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1、 五年级英语下册Unit 8 Birthdays教案2教学内容: Cartoon time 教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写 1) 词汇:play, answer 2) 句子: Bobby is a hero in a play. Bobby has the anwers. 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写 1)词汇:hero, number, password, fourth, start, fight 2)句子: Bobby is a hero in a play.bobby seessome numbers on the door. Is this the password? T

2、he fourth umber is two.they start fighting. 3复习巩固序数词的用法 4培养学生阅读、表演英语故事的能力 教学准备: 多媒体、教学光盘 教学过程: A. Warming up 1. Greetings 2. Say a rhyme This is my father. He works in the city. Thats my mother. Shes tall and pretty. 3. Free talk What day is ti? What date is it? B. Revision 1. 出示目标词汇,学生认读并造句 2. 呈现St

3、ory time插图, 请学生看图复述课文 3. 出示学生制作的班级生日日历,师生问答: T: Whens s birthsay? Ss: Its on the of C. Cartoon time 1. 学生独立阅读故事,理解故事大意。 2. 师生问答,检测理解 What is Bobby trying to do in picture 1? Can Bobby work out the password? Why? What is the password? Does Bobby win the fight against the pig? Who does Bobby save? 3.

4、播放本部分动画,学生观看动画,进一步理解故事 4. 领读并引导学生理解、学习句子: Bobby is a hero in a play. Bobby has the anwers. Bobby is a hero in a play.bobby seessome numbers on the door. Is this the password? The fourth umber is two.they start fighting. 5. 听录音,跟读故事,模仿语音、语调 6. 学生分组分角色,朗读、表演故事 D. Homework 1. 听录音跟读Cartoon time 2. 完成课课练练习四20 20

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