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1、 复习资料三姓名_ 评分_一、判断画线部分的读音是否一致,一致的写“S”,不一致的写“D”。 ( )1. not note ( )2. dog hot ( )3.box lost ( )5.lot so ( )4.no nose 二、反义词或对应词连线。 1.tall A.thin 2.white B.short 3.short C.black 4.his D.long 5.strong E.her 三、选出不同类的一项。 ( ) 1. A.strong B.thin C.tall D.hair ( ) 2. A.maths B.play C.Chinese D.English ( ) 3.

2、A.his B.her C.he D.my ( ) 4. A.glasses B.shoes C.hats D.friendly ( ) 5. A.black B.mouth C.yellow D.green 四、根据图片选择合适的选项补全句子。( )1.Chen Li has a _. ( )2.Mr Li is _.( )3.He has a _. ( )4.She has _.( )5.My friend has short hair and _.五、单项选择。 ( )1.My friend _ strong. A.is B.has C.likes ( ) 2.He _ short bl

3、ack hair and big eyes. A.likes B.IS C.has ( ) 3.-Whats his name? -His name is _. A.Amy B.Chen Jie C.Zhang Peng ( ) 4.I _ a new friend. A.likes B.has C.have ( ) 5.She has long _ and big ears. A.hairs B.hair C.a hair六、连词成句。 1.friend, strong, my, is(.) _ 2.his, what, is, name(?) _ 3.has, shoes, blue, h

4、e(.) _ 4.friend, is, your, who(?) _ 5.her, long, friend, has, hair(.) _ 七、找朋友。 1. His name A.your name? 2. What is B.two big eyes. 3. She is C.is Wu Ping. 4. He has D.your friend? 5. Who is E.Miss White. 八、将下列句子按15的排序,组成一段对话。 ( )1.An English boy? ( )2.Whats her name? ( )3.Mum,I have a new friend. (

5、)4.No,she is a cute girl. ( )5.Her name is Lily. 九、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 I have a good friend. Her name is Anna. She is from(来自)America(美国). She has short black hair,two big eyes,a small nose and a small mouth. She is very thin. She is very quiet. ( )1. My friend is from America. ( )2. Anna has long black hair. ( )3. Anna has a small nose and a big mouth. ( )4. Anna isnt strong. ( )5. Anna is a quiet girl.20 20

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