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1、人教新版六年级英语下册课件人教新版六年级英语下册课件 Unit 2 Lets talk about the past 第三课时第三课时第1页Our world 第2页 OuWhen Mr mouse got out,He found Miss Mouse looking around.Looking around,looking around,Looking around for Mr Mouse.chant第3页Teachers Day Childrens DayChristmas New Year第4页Tree Planting Day 第5页Mothers Day 第6页dig 第7页h

2、ole 第8页water 第9页第10页Last Saturday was Tree Planting Day.It was sunny.第11页Did you go to plant trees yesterday?Yes,I did.第12页()Trees are very important to people.They can stop the wind.They can make the air fresh and clean.We all want to make our country greener.()Lisa,Kate,and Peter put the young tre

3、es into the holes.()Yesterday was March 12th.It was tree Planting Day.The weather was fine.We went to plant trees with Miss Liu.()Bob,Zhou Pei and Li Yan got water from the river nearby and watered the young trees.()We planted fifty trees and then we went home together.we were all very happy.What a

4、nice tree planting Day!()Gao Wei,Yang Ming and Miss Liu dug holes.Number第13页第14页Can you write the answers?1.What day was the last New Years Day?How was the weather that day?Where were you that day?How was your New Years Day?Were you happy?Did you enjoy the dinner with your family?2.What day was the

5、last Spring Festival?How was the weather that day?Where were you that day?How was your Spring Festival?Did you eat Jiaozi?第15页Can you write the answers?3.What day was the last Mothers Day?How was the weather that day?Did you send your mother a gift?What did you do for her?Was she happy that day?4.Wh

6、at day was the last Tree Planting Day?How was the weather that day?Did you go to plant trees?How many trees did you plant?第16页Can you write the answers?5.What day was the last Childrens Day?How was the weather that day?Did you have a holiday?What did you do that day?How was your Childrens Day?第17页第18页

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