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1、 Unit 2 Books Lesson 6 Tom Sawyer v 本课是本单元的第三课,主要内容是来自马克吐温的汤姆索亚历险记的节选,要学习的语言的技能是判断小说中人物在事件前后的心理变化。通过本课的学习,学生将在阅读小说过程中更加注意人物的心理状态变化。【知识目标】 小说节选中出现的生词和短语。 【能力目标】 通过细节描写等信息,判断人物心理状态的能力。 【情感目标】 培养学生对小说人物和情节的共情能力。【教学重点】 判断小说人物的心理状态变化。 【教学难点】 写作中如何表现所写主人公的心理状态。1. 课前准备:调试光盘与课件、给学生分组、为学生布置预习作业等; 2. 教具学具:光盘、

2、大卡片等。Step1. Warm-up Ask Students to figure out the author and the main characters of Tom Sawyer after a look at the poster in the slide. Step2. Reading 1.Let students look at the scene and guess who they are and whats going on. 2.Get students to read the excerpt on Page 22 and give the information o

3、f the story including place, character, event, and time. 3.Let students fill in the table to find out the mental change of the two characters according to the text. 4.In the process of filling in the table, teacher points out the strange words occurring in the excerpt. 5.Let students read the excerp

4、t loudly. 6.Role-play the story according to the plot in pairs. 7.Sum up the event progress and the mental change. Step3. Language points 1. come on 开始; 快点; 进展; 开始工作 2. take a look at 看一眼 3. put sth. into a new light使某事有新的进展 4. paint a fence 给篱笆刷油漆 fence n.篱笆v.围住,把圈起来 5.back and forth 来回地; 一来一往 6. h

5、ere and there在各处,零星分散地 7. a touch of 有一点;少许 8. look n.外表;神态;表情 Step4. Consolidation 1.Choose the correct option in the exercise 5. 2.Fill in the sentences in the exercise 7 with the learned phrases. 3.Discuss the topics in the slide. a. What do you think of Tom Sawyer? b. Was that nice of him to tri

6、ck Ben into painting the fence? c. Would you do the things like that to your friend? Why/ Why not? Step5. Writing 1. Think of an interesting story you read. 2. Prepare some notes describing the main events of the story. 3. Tell the story to the class. Step6. Homework 1.听录音,大声朗读22页Reading部分的文段,注意模仿native speaker的发音。 2.背诵本节课的单词。 3.请将有趣的故事写到作业本上。20 20

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