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1、 Chapter 1 The green consumer 一. 教学内容: Chapter 1 The green consumer Language, writing and more practice (一)本章语法内容:why与because的用法、同级比较、like, the same as与different from的用法 (二)写作练习:如何解决环境污染问题 (三)课外阅读理解练习:污染 二. 知识总结与归纳 (一)语法内容 why与because的用法 why能引导下列几种从句: 1. 主语从句 Why he took Chinese nationality in 1901

2、is a question that interests us. 他为什么在1901年取得中国国籍,这是一个使我们很感兴趣的问题。 2. 宾语从句 He asked her why she was doing that. 他问她为什么要那样做。 3. 表语从句 Thats why Ive come to see you. 这就是我来见你的原因。 Could you tell me the reason why she refused to go to college? 你能否告诉我为什么她不愿意上大学吗? 4. 状语从句 No matter why she became angry with

3、you, you should apologize to her. 不管她为什么对你生气,你也应当向她道歉。 why作疑问词 可以用来向对方问及原因,可以用Why?或Why not?二者都是省略句。 1. “Why?”用来针对肯定的内容发问。 A: What are you going to do tomorrow? B: Nothing much. Why? (=Why do you ask me that?) 2. Why not? 用来针对否定的内容发问,用在下列几种情况中: 对一般疑问句的否定回答进一步询问原因时。例如: A:Do you often go to school by b

4、ike? B: No, I dont. A: Why not? (=Why dont you go to school by bike?) 对反意疑问句的否定回答进一步询问原因时。例如: A: You havent finished your homework, have you? B: No, I havent. A: Why not?(=Why havent you finished it?) 对否定陈述句询问原因时。例如: A: I cant finish this work in two days. B: Why not?(=Why cant you finish it in two

5、days?) 对表示建议、提议的回答时,形式上是否定,实际上是一种强调肯定的语气。例如: A: Could you come with me? B: Why not?(=I can go with you.) why用作引导词(又称感叹句) 放在句首或句中作插入语,表示惊奇等各种各样的情绪 “.” “Next Friday? Why, whats happening?”“”“下星期五?啊,有什么事吗?” Why! I thought you were in London.哎呀!我还以为你在伦敦呢! Why, its quite easy! A child could do it!唔,那是相当容

6、易的!小孩子也会做! Why, what did she say?呃,她说什么? why 用在书和文章的标题中 用一种不规范的句子语序也是符合语法的。例如: Why I am learning English? 我为什么学习英语? Why the bat comes out only at night? 为什么蝙蝠只在夜里出来? “why不定式”时,不定式的动词常是不及物动词。例如: He doesnt know why to go there.他不知道为什么去那里。 why在口语中可以用作宾语。例如: Tell me why. 告诉我为什么。 I dont know why. 我不知道为什么

7、。 why not 和why dont 常表示一种建议: Why not go with me? 何不跟我一起去?(希望对方也去) why dont是疑问的用法:Why dont you answer this question? 为什么不回答这些问题? because, since, as和for引导的原因状语从句 1. because(因为):表示直接的原因或理由,着重点在从句,用于回答why,语气最强。 He didnt go to school because he was ill. Why didnt he go to school? Because he was ill. 2. s

8、ince(既然):一般表示对方已知的,无须加以说明的既成事实的理由,全句中心在主句,语气比because弱。 Since you are ill, Ill go alone. 3. as(由于):表示十分明显的原因,一般说明因果关系,着重点在主句,语气较弱。 As it is snowing, we shall not go to the park. 4. for(因为,其理由是):是个并列连词,只能放在另一个并列句后面,表示推理或解释,或用作附加说明,表示新的情况,而不是指理由或原因,语气最弱,一般不放在句首。 The day breaks, for the birds are singin

9、g. * for表示因果关系时,可以同because交替使用,但for前须用逗号,而because则不必。 You couldnt have seen him because he wasnt there. = You couldnt have seen him, for he wasnt there. *当原因是显而易见的或已为人们所知,就用as或since,且多放在句首。 Since/ As the weather is so bad, we have to delay our journey. asas的基本用法 用于比较句型,中间插入的是形容词或副词的原级。意思是“达到与什么相同的程度

10、”。如:He is as strong as a horse. 他力大如牛。 几个习惯用法: 1. as soon as 引导一个时间状语从句: Ill call you as soon as I finish my homework. 我一完成我的作业,就给你打电话。 2. as long as She has searched the information about dinosaurs on the Internet as long as three hours. 她在因特网上搜索有关恐龙的信息已经长达三个小时。 3. as much as Some of the stones wei

11、gh as much as fifteen tons.有些石头重达15吨。 The same as的用法: the same as:和一样。 例如:His dream is the same as mine.他的梦想和我的一样。 the same to:一般用习语:The same to you!(在别人向自己祝福后,用这句话给别人同样的祝福)。 the same with:适合于。 例如:My thought are also same with Mary.我的想法对Mary也适用。 different from 和 different than 英语和美语中都经常见。 当直接对两人或两物进

12、行比较时,from 是最保险的选择: My book is different from (not than ) yours. 但different than 的比较对象用一完整的句子表示,特别是在美语用法中,这种用法更能接受: The campus is different than it was 20 years ago. 校园和二十年前不一样了。 The campus is different from how it was 20 years ago. 校园和二十年前的样子不一样了。 (二)写作练习:如何解决环境污染问题 24 April Director Shanghai Enviro

13、nment Bureau Dear Sir/ Madam I am writing to inform you about three problems that are causing damage to our environment. The first problem is an air problem. It occurs on Bird Street. It is caused by a factory building. A lot of unpleasant smoke comes out of the buildings chimney. Its effect is to p

14、ollute the area and make everything smell unpleasant. The secnd problem is a noise problem. It occurs all around our school. There are too many cars and lorries rushing by. When there is a traffic jam, everyone sounds their horns. Its effect is to make it difficult for us to study. The third problem

15、 is a rubbish problem. It occurs on Sandfield Road. It is caused by people giving out leaflets that are thrown on the pavement. Its effect is to make the area untidy and to waste a lot of paper. I would be grateful if you could let me know what you can do about these problems. I hope that you will t

16、ake action quickly before the environment is damaged too much. Thank you. Yours faithfully Chen Chen (三)课外阅读理解练习:污染 Types of pollution Sources Influences Land Deposit of solid wastes that cannot be broken down quickly or at all 1 Affect the lives of animals and plants 2 Make our environment look ver

17、y bad Air 1 Dust storms in deserts 2 The smoke from forest fires 3 Fumes from traffic 4 Factory waste 1 Acid rain 2 Sore eyes 3 Respiratory problems, especially in children and the elderly Water 1 Acid rain 2 Soil erosion 3 Chemicals, pesticides, factory waste, human sewage Flooding My name is Liu M

18、eihua and I am in Grade 9 at Sunrise Junior High School in Shanghai (area). I am writing to you about the types of pollution that can be found in the area around my school. The first type is air pollution. It comes mainly from factory wastes and the fumes from traffic. The second type is land pollut

19、ion. It comes from the deposit of solid wastes. The third type is water pollution. It comes mainly from acid rain. One of my suggestions to help reduce pollution is to encourage people to reuse and recycle. I would be very grateful if you could please make some changes to help protect our environment. Thank you. Yours sincerely Liu Meihua (your name)20 20

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