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1、 五年下 语言点 2013、2、17 Unit 9 : 1、同音词: our-hour 2、名词复数: dish-dishes kind-kinds thing-things carrot-carrots answer-answers country-countries activity-activities 3、动词单三: go-goes do-does 4、动词现在分词: skate-skating kick-kicking rain-raining play-playing run-running shop-shopping swim-swimming cut-cutting 5、比较级

2、、最高级 many/much-more fast-faster 6、词性转换 win (v.)赢- winner (n.) 冠军 teach(v.)教- teacher (n.) 教师 drive(v.)驾驶- driver (n.) 驾驶员、司机 learn(v.)学习- learner (n.) 学者 7、短语 1. on the weekend 在周末 2. play sports 做运动 3. go shopping 去购物 4. go for a picnic 去野餐 5. play in the school band 参加校乐队 6. play the flute 吹笛子 7.

3、play the piano 弹钢琴 8. have a piano lesson 上钢琴课 9. do the dishes 洗碗 10. make a model plane 制作航模 11. learn to act 学习表演 12. kick a shuttlecock 踢毽子 13. go to the drama club 参加戏剧社 14. go roller-skating 去轮滑 15. play badminton 打羽毛球 16. after school 放学后 17. how often 多久一次 18. go to the gym 去体育馆 19. once a w

4、eek 一周一次 twice a week 一周2次 three times a week 一周3次 four times a year 一年4次 20. students usual activities 学生们的日常活动 21. in a special school 在一所专业学校 22. around the world 世界各地 23. kinds of music 许多种音乐 24. of course 当然 25. take PE. 上体育课 26. after school activity 课外活动 27. wake up 醒来 28. on Saturday(s) 在周六

5、29. at noon 在中午 30. go to the movies 去看电影 31. go outside 到外面去 32. walk the dog 遛狗 33. talk on the phone 通过电话交流、谈话 34. at this time 在这个时候 35. look for sb. / sth. ( n /pron 宾格) 寻找(强调找的过程) find 找到(强调找的结果) 36. look at sb. / sth. 看 37. look after sb. / sth. 照顾/照看某人;看管某物 38. look out of. 向外面看 39. forget t

6、o do sth. 忘记做某事(未做的事) forget doing 忘记做过某事(已经做过) 40. wait for + sb. / sth 等某人/某事 41. wait and wait 等了又等 42. Go ahead. 去吧! 去做吧! 可以(表示许可对方做某事) May I draw a picture here? Go ahead. (去画吧。) Can I watch TV now? Sure, go ahead. (当然可以,去看吧。) 句型: 1. What do you do after school? 放学后你做什么? 2. I play soccer after

7、school. 放学后我踢足球。 3. I go to the movies after school. 放学后我去看电影。 4. ( 见短语2-18 ,替换 ) 5. How often do you go there? 你多久去那里?(每隔多长时间去那里?) 6. I go there once a week. 我一周去一次。 7. I go there twice a month. 我一个月去一次。 8. I play the flute every day. 我每天都吹笛子。 9. How often does she? 她多久? 10. She + (2-18短语)+19 的四个短语

8、 语法 1、对含有频率词提问用“how often.?” e.g. I go shopping four times a week? (就划线部分提问) How often do you go shopping? 2、乐器前有“the ” (中国乐器中的用拼音表示的除外),棋牌球类前没有“the ” play the piano play the flute play the drum play the violin play the saxophone play the electronic organ play erhu play pipa play chess play mahjong

9、play badminton play baseball play football play curling play golfUnit 10 : 1、set the table 摆放餐具 2、clean the living room 打扫客厅 3、take out the garbage 倒垃圾 4、sweep the floor 扫地 5、make the bed 铺床 6、clear the table 收拾桌子 7、have to 不得不 8、a lot of+ = lots of + 可数的复数/不可数都可 许多 a lot of books = lots of books 许多

10、书 a lot of water = lots of water 许多水 9、do chores 做家务 10、look after sb./sth.(宾格) 照看,照顾, 看管 eg: look after my sister 照顾我妹妹 look after the dog 看管小狗 look after her grandfather 照看她爷爷 11. finish the art project 完成手工制作 12、practice the piano 练习弹钢琴 13、study for a test 复习准备考试 14、the day after tomorrow 后天 15、g

11、o ahead 去做吧!可以! 16、what about + sb? 某人怎么样? what about + sth? 某物怎么样? what about + doing sth? 做某事怎么样? What about Tom? 汤姆怎么样? What about him? 他怎么样? What about this cap? 这顶帽子怎么样? What about watching TV? 看电视怎么样? 替换练习见1-6 + 9-24 17、visit the Water Cube / the Nest 参观水立方/ 鸟巢 18、go straight = go forward 往前走

12、19、go to the gallery 去展览馆 20、go to the museum 去博物馆 21、visit the Palace Museum 参观故宫 22、go to the post office 去邮局 23、go to the concert 去音乐会 24、go to Red Square 去红场 25、Its time to do sth. 是该做某事的时间了。 替换练习见1-6 + 9-24 26、Its time for sth. 到的时间了。 29、next time下次 交际用语: 1. go ahead. 去做吧,可以(表示许可,允许对方做某事。根据语境翻译

13、) eg: May I draw a picture here? Go ahead.(去画吧) Can I watch TV now? Sure, go ahead. (当然可以,去看吧) 2. Can I go to the movies? Sure, you can. But first you have to finish your project. Sorry, you cant. You have to practice the violin. 句型一:谈论某人必须(不得不)做某事 肯定句:主语+ have/ has to do sth. I have to clean the fl

14、oor. / He has to clean the floor. 否定句: I dont have to clean the floor. He doesnt have to clean the floor. My mother doesnt have to go shopping. 一般疑问句及答语:Do / Does +主语+have to do sth? Yes, +主语do/does. No, +主语+dont./ doesnt. Eg. 1. Do you have to do your homework? Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 2. Does Tom

15、have to do chores every day? Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. 特殊疑问句: 特殊疑问词 + do / does +主语+ have to do sth? 1. What chores do you have to do? 2. What does he have to do in his spare time? 句型二:be going to +动词原形(将来时) 肯定句:It is going to be sunny tomorrow. 否定句:It isnt going to be sunny tomorrow. 一般疑问句及答语:

16、Is it going to be sunny tomorrow? Yes, it is. / No, it isnt 特殊疑问句:Whats the weather going to be like tomorrow? = How is the weather going to be tomorrow? 测试题:It is going to be sunny tomorrow. (写出同意句) It will be sunny tomorrow. 语法: I 在具体某一天的前面用on on Monday 在星期一 on March 8, 2013 on October 1st, 2013 I

17、I 在年、月前,用in in 2012 / in 1949 / in March / in June III 年月相连用in in October,2013 = in October in 2013IV a, an 用法 1 拼写以元音字母开头并且读音也是元音因素,前面冠词用an an e-mail 一封电子邮件 an ear 一只耳朵 an eye 一只眼睛 an elephant 一头大象 an office 一间办公室 an engineer 一位工程师 2 拼写以辅音字母开头读音却以元音因素开头的单词 hour, honest, honor等单词的拼写虽然以辅音字母h开头,但其读音却以

18、元音开头,因此,前面要用an。 an hour 一小时 an honest boy 一位诚实的小男孩 可熟记下面这句话: An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honorable task. (一小时前,一位诚实的人接受了一项光荣的任务。) 3 拼写以元音字母开头读音却以辅音开头的单词 Useful有用的, university大学, usual平常的日常的, European欧洲的, united联合的, one-eyed独眼的, one-way单行道的单程的,等单词的拼写虽然以元音字母开头,但其读音却以辅音开头,因此,前面要用a。 a Europea

19、n country 一个欧洲国家 a university 一所大学 可熟记下面这句话: In a university, a European and a one-eyed man walk along a one-way road with a useful tool. This is a usual thing. (在一所大学里,有一个欧洲人和一个独眼龙拿着有用的工具沿着一条单行道行走,这是件平常的事。)如: Five years ago her brother was _ university student of _ physics. A. a; the B. an; the C.

20、an; / D. a; / 4 英文字母前用a还是用an的问题 在26个英文字母中,a, e, i, o, f, h, l, m, n, r, s, x等12个字母的读音是以元音开头的,要用an,其余字母则是以辅音开头的,用a,如: 新课 标第 一 网 Please pay attention to your spelling. You have dropped _ ”m” here. A. an B. the C. / D. aUnit 11 : 1. get plenty of sleep 保持充足睡眠 2. wash your hands before eating 吃饭前洗手 3. d

21、rink milk every day 每天喝牛奶 4. clean the desk 擦桌子 5. leave garbage everywhere 到处扔垃圾 6. drink too much pop 喝太多汽水 7. stay up late 熬夜 8. too many + C (pl.) 后面接可数名词的复数 9. eat too many hamburgers 吃太多汉堡包 10. too much +U 后面接不可数名词 11. too much milk 太多的牛奶 12. eat too much chocolate 吃太多巧克力 13. eat too much meat

22、 吃太多肉 14. role play 角色表演 15. keep fit 保持健康 16. tell sb (n/pron宾格) about doing sth 告诉谋人关于做某事的事 17. have a headache 头痛 18. have a running nose 流鼻涕 19. have a cold / a fever 患了感冒 / 发烧 20. have a stomachache 胃疼 21. have a toothache / an earache 牙痛 / 耳痛 22. stay in bed 躺在床上 23. go to see a doctor 看医生 24.

23、 wear a sweater 穿着毛衣 25.drink more water / milk 喝更多水/牛奶 26. brush ones teeth(pl) 刷牙 27. take some medicine (U) 吃药 28. right after 刚就 29. feel tired / sad / upset 感觉累/ 悲伤/ 难受 30. feel sleepy 感觉困 31. get good marks 得好的分数 32. be good at + sth. (n/pron宾格)/ doing sth.擅长某事/做某事 33. have a problem 有一个问题 34.

24、 have advice for sb. (n/pron宾格)有些建议o某人 35. do morning exercises 做早操 36. try these things 试着做这些事 37. feel better 感觉好 38. look like 看起来像 39. want to be 想成为 40. healthy habits 健康习惯 41. school rules 学校规章 42. home chores 家务 43. wonderful food 很棒的食物 44. need to do 需要做 45. kinds of food 许多种食物 46. the botto

25、m of the pyramid 金字塔底部 47. the top of the pyramid 金字塔顶部 48. a littlelittle; a few / few 的区别 1) a littlelittle(是形容词时) 用在不可数名词之前 a little + U (后面加不可数名词)少许、一点(强调少而有) a little salt 一点盐 a little fat 一点脂肪 a little water 一点水 2) little + U (后面加不可数名词)没有多少 (强调少而没有) little salt 没有多少盐 3) a fewfew(是形容词时) 用在复数名词或

26、集体名词之前 a few + C (后加可数名词复数或集体名词) 有几个少量的(强调少而有) a few books 有几本书 a few people 有几个人 4) few(后加可数名词复数或集体名词)没有几个,少量的(强调少而没有) few books 没有几本书 few people 没有几个人 考题:选择a little;little; a few /;few 1 There is _ milk in the fridge. We have to buy some in the supermarket. 2 Tom made a lot of kites, but _ can fly

27、 in the sky. 3 There are _boys in the classroom. They are playing chess with the PE teacher. 4 Please give me _ water. I am very thirsty. 提示:不要见到little / a little 就用不可数名词,要先确定是什么意思。例如: There is a little girl under the tree. The little birds are beautiful. 49. junk food 垃圾食品 50. be bad for(n / pron宾格

28、) 对有害 be bad for health对健康有害 51. plenty of 表示许多的、大量的、充裕的,后接可数名词复数和不可数名词,用法同a lot of / lots of 例:There are plenty of eggs in the market. 市场上有很多鸡蛋。 I need plenty of time to finish the work. 我需要很多时间来完成这项工作。 plenty of fruit and vegetables 许多的水果和蔬菜 52. walk by the sea 在海边散步 53 wish(es) for 希望 54. come ou

29、t 出来 55. a big dinner 大餐 56. good health 好的健康状况 57. good habits / a good habit 好习惯 / 一个好习惯 58. bad habits / a bad habit 坏习惯 / 一个坏习惯 59. keep clean 保持干净 60. before doing sth. 在做某事之前 before eating 吃饭前 before doing homework / before playing curling 61. a grade-five student 一名五年级的学生 62.talk about sb./st

30、h /doing sth. (n/pron宾格) 谈论某人/某事/做某事 63. agree with sb. (n/pron宾格) 同意某人的意见 交际用语: 1. Whats wrong? 你怎么了 2. I have a cold/ headache/ toothache/ stomachache 我感冒/头痛/牙痛/胃痛。 3. They tell us something about keeping fit. 他们告诉我们一些关于保持健康的事。 4. What should I do? 我应该做什么? 5. Im the shortest and thinnest boy in my

31、 class. 在我们班,我是最矮的最瘦的。 6. I really want to be tall and strong. 我真的很想又高又强壮。 7. Theyre bad for our health. 他们对我们的健康有害。 8. I have some advice for you. 我有一些建议给你。 9. I dont get good marks. 我没有得好的分数。 10. Youll soon feel better. 你不久将会感觉很好。 11. Do you wash your hands before eating? 在饭前你洗手了吗? 12. Now I see.

32、我知道了。 13. Lets talk about good habits and bad habits. 让我们谈论好的习惯和坏的习惯。 14. I agree with you. 我同意你的意见。 五. 句型: (一)含情态动词should的句型 1、用should提建议通常含有命令、批评、责备等语气,多用于熟人或朋友之间。2、第一人称疑问句中,用于征求对方意见。 例如:Should I help you wash clothes? 要我帮你洗衣服? Should I go there by bus? 我是否应当坐公共汽车去那里? They should do a lot of chore

33、s at home. 他们应该每天多做一些家务。 You should eat more vegetables every day. 你每天应该多吃水果。 肯定句:主(sb)+ should + do sth. e.g. I should drink milk every day. We should eat some fruit. 否定句:主(sb)+ shouldnt + do sth. e.g. You shouldnt play too much on the computer. He shouldnt leave garbage everywhere. 一般疑问句:Should+ 主

34、 + do sth.? e.g. Should I watch TV?Yes, you should. Should she eat junk food?No, she shouldnt. 特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+主(sb)+ should+ do sth. e.g. What should I do? 特殊情况: 主(sb)+ should be+ adj e.g. I should be young and strong. 主(sb)+ shouldnt be+ adj e.g. He shouldnt be talkative. 测试题型举例:根据要求完成各题 1. I always f

35、eel tired. What should I do? ( 用exercise回答) every day. 2. You should get plenty of sleep. (改为否定句) You with you? 3. Lucy should drink more water. (改为否定句) 4. I should eat some candy? (变为一般疑问句) (二)主语+ wish for sth. Eg. I wish for good marks.Unit 13 : 过去式 do-did go-went visit-visited watch-watched play-

36、played clean-cleaned stay-stayed row-rowed climb-climbed sing-sang dance-danced eat-ate study-studied is(am)-was are-were 三、短语 1. last weekend 上周末 2. go to a dancing lesson 去上舞蹈课 3. visit grandparents 拜访祖父母 4. clean the living room 打扫客厅 5. stay at home 呆在家 6. go to the club 去俱乐部 7. go to the math cl

37、ub 去数学俱乐部 8. clean the room 打扫房间 9. row the boat 划船 10. climb a hill 爬山 11. all day 整天,全天 12. study English 学习英语 13. go to a birthday party 去生日聚会 14. visit friends 拜访朋友 15. make a birthday cake 制作一个生日蛋糕 16. see the animal show 看动物表演 17. do some chores 做一些家务 18. an exciting weekend 一个令人兴奋的周末 19. hock

38、ey team 曲棍球队 20. stay in a big hotel 呆在一家大旅馆 21. the gold medal game 金牌比赛 22. back home 回家 23. kiss mom/dad 吻妈妈/爸爸 24. in front of 在前面 25. get angry 变生气 26. feed the animal 喂动物 27. have a good time=have a great time=have fun 玩得高兴 28. watch a football match 观看足球比赛 29. the Science Museum 科学博物馆 30. pra

39、ctice the piano 练习钢琴 31. play sports=do sports 做运动一、 句型:过去时的句子结构 (一) 句子中有be动词 a.肯定句:主语+was / were+其他。 Eg: I was a teacher before. b.否定句:主语+ wasnt / werent +not+其他。 Eg: I wasnt a teacher before. c.一般疑问句:Was / Were +主语+其他? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+ was / were. 否定回答:No,主语+ wasnt / werent. Eg: Were you a teacher bef

40、ore? Yes, I was. No, I wasnt. (二) 句子中有实义动词 a.肯定句:主语 + 动词的过去式 + 其他。 Eg:I went to the park yesterday. b.否定句:主语+ didnt + 动词原形+其他。 Eg: I didnt go to the park yesterday. c.一般疑问句:Did+主语+动词原形+其他? 肯定回答: Yes, 主语 + did. 否定回答:No, 主语 + didnt. Eg: Did you go to the park yesterday? Yes, I did. No, I didnt. Unit 1

41、4 : 单词:动词不规则的过去式 see-saw feel-felt eat-ate swim-swam lose-lost sleep-slept have-has take-took buy-bought / / drink-drank go-went come-came 短语: 1. a wonderful vacation 一个精彩的假期 2. feel cold 感觉寒冷 3. eat ice-cream 吃冰淇淋 4. see animals 看动物 5. lose camera 丢失照相机 6. stay in the hotel 待在旅馆里 7. sleep late 晚睡 8

42、. drink cold drinks 喝冷饮 9. on the beach 在海滨 10. have pizza 吃比萨 11. buy some souvenirs 买纪念品 12. on ones vacation 在某人的假期 13. a lot of = lots of+ c (pl)/ u 许多 14. in the sea 在海里 15. have a lot of fun 过得愉快 16. ride horses 骑马 17. make some new friends 交一些新朋友 18. teach English 教英语 19. by+交通工具 乘坐交通工具 20. c

43、limb hills 爬山 21. visit an old friend 拜访一个老朋友 22. buy sth. for sb. (n/pron宾格) 为某人买某物 =buy sb. sth. (n/pron宾格) 23. buy many gifts 买许多礼物 24. in the past ten years 在过去的十年里 25. learn many languages 学习许多语言 26. on ones trip 在某人的旅途中 27. different countries 不同的国家 28. around the world 世界各地 29. the Oriental P

44、earl Tower 东方明珠电视塔 30. the whole day 一整天 31. a beautiful place 一个美丽的地方 32. look for sb. / sth. (n./pron宾格) 寻找 交际用语: 1. Where did you go on your vacation? I / We went to 2. How did you go there? I / We went there by 语法:动词的一般过去时 I. 一般过去时的概念 一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。常和表示过去的时间状语连用。如:last year, yesterday

45、等; 也可表示过去经常反复发生的动作,常和often, always等频率副词连用。 例如:I saw him in the street yesterday. 昨天我在街上看见他了。 Li Mei always went to school on foot last year. 去年李梅总是步行上学。 II. 一般过去时的构成 我们主要来学习谓语动词为实义动词的一般过去时的构成。 动词过去式的构成: (1)规则动词过去式的构成有四条规则: 一般在动词原形末尾直接加上-ed。 在清辅音后面ed发/t/,e.g. look-looked。 在浊辅音和元音后面ed发/d/,eg. playpaly

46、ed, rainrained; 在/ t / ,/ d / 后面发/ id / eg. wanted。如: 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,直接加d。如:live-lived。 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed。如:stop-stopped。 末尾是辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先变y为i,然后再加-ed 读/d/。如:study-studied。 (2)不规则动词的过去式需特殊记忆。如:am(is)-was, are-were, go-went, come-came, take-took, have (has)-had等。 III. 一般过去时的几种句型 肯定句:主语

47、+ 动词的过去式 + 其它。如: He went to the toy store yesterday. 他昨天去玩具店了。 否定句:主语+ did not (didnt) + 动词原形 + 其它。如:He didnt go to the toy store yesterday. 他昨天没去玩具店。 一般疑问句:Did + 主语动词原形其它?如: 1) -Did you go to Beijing last week? -Yes, we did. (No, we didnt.) 2) -Did you meet the businessman before? -No, I didnt. (Ye

48、s, I did.) 特殊疑问句:疑问词did+主语动词原形其它?如: 1) -What did you do last night? -I did my homework. 2) -Where did you go last week? -I went to Shanghai with my parents. 例子:Yesterday, I lost my camera.(肯定句) Yesterday, I didnt lose my camera.(否定句) Did you lose your camera yesterday?(一般疑问句) 划线提问:What did you do yesterday? Unit15 : 英语中序数词构成规则: 1、第1-第19中第1、第2、第3为特殊变化。 第4-第19末尾都有th, 但第5、第8、 第9、第12几个序数词是在5、8、9、12几个基数词稍加变化后再加th. 特殊序数词: 第一 first =1st 第二 second =2nd 第三 third= 3rd 第五 fifth= 5th 第八 eighth =8th 第九 ninth = 9th 第十二 twelfth =12th 其余几个序数词则是在原来基数词后直接加th. e.g: thirteenth (第13) 2、 整十数单词的序数词是在基数词的基

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