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1、 外研版小学五年级英语期中检测卷 (20182019学年度第一学期) 考试时间:50分钟 满分:100分 一、读一读,将下列句子正确书写在四线三格中。(10分) Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.二、选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(10分) ( )1.A.met B.list C.lost ( )2.A. hour B.minute C.river ( )3.A. Monday B. Sunday C.weekend ( )4.A. nineteen B.fifth C.sixteen ( )5.A.food B. cheese C.ice cream 三、选出与句

2、意相符的图片。(10分)( )1.How much cheese did you buy? A kilo. ( )2.How did you go there? By bus. ( )3.We visited the London Eye at the weekend. ( )4.Mum bought a T-shirt for Sam. ( )5.What are you doing Daming? Im making a list. 四、单项选择。(20分) ( )1.There are twenty_in the class. A.child B.children C.pupil ( )

3、2.He _a shopping list last Friday. A.make B.makes C.made ( )3.We visited _places. A.a lots of B.lot of C.lots of ( )4.Did they buy ice creams? _ A.Yes,they did B.Yes,they do. C.No,they arent. ( )5.Your red T-shirt are _the line. A.in B.on C.at ( )6.Yersterday we went to the park,and we walked_one ho

4、ur there. A.of B.to C.for ( )7.Can you send_email? A.a B.an C.some ( )8.This is Tom.Hes_little brother. A.Sam and Amy B. Sams and Amy C. Sam and Amys ( )9.Whats the matter ? -_ A.I am Sam. B.Here you are. C.He dropped the fruit ( )10._eggs did you buy yesterday? _-Ten. A.How much B.How many C.How ab

5、out五、从B栏中找出与A栏相对应的答语。(15分) A B ( )1.Im so sorry. A.The British Museum. ( )2.Where did you go last Saturday? B.Yes,I did. ( )3.Did you wash your dress? C. I took lots of photos ( )4.What did you do at the weekend? D.Two kilos ( )5.How many sweets did you buy? E.Thats ok. 六、情景选择。(10分) ( )1.当你看到两个小伙伴在争

6、吵时,你可以说:_ A.I dont know. B.Whats the matter? ( )2你想知道Mike是否也住在中国你可以问他:_ A.Do you live in China too? B.He is from China. ( )3.和朋友们一起爬山时,你落在了后面,你会说:_ A.Hurry up! B.wait for me! ( )4.你想告诉同学你们去参观了伦敦眼,应该说:_ A.We visited the London Eye. B.We went to the museum. ( )5.你想表达他们昨天遇见了Amy,你会说:_ A.They met Amy yes

7、terday. B.Amy came back yesterday. 七、连词成句。(10分) 1.buy ,how ,did,you cheese,much (?) _2.matter,you,whats,with (?) _ 3.we,ice ,bought,creams (.) _ 4.did ,where,you, go (.) _ 5.took ,photo,Daming,of,his,a,father (.) _ 八、阅读理解。(15分) Last Sunday I went to the Supermarket with my parents. We walked to the

8、Supermarket. We met John and his sister there. John and I are classmates.They bought some chocolate. We bought many apples and bananas.Then we went home by bus together. 根据短文内容判断对错,对的写T,错的写F。 ( )1. Last Sunday I went to the park with my parents. ( )2. We went to the supermarket by bus. ( )3. John and I are classmates. ( )4. John and his parents went to the bookshop, too. ( )5. John and I bought many food.20 20

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