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1、 小学英语四年级(上)期末检测卷 2015.1听力部分 一、Listen and tick. 听音,选择你所听到的单词,在相应的方块中打“”。8% 1. hate make 2. fine fun 3. six milk 4. hot note5. cute mute 6. red bed 7. me we 8. fan man二、Listen and tick or cross. 听音,判断图片与录音内容是否相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“”。10% 1.( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 三、Listen and choose. 听音,根据录音内容选择合适的图片

2、,将其序号填在括号内。12%四、Listen and match. 听录音,根据录音内容连线。10% 1. Linda A. short and strong a. black glasses 2. John B. long hair and big eyes b. many toys 3. Miss White C. short brown hair c. quiet 4. Ann D. tall and thin d. green bag 5. Li Ming E. short hair and a small nose e. pink schoolbag 五、Listen and cho

3、ose. 听问句,选答句。10% ( )1. A. His name is Wang Xin. B. She is Amy. ( )2. A. He is in the bathroom. B. Yes, he is. ( )3. A. Id like some beef, please. B. No, thanks. ( )4. A. Three pencils and two rulers. B. Many books. ( )5. A. Purple and white. B. Five.读写部分 六、Read, circle and write.看图,根据单词的发音规则圈出字母,并在四

4、线格中写出单词。12% 1. 2.七、Look, read and match. 看一看,读一读,将图片与单词配对。8%1. soup 2. phone 3. glasses 4. cook 5. study 6. doctor 7. kitchen 8. chopsticks 八、Read and find the odd one. 读一读,选出不同类的一个,将其序号填入题前的括号内。10% ( )1. A. bread B. juice C. water D. Coke ( )2. A. mouth B. arm C. foot D. sofa ( )3. A. monkey B. can

5、dy C. bird D. tiger ( )4. A. bowl B. fork C. knife D. toy ( )5. A. English B. Chinese C. fridge D. maths 九、Look, read and tick or cross. 根据图片,判断句子对错。10%( )1. Wang Tongs family has five people. ( )2. Wang Tongs mother is in the bedroom. ( )3. The sofa is in the living room. ( )4. I can see five rooms

6、 in Wang Tongs house. ( )5. Wang Tongs brother is watching TV. 十、Read and choose. 读句子,选择最佳的答案,将其序号填入题前括号内。5% ( )1. Whats in the classroom? _. A. Many desks and chairs. B. Five pens and one eraser. C. A bed and a sofa. ( )2. Is she in the kitchen? _. A. Yes, he is. B. No, she isnt. C. Shes in the stu

7、dy. ( )3. What colour is your schoolbag? _. A. Its in the desk. B. No, it isnt. C. Its yellow and red. ( )4. Whos he? _. A. Hes my friend. B. Hes short. C. Shes my aunt. ( )5. Whats your mothers job? _. A. Shes friendly. B. Shes a doctor. C. Yes, it is. 十一、Read and arrange. 读句子,排序。5% ( 7 )OK! Lets go. ( )Thank you! ( )Oh, Its big and nice. ( 1 )Hello, Peter. Welcome to our school. ( )Look! This is my classroom. ( )Thanks. Peter. Do you see a football under the desk? ( )Yes, I do. Lets go and play it!20 20

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