translation of Chinese political news is not only loyal to the original text but also reflec

15、ting some language characters of Chinese language news, for instance, the concept should be accurate, Important policies and theoretical ideas of a country or an organization should be precise, whats more important is that the words should be proper. The center of culture is the language. The core o

16、f language is the vocabulary. Chinese language is different from foreign languages. However, they both have large quantities of vocabularies. With the progress of the society and the development of the economy, many new vocabularies are being generated. As China enters the World Trade Organization,

17、the translation of political neologisms attracts more and more attention. However, it also adds the pressure of the interpreters and puts forward higher requirements for translators. For the reason that there is a huge difference among culture, ideology and languages between west countries and China

18、, it has brought great difficulties to the work of translation. At present, there exist a variety of problems and it is hard to achieve the desired results. Therefore, the translation of political neologisms urgently needs a strong theoretical guidance. Translation is the oldest cultural exchange ac

19、tivity of human beings. It can not be separated from the conversion of the language. However, it is not only the language conversion. Because language is containing the culture and is constrained by the culture. Therefore, we should master the language fluently and be familiar with the culture which

20、 is represented by the two exchanged languages in order to translate the language with success. As a matter of the fact, the study of translation is the study of cultural interaction. Dating back to 1999, Andre Lefevere has published the book named translation history and culture. At that time, he p

21、ut forward the official presentation about the cultural exchange direction in the study of translation, which has been another breakthrough in the research of translation. As is known to all, we have studied English for many years. In the course of English learning, especially the process of transla

22、tion, if we are lacking in the knowledge and understanding of cultural identity and background about the English-speaking countries, there will be many difficulties to understanding the language materials even which has no new words and syntax obstacles for us. According to the basic structure of th

23、e language, we will give a general introduction to the translation of neologisms and illustrate some specific examples to prove that it is important for us to strengthen our knowledge about the cultural background of western countries. With the development of the economy and the progress of the soci

24、ety, Chinas foreign exchanges have played an important role in the country. Our country, via a variety of political documents and articles, draws up various policies and routes, expresses our political stance and views towards domestic and foreign issues and shows our countrys image on every hand. C

25、ompared with other literatures, if the Chinese political documents are translated accurately and exactly, it would cause troubles or obstacles to the understanding of the audience. Then they would further misunderstand chinas policy line. Whats more, it would affect the countrys image so as to resul

26、t in the loss of the national interests. The accurate translation of various Chinese political vocabularies has a significant role in conveying the voice of the country. Therefore, it has a real meaning to study the translation of Chinese political neologisms. At present, many materials can be looke

27、d up about Chinese political vocabularies. But the Chinese political neologisms have many unique characters, such as creativity, timeliness and so on. So there always exists this or that issue. In the 20th century, the exchange among the countries is unprecedentedly fierce. Therefore, the translatio

28、n activities and researches have had a unprecedented development. There emerge three value orientations to guide the translation, which are Translation Theory of Mechanical School, Translation Theory of cultural school and Translation Theory of political school. Among them, Mechanical school is the

29、original-text oriented and pays more attention to the equivalence between the original text and the target text. Cultural school thinks the translation should involve in not only the basic form of the vocabulary and basic semantics but also the social culture and historical heritage contained in the

30、 vocabulary. And Political school further strengthens the relationship among translation with right, politics and ideology. They think the translation is the constant competition among different cultures and emphasizes the right and status of the linguistics and culture. These three concepts of tran

31、slation have different focuses and show different directions and various value orientions to translation practice. A variety of unique Chinese political neologisms have different function, different characters and focuses. When translating these words, we should decide the basic principle to guide t

32、he translation, that is the outlook of translation in the fundamental level. In the face of the current state of the translation, we need to search for some methods to deal with these issues.After determining the principle, we should further apply all kinds of skills to obtain proper and reasonable

33、target text according to the language form and various requirements of Chinese political terms. For the reader, the level in which the original text and the target text can match each other very well is called the level of technology. In addition, the translation of Chinese political neologisms from

34、 Chinese to English should avoid chiglish translation. So we should catch on different methods according to the various characters rather than doing the translation with the same way.We should pay more attention to analyzing the reason for the chiglish translation and doing a contrast research of En

35、glish and Chinese.Work hard to deal with this problem.In order that a large number of words, which are featuring Chinese style and involving in national conditions and politics, can be converted into the target language corresponding to different cognitive context accurately and properly, the transl

36、ator must be familiar with how to convert with a cross-cultural thinking, how to convey source language and cognitive context and how to activate cognitive context relating to the audience. Then the audience can take minimum efforts to obtain the maximum correlation and thus gain the same effect as

37、that of the source language. This is the validity of Chinese political neologisms. But how do we measure the validity of Chinese political neologisms? This paper, from the perspective of culture, studies the validity of Chinese political neologisms in order to realize the maximize convergence of tar

38、get language with the source language and then make sure the validity of translation to the largest extent.Chapter One Overview of Chinese political neologisms In recent years, with the deepening of reform and opening up, China gradually emerges lots of political neologisms which are involving in th

39、e principles of political situation, national policy, economy, cultural development and major domestic news. We are going to discuss three aspects about political neologisms as follows. 1.1 Definition of Chinese political neologisms The development of the times has given birth to many new things, ne

40、w phenomena and concepts. At the same time, language also gradually brings forth the new through the old. For the concept of Chinese political neologisms, there is not yet a uniform definition. This paper will give you a general conclusion in terms of the historical stage and the contained content o

41、f Chinese political neologisms. Zhang Jian, On translation of Chinese press neologisms into English (Shanghai Science and Technology Education Press, 2001, 5, 10), once discussed the New of political neologisms from the perspective of time fresh and semantics fresh. He thought that the new word has

42、the following four categories. First, taking the Modern Chinese Dictionary of commercial press as a benchmark. Second, unprecedented, newly-created words or the words just entering the common vocabulary. Third ,the words that children are using now just exist for a certain period. But they can be un

43、derstood and widely used by the people who they are describing in some specific groups or with different language levels. Fourth, the old words with new meanings. Due to the limited space, this paper will draw defined zoom out, nearly involving in major documents of the five years for the study. Sin

44、ce the reform and opening up, China has entered a new stage of historical development. The country has undergone a profound change. The state has adopted a number of policies, regulations and social changes, which produce a large number of new words. The new words discussed in this paper are mainly

45、involved in main domestic affairs, political strategy and policy as well as cultural and economic matters etc. The main channels in which people get access to national affairs are television, newspaper and internet. For examples: 光盘行动 Clear your plate campaign 航空母舰 aircraft carrier 试航 sea trail 中国特色

46、Chinese characteristics 党的建设 Party building 党代会 the National Party Congress 财产性收入 property income 党务公开 open management of party affairs 反腐案件调查 anti-graft investigation 流浪儿童 street children 个人财产申报 Declare personal assets 气候融资 climate financing 退休金双轨制 Dual pension scheme 临时医院 makeshift hospital 余震 aft

47、ershock1.2 Features of Chinese political neologisms Andre has clearly put forward the outlook of culture in the study of translation via the introduction of translation, history and culture a sourcebook edited by him. He puts forward a series of problems, from the perspective of culture, such as why does a culture need to intro

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