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1、 五年级英语第六册Module 10 Unit 1教学设计Module 10Preparations Unit 1 Where are you going to go ?教学设计 Teaching Aims : 1. 学生能提出W问题询问他人某件事的准备工作; 2. 学生能会读生词并明确生词意思。 Difficulties and Important points : 能口头运用目标语言就具体信息提问与回答。 Teaching Procedure: Warmer : T: Hello , boys and girls !There are too many teachers in our cl

2、ass. Do you feel nervous ? (Teach “nervous”) Ss: Yes , I do .No , I dont . T: Have you got a book ? Ss: Yes , I have . T: Have you got a pencil box ? Ss: Yes , I have . T: Have you got a piece of paper ? Ss: Yes , I have . T: Well done ! We are ready for our class .Dont be nervous .Class begins! Pre

3、sentation : 1. The teacher show photos of trip . Then say : This is my trip . I went there last year . I am going to have a trip . What do you want to know ? You can ask me. 2. Students ask and the teacher answer . The teacher write the important sentences on the blackboard : Where are you going to

4、go ? What do ? What take ? When go ? How go ? Who s going to go with you ? Practice: The teacher leading the reading of the important sentences . Lead in:I am going to have a trip . Daming is going to have a trip too . Now look at Module 10 Unit 1 Text: 1. Students read the text and find the answers

5、 . Daming is going to go to _ meet his grandma . Daming is going to go there by _. 2. Listen , repeat and point . Pay attention to the new words .Then read one by one . 3. Students read the text and find the answers . Where is Daming going to go? What is he going to take? When is he going to go to t

6、he airport? Who is going to go to the airport? 4. Listen , repeat and point .Then read in roles .; Task: Read and answer : Amy is going to have a trip with Sam next week. They are going to go to America by plane. Amy is going to take clothes , shoes , passport , hats and tickets . They will arrive(到

7、达) in America on Sunday afternoon . They are going to visit Disneyon Monday morning . America is a modern(现代的) country .They will have a good time there. 1.Where is Amy going to go ? 2.Whos going to go with her? 3. When are they going to visit Disney? 4.What is Amy going to take? Homework : 1.Listen and repeat the text for three times. 2.Talk about your trip plan with your friend.20 20

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