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1、 2014_2015年度四年级下学期期中测试 听力部分(50分)一、听录音,将你听到的词的序号写在题前的括号里。(10分) ( ) 1. A. doctor B. policeman C. driver D. nurse ( ) 2. A. mouth B. eyes C. ears D. head ( ) 3. A. cold B. cool C. warm D. hot ( ) 4. A. pears B. oranges C. grapes D. apples ( ) 5. A. this B. these C. there D. those ( ) 6. A. please B. ca

2、nteen C. water D. father ( ) 7. A. fpower B. garden C. gym D. read ( ) 8. A. computer B. TV room C. classroom D. bathroom ( ) 9. A. office B. library C. art room D. teacher ( )10. A. dinner B. lunch C. breakfast D. bread二、听录音,按你听到的顺序给图片标序号。(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音,将你听到的问句的答语序号写在题前的括号里。(10分) (

3、) 1. A. Shes 11. B. Shes at home. C. Shes a student. ( ) 2. A. Theyre pears. B. Theyre workers. C. Yes, they are. ( ) 3. A. Yes, it is. . B. It is the library. C. No, it is. ( ) 4. A. Its an orange. B. Its seven oclock. C. I like oranges. ( ) 5. A. Its snowy. B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, it is.四、听录音,用所给单词

4、将对话补充完整。将代号填入横线上。(10分)A. to B. time C. get up D. for E. readyA: Oh! Its 6:30. Its time to _. B: Breakfast is _. A: Hurry up! Its time _ go to school. B: What _ is it? Its 8 oclock. Its time _ English class. A: Im ready. 五、听录音,给下列句子排序,将序号写在题前的括号里。(10分) ( ) Ok, lets go. ( ) Oh, we are late for school,

5、 lets hurry. ( ) What time is it now? ( ) Wheres your father? ( ) Its seven thirty. ( ) Hes in the car.笔试部分(50分)六、找出不同类的词,把序号写在题前的括号里。(10分) ( )1. A. lunch B. dinner C. breakfast D. home ( )2. A. seven B. hurry C. eight D. thirty ( )3. A. math B. music C. art D. run ( )4. A. wall B. time C. floor D.

6、window ( )5. A. warm B. cold C. weather D. cool ( )6. A. rainy B. London C. Sydney D. Toronto ( )7. A. weather B. snowy C. rainy D. windy ( )8. A. great B. good C. nice D. swim ( )9. A. cloudy B. play C. have D. make ( )10.A. quiet B. fork C. friendly D. strong 七、补全对话,从方框中选择恰当的句子,将序号填在横线上。(10分)A . I

7、ts rainy B. Thats cold! C. Hi, Mark! D. Its warm. E. No, it isnt.A: Hi, Chen Jie! This is Mark. B: (1) _ . Whats the weather like in New York? A: (2) _. How about Beijing? Is it cold? B: (3) _. Its 26 degrees. A: 26 degrees? (4)_ . B: Huh? No, its not. (5)_ . 八、选一选,配一配。请将相应的序号写在题前的括号里。(10分) ( ) 1. W

8、here is the computer room? A. Forty -five. ( ) 2. Do you have a library? B. Its on the second floor. ( ) 3. How many students are there in your class? C. Yes, we do. ( ) 4. Whats the weather like in Beijing? D. Its 12 oclock. ( ) 5. What time is it? E. Its cool today ( ) 6. What time do you get up?

9、F. I get up at 6:30. ( ) 7. Where are you? G. OK. ( ) 8. Lets play football. H. Im in New York. ( ) 9. Are they nice? I. No, you cant. ( ) 10. Can I go outside? J. Yes, they are.九、单项选择,将正确的选项写在题前的括号里。(10分) ( ) 1. It _ my classroom. Its the TV room. A. is B. isnt C.not ( ) 2. Lets _ to the library. A

10、. go B. going C. is go ( ) 3.We _ a big classroom now! A. are B. has C. have ( ) 4.The teachers office is on the _ floor. A. one B. two C. second ( ) 5.What _ is it now? Its 5 oclock. A. colour B. about C. time ( ) 6. Its time _ English class. A. for B. to C. of ( ) 7.Lets go to the _. Its time for

11、PE. A. garden B. library C. playground ( ) 8. Where _ my sports shoes? A. is B. are C. has ( ) 9. Lets _ football. A. play B. playing C. to play ( ) 10.We _ a show today. A. are B. have C. has十、阅读短文,判断文后句子正误。正确的写T,错误的写F.(10分) This is my school day. I get up at 6:30 in the morning. Then I have breakf

12、ast at seven. I go to school at 7:30. Its eight oclock. Its time for class. I have English class at 9:00 every day. Miss Lin is my English teacher. I like her very much. Its 4:00 now. Its time for PE class. I clean the classroom at 5:10. Then I go home at 5:30. I cant watch TV in the evening. I go to bed at nine. ( ) 1、I go to school at 7:00. ( ) 2、I clean the classroom at 5:00. ( ) 3、Miss Lin is my Chinese teacher. ( ) 4、I go to bed at 9:00. ( ) 5、I watch TV in the evening.20 20

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