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1、 Unit 3学生自测试题 1. 在表格中写出下列中文意思对应的英文单词。 爷爷 奶奶 爸爸 妈妈 姐妹 兄弟 父亲或母亲父母亲 祖父或祖母 爷爷奶奶 姨母 叔叔 儿子女儿 唐兄弟姐妹 朋友 那些 这些 他 她照片;图画 照片;相片 这里2. 把下列句子变为复数形式。 (1) This is my friend. (2) That is my pen.【单元语法点拨】 1 代词this“这,这个”和that“那,那个”的复数形式分别为these“这些”和those“那些”。需特别记忆。 2 be动词的三种形式分别为am,is和are。其中,am跟在I之后,is跟在he,she, it及单数名词

2、之后,are跟在we,you和they以及复数名词之后。 3 可数名词变为复数,一般是在词尾加s。关于这个知识点,以后会详细讲到。3. 填空,每空一词。 (1) Is this your pen? Yes, is. (2) Is she your mother? No, isnt. (3) Mr Green teaches me English. is my English teacher. (4) Are you a teacher? Yes, am.【知识探究】I you he she it 3. 这些词的词性是 代词,它们是 (主格/宾格),它们的意思分别是 ,一般在句中作 。4 阅读下

3、面的文章,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。 Hello, everyone. I am Tom. Let me tell you about my family. My father is a teacher. His name is Jack. My mother is a doctor. My father calls her lovely Lily. I have a little sister. And we have a dog. Her name is Nancy. We all like her. We are now living in London. But my grand

4、parents are in Beijing. I hope we can go to Beijing one day. ( ) 1) Toms father is a doctor. ( ) 2) Toms sisters name is Nancy. ( ) 3) There is a dog in Toms family. ( ) 4) Toms grandparents are in Shanghai now.5 写作尝试 假设你是李明,英语课上老师让你介绍一下你自己以及你的家庭。请根据以下信息写一篇简短的发言稿。 个人信息:李明,13岁,喜欢看书 家庭成员:父亲:李大为 母亲:黄英

5、爷爷:65岁 奶奶:67岁 姑姑:李月 叔叔:王中山 个人感言:非常爱自己的家人【温馨一语】在语言的学习过程中,写作能力的培养是很重要的一部分。希望同学们从开始学习英语之时,就慢慢尝试自己每天写一点东西。日积月累,一定会受益匪浅。如果大家有兴趣,可以自己写一篇关于自己和家人的文章,在我们班里的“学习园地”中进行分享。有什么问题,可以请教老师哦!自我总结: 我的课本知识掌握的如何: 我的对应练习完成的如何: 我的进步是: 我的不足是: 自我得分: 答案 1 grandfather grandmother father mother sister brother parent parents gr

6、andparent grandparents aunt uncle son daughter cousin friend these those he she picture photo here 2 (1) These are my friends. (2) Those are my pens. 3 it she He I 人称 主格 我,你,他,她,它 主语 4. F F T F 5 Good morning, everyone! My name is Li Ming. I am 13 years old. I like reading books. My fathers name is Li Dawei. My mothers name is Huang Ying. My grandfather is 65 years old and my grandmother is 67 years old. My aunt is Li Yue. My uncle is Wang Zhongshan. I love my family very much!. Thank you!20 20

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