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1、四年级下册英语一、二单元测试题Class _ Name_ No._ Listening (50分) . Listen and circle.听录音,根据录音内容写出正确时间。(10分)II.Listen and choose.听一听,选一选 (6分)1. 2. 3.A B A B A B4. 5. 6.A B A B A B III. Listen and circle.听一听,圈一圈 (9分)1.Our classroom is(near / next to)the teachers office.2.Is(this / that)the gym?3.The bedroom is on th

2、e ( first / second ) floor.4.Do you have a(library / playground)?5.Hurry up! Its time to (get up/ go home).6.Heres my(homework / notebook)7.Its 6:30.Its time to(have breakfast/get up).8.Wheres the (library/music room)?9.Its ( 9:30 / 9: 40). Its time for Chinese class.IV.Listen and draw. 听一听,判断与所听内容是

3、否相符,相符的画笑脸,不相符的画哭脸(5分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. V.Listen and choose.听一听,选答语 (6分) ( ) 1. A. Yes, we do. B. Its on the second floor.( ) 2. A. This way, please. B. Its next to the art room.( ) 3. A. Its 7:00. B. Its time for breakfast.( ) 4. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, you can.( ) 5. A. Thank you. B. Yes, please. ( )

4、 6. A. Its 12:00. B. 40. VI.Listen and tick or cross. 听一听判断对错(12分) ( ) 1. There are 13classrooms in our school.( ) 2. The playground is big. ( ) 3. The computer room is on the second floor.( ) 4. My classroom is next to the teachers office.( ) 5. We read books in the library.( ) 6. The music room is

5、 big and clean.( ) 1. This is the new playground. That is the big library.( ) 2. The classroom is on the second floor.Reading (50分) I.Read and choose. 读一读,选一选。(8分)( )1.Is this the classroom?_ A.Yes, it is. B.No, it is. C.No, it isnt.( )2. The library is on the _ floor. A.one B.two C.second( )3._ way

6、, please. A.This B.That C. This is ( )4._ you have a library? A、 Do B、Can C、Are( )5、Go to the_ .Play football. A.liabrary B.garden C.play ground ( )6.Its time for_.Lets sing and dance. A.lunch B.music class C. dinner.II.Read and find the odd one.读一读,选出不同类的一项 (6分)( ) 1. A. English B. class C. math D.

7、 Music( )2. A. soup B. breakfast C. dinner D. lunch( ) 3. A.go home B. computer C. go to bed D. go to school( ) 4. A. one B. first C. second D. Third( ) 5. A. Music class B. Art class C. English class D. lunch( ) 6. A. classroom B. library C. teachers desk D. teachers officeIII.Read and write. 读一读,写

8、一写(10分) dinnerhotriceschoollibrarybreakfastHurry up 1.The is on the second floor. This way, please.2.Its 6:oo p.m. Its time for . 3.welcome to our4. ! Its time to go to school.5. Time for lunch. Lets have some and chicken.IV.Read and choose. 读一读,选一选(6分)A. No,it isnt.B. Its on the first floor.C. Yes,

9、 we do.D. Its 2 oclock.E. Read a book.F. 45( ) 1.Wheres the library?( ) 2.Is this the teachers office?( ) 3.What time is it?( ) 4.Go to the library.( ) 5.How many students are there in your class?( ) 6.apple water arm horse birdDo you have a gym?V.Look and write.看一看,写一写 (10分)A. Hello! Im Pat. This i

10、s my day. Its six forty. Its time to get up. Its seven oclock. Its time to go to school. Its eleven thirty. Its time for lunch. Its four twenty. Its time to go home. Its eight thirty. Its time to go to bed. 11:306:408:304:207:00VII.Read and choose. 读一读,选出正确的选项(10分) My name is Jenny. Im a student. I

11、get up at 6:00. I eat breakfast at 7 oclock. Now, its 7:30. Its time to go to school. Its 9:45. Its time for P.E class. My P.E teacher is Mr.White.( )1. Its . Its time to getup. A.eight oclock B.six oclock C.six fifteen( )2. She goes to school at . A. seven thirty B. seven oclock C. seven twenty ( )

12、3. Its 9:45. Its time for . A.breakfast B.computer class C.P.E class ( )4.Whos her P.E teacher? A. Miss Liu B.Miss white C.Mr.white( )5.What is Jenny? Shes a .A.teacher B.student C.farmer 听力稿. Listen and write. 每小题读3遍1、4:35 2、9:30 3、2:50 4、10:20 5、12:00II.Listen and choose.每小题读2遍1. Time for music cl

13、ass. Lets go.2.Where is the library? Its on the first floor.3.Its 9:30. Its time to go to bed. X k B 1 . c o m4.Its 10:00. Its time for Chinese class. We are ready.5.Breadfast is ready. Time for breakfast.6. School is over. Its time to go home.III. Listen and circle.每小题读2遍1.Our classroom is next to

14、the teachers office.2.Is that the gym?3.The bedroom is on the second floor.4.Do you have a library?5.Hurry up! Its time to get up.6.Heres my homework.7.Its 6:30.Its time to get up.8.Wheres the music room?9.Its 9: 40. Its time for Chinese class.IV.Listen and draw.每小题读2遍1.Go to the garden, water the f

15、lower.2.Go to the playground. Play football. 3.Time for music class. Lets sing and dance.4.Time for lunch. Lets have some rice.5.Hurry! Its time for math class.V.Listen and choose.每小题读2遍1. Do you have a library?2. Where is the music room?3. What time is it now?4 Is this the classroom?5. Have some so

16、up.6. How many students are there in your class?VI.Listen and tick or cross. Welcome to our school! There are 30 classrooms in our school. Look, this is a big playground. We have a computer room. Its on the first floor. On the second floor, we have a library, an art room and a music room. My classroom is next to the teachers office. There are many storybooks in the library. We read books in it. The music room is big and clean. I like it very much.

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