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1、 Unit1unit6重点完成句子完成句子1.我的工作虽然有趣,但是有点危险。 My work is _ but _ _ _.2.我来自加拿大,我会讲法语和英语。 I _ _ Canada and I can _ _ and _.3.爸爸和妹妹正在看电视。 Father _ sister _ _ TV.4. 她和她父母住在中国.She _ in China _ her parents.5. 我不喜欢数学,因为太难了 I _ _ math because its _ _6. 我爷爷每晚都喜欢看电视 My grandfather _ _ TV every evening7. 请告诉我你班里的情况_

2、 me something _ your class, please.8. 你可以乘出租车去旅馆 You can _ _ _ to go to the hotel9. 你们在谈论什么动物? _ _ are you _ _?10. 请保持安静,小孩在睡觉 Please _ _. The little baby _ _11. 我妈妈在忙着做饭 My mother _ _ _12. 他在与Tom谈论那场足球赛 He talks _ Tom _ the football game13. 中国人对外国人很友好 Chinese _ _ _ the foreigners14我的姐姐擅长弹钢琴。 My sis

3、ter is _ _ _ the piano. My sister does_ _ _ the piano.15对老人来说,学好英语不容易It is not easy _ old people _ _ English well.16.他正在和谁谈话?Who is he_ _?17.看,他们正在水池游泳Look! They _ _in the pool.18.他是香港的歌手之一. He is one_ the _in Hong Kong .19.他住得离学校最远. He lives _ _ the school.20.孩子们正在穿衣服.The children _ _ _ clothes.21.

4、成千上万的人将会来中国. _ _people will come to China.22他们正在买礼物。They _ _ presents.23那个小男孩经常迷路。 That little boy often _ _.24.你觉得你们的假期怎么样? What do you _ _ your vacation? How do you_ your vacation?25.他们从早饭一直玩到晚饭。They play _ breakfast_ dinner.26图书馆在花园和动物园之间。The library is _ the garden _ the zoo.27她喜欢和她的朋友玩也喜欢吃草。She

5、 likes to _ _ her friends and _ grass.28我想饭后散步。I would like _ _a walk.I want_ _ a walk.29 Where _ your _ (笔友) from? He _ _ _ (来自澳大利亚) 30、做作业每天花我约2小时。It _me about two hours_ _my homework every day.31、你每小时走多远?_ _do you walk every hour?32、他经常起床要花10分钟。It often _ _10minutes_ _up .33、我的老师总是乘地铁上班(用take和by的

6、两种表达)。_._.34、跑步是好的锻炼。_.35.他不在家就在学校。Heis_athome_intheschool.36不是你去那里就是Lily去。_you_Lily_there.37.她正在弹钢琴吗?_ she _the piano?38.他也不是学生。He_astudent_.39. 多喝水对你有好处。_。40.我们的学校和他们的不同。Our school is _ _ their school.41.他害怕一个住。He is afraid _ _ by himself.He is afraid _ _ by himself.42.这是一幅中国地图。This is _. 43请告诉我有关你们学校的情况。 Please_ me _ your school.44 你们想加入游泳俱乐部吗?Do you want to _the_ club?45 这个大的动物园具有各种各样的动物.This is a big zoo _ all kinds of_.

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