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1、 Get ready for the futureUnit 10Look into the FutureLesson 55 第1页 同学们,上一课学习单词、短语和句型你们都掌握同学们,上一课学习单词、短语和句型你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面音频开始听写吧!了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面音频开始听写吧!第2页Look at the pictures above.What do you want to be when you grow up?第3页THINK ABOUT ITWhat do you want to be when you grow up?What should y

2、ou do now if you want to make your dream come true?In Ms.Coxs class,the students are working on a group project.They are discussing their plans for the future.Brian:What do you want to be when you grow up,Jenny?Jenny:I think Id like to be a pilot.I love to travel,and it would be fun to fly an airpla

3、ne.What do you want to be?Brian:I want to be a boss and managea big company.I could make a lot of money.第4页Jenny:Well,I dont doubt you would be a good boss,but I dont think wealth is the most important thing in life.We should do things we enjoy.You like painting,and you are good at it.Brian:Thats tr

4、ue.Perhaps I can be a painter.How about you,Steven?Steven:Me?Id like to be a transportation engineer.I would invent things that help improve the environment.Maybe I could invent a solarpowered plane.Kate:Thats a cool idea!I think I would enjoy being a cook.I love cooking,and I like creating new dish

5、es myself.第5页Danny:Great!Ill go to your restaurant!As for me,Im going to choose the most fun and exciting job in the world.Im going to be an astronaut!Brian:Astronauts need to know a lot about science,Danny.Science isnt your best subject in school.I think you should be a basketball player.Danny:Hmm.

6、I think Im going to be an astronaut,but maybe I can play basketball in the spaceship!第6页 come true 实现实现eg:Our dream will come true sooner or later.我们梦想迟早会实现。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点1 1考向与与come相关短语:相关短语:come back 回来They will come back in a few minutes.他们几分钟后就会回来。come from来自The boy comes from the countryside.这

7、个男孩来自农村。第7页讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨come by走过,经过They come by an Internet bar.他们经过一个网吧。come on 快,加油Come on,or we will be late.快点,不然我们会迟到。come out 出现,出版Her novel will come out next week.下周她小说就会出版了。come up With想出,提出He can come up with a new way.他能想出一个新方法。第8页典例典例If we Chinese work hard together,the Chinese Dream wil

8、l_.(遂宁改编)Acome outBcome trueCachieve【点拨点拨】句意为:假如我们中国人一起努力工作话,句意为:假如我们中国人一起努力工作话,中国梦将会实现。中国梦将会实现。come out出版;出版;come true实现;实现;achieve 完成,到达。故应选完成,到达。故应选B。B讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨第9页 manage/mnd/v.管理,负责,应付管理,负责,应付讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点2 2eg:Rita manages a store in the town.丽塔在镇里经营一个店铺。manage 使用方法:使用方法:(1)后跟名词、代词。后跟名词、代词

9、。eg:He managed the company when his father was away.他父亲不在时候他管理企业。考向一第10页(2)manage to do sth.设法做成某事。设法做成某事。eg:Mr.Baker managed to find a place where he could park his car.贝克先生设法找到了能够停车地方。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨考向二management n.管理,经营管理,经营manager n.经理经理eg:He has good management.他有高明经营伎俩。Her father is the manager o

10、f the company.她父亲是这家企业经理。第11页典例典例John managed _ (repair)his car by himself.【点拨点拨】句意为:约翰设法自己修理了他汽车。句意为:约翰设法自己修理了他汽车。manage to do sth.设法做成某事,故填设法做成某事,故填to repair。to repair讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨第12页 doubt/dat/v.怀疑怀疑讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点3 3eg:I dont doubt that hell come.他会来,我不怀疑。考向一doubt 作动词,意为作动词,意为“怀疑怀疑”,其使用方法:,其使用方法

11、:(1)后常接名词、代词或宾语从句。后常接名词、代词或宾语从句。eg:I never doubt you;you are an honest boy.我从不怀疑你,你是老实男孩。(2)doubt后接宾语从句时,假如主句是必定句,后接宾语从句时,假如主句是必定句,用用if、whether 连接;假如主句是否定句或疑连接;假如主句是否定句或疑第13页问句时,用问句时,用that连接。在这么结构中,连接。在这么结构中,doubt意思是意思是“怀疑,怀疑,不相信,不信任,不能必定,对不相信,不信任,不能必定,对没准没准”。eg:I doubt if/whether he is clever.我怀疑他是

12、否聪明。I dont doubt that he will be successful.我必定他会成功。(3)doubt 在必定句中也可接在必定句中也可接that 引导宾语从句,此时它引导宾语从句,此时它 意思是意思是“认为认为未必可能未必可能”。eg:I doubt that Danny will be a good boss.我看丹尼未必会当个好老板。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨第14页典例典例He is an honest boy.I have no reason to _ what he said.(安徽)Ahear BdoubtCrepeat Dbelieve【点拨点拨】句意为:他是一个

13、老实男孩。我没有理由去怀句意为:他是一个老实男孩。我没有理由去怀 疑他所说话。疑他所说话。A.hear 听见;听见;B.doubt 怀疑;怀疑;C.repeat 重复;重复;D.believe 相信。结合语境可知选相信。结合语境可知选B。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨B第15页讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨doubt作名词时,惯用固定搭配有:作名词时,惯用固定搭配有:be in doubt不确定,不确定,no doubt 无疑,很可能。无疑,很可能。eg:There is no doubt at all that he did the right thing.毫无疑问他做得对。The success of

14、 the system is not in doubt.这种制度成功确定无疑。考向二第16页 invent/nvent/v.创造创造讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点4 4 eg:He has invented a new way of making silk.他已创造了一个制造丝绸新方法。第17页讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨find找到,侧重于找到过去丢失人或物,但有时也表示凭经验或偶然发觉了一个东西。They dug five feet and then found water.他们挖了5英尺便发觉了水。discover指“发觉,找到”某种自然界本已存在,但以前不被人类发觉或认识事物。Columb

15、us discovered America in 1492.哥伦布于1492年发觉了美洲。invent指“创造,创造”出自然界原来不存在东西。如工具、方法、伎俩等。Mr.Smith invented a new teaching method.史密斯先生创造了一个新教学方法。考向一辨析辨析find,discover与与invent第18页典例典例Do you know who _(创造)the telephone?【点拨点拨】invent指创造自然界本身不存在事物。由句意:指创造自然界本身不存在事物。由句意:你知道谁创造电话吗?可知应用你知道谁创造电话吗?可知应用invent过去式过去式 in

16、vented。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨invented用图表示为:第19页讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨考向二 invention为名词,意为为名词,意为“创造,创造物创造,创造物”,inventor 为名词,意为为名词,意为“创造家创造家”。eg:I saw many inventions on show.我看到了许多展出创造物。What kind of spirit do you need to become an inventor?成为一名创造家你需要什么样精神?第20页as for 至于,关于至于,关于讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点5 5as for 使用方法。使用方法。(1)用于转换话题:

17、用于转换话题:as for 用来引出新谈话内容,用来引出新谈话内容,但与前面内容也有一定联络,起到补充前文,但与前面内容也有一定联络,起到补充前文,又突出后文作用。使之与前文形成对照。又突出后文作用。使之与前文形成对照。eg:You can go now,but as for the children,they cant go.你现在能够走了,不过至于这些孩子,他们 不能走。考向第21页(2)用以表示态度:用以表示态度:as for还可用于表示说话人对还可用于表示说话人对某人或某物特有某人或某物特有“轻蔑轻蔑”或或“冷淡冷淡”态度,甚至态度,甚至有憎恶之感。有憎恶之感。eg:As for Ma

18、ry,I never want to see her again.至于玛丽嘛,我再也不想见到她了。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨拓展拓展 as to 关于,用以重提旧事,提出问题。还可用以引出做事依据,意为“按照,依据”。而as for 则没有此使用方法。第22页典例典例 _my past,Im not telling you anything.A.As if BSo farC.As to DAs though【点拨点拨】句意为:关于我过去,我什么都不会告诉你。句意为:关于我过去,我什么都不会告诉你。依据句意可知选依据句意可知选C。讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨C第23页choose/tuz/v.选择选择

19、讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点6 6eg:He chose to go to the Great Wall.他选择去了长城。choice n选择,抉择惯用搭配有:选择,抉择惯用搭配有:make a choice 做出选择,做出选择,have no choice but to do sth.除了做某事以外,别无选择。除了做某事以外,别无选择。考向第24页讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨eg:She had to make a choice between the two dresses.她不得不在这两件连衣裙中选择一件。I have no choice but to face the fact.除了面对

20、现实,我别无选择。第25页1)Read the lesson and fill in the blanks.Some students are having a discussion about their future.Jenny wants to be a pilot.She loves to _.Brian wants to be a _,but Jenny thinks Brian should do something that he enjoys.Steven wants to be an _.He wants to invent something that wont harm

21、the environment.Kate likes _ meals and enjoys trying different kinds of food.As for Danny,he is going to choose the most fun and _ job in the world.He is going to be an astronaut.Lets Do It!travelbossengineercookingexciting第26页Lets Do It!2)How many job words can you find?Write them down.t e a c tocs

22、 ingwhcedoctoonautt oon e s s mrpnerd i triiiojauorer e i oslyrn e a strekt tc ecetursekpei ohv hengineerors re eedoufarmerator nfeta i lor atpo licehfficereeu l busianractressmar tista第27页farmer;actor;doctor;police;officer;tailor;engineer;nurse;singer;journalist;cook;reporter;worker;actress;busines

23、sman;teacher;artist;astronaut;pilot;dentist第28页Lets Do It!PROJECT WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE?Look at the job words you found above in Activity 2.Think about these questions:Are some jobs better than other jobs?What job do you like best in the list?Why?What job do you dislike in the list?Why?In small gro

24、ups,organize a list of jobs.Then present your list to the class or to another group of students.第29页 Next,choose a job that you want when you grow up.Choose a job that matches your talents and interests.You can choose any jobit doesnt have to be on the list.Now think!What do you need to do to get th

25、is job?How can you get ready for it?Make a plan.第30页一、依据句意及汉语提醒完成以下句子一、依据句意及汉语提醒完成以下句子1Their _ (老板)is very strict,so they are all afraid of him.2I _ (怀疑)whether he has taken my pen.3Health is more important than _(财富)4The students are required to learn how to _(组织)the activities.5He _(经营)a small sto

26、re.boss来自来自点拨点拨doubtwealthorganizemanages第31页二、单项选择二、单项选择6Everyone wants to win.But _ me,the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.(江西)Aas for Bthanks to Cinstead of Dsuch asA【点拨点拨】句意为:每个人都想赢。不过至于我,最主要事句意为:每个人都想赢。不过至于我,最主要事情是学习新东西而且玩得愉快。情是学习新东西而且玩得愉快。as for至于;至于;thanks to幸亏幸亏,多

27、亏;,多亏;instead of 代替;代替;such as比如。结合句意可知选比如。结合句意可知选A。来自来自点拨点拨第32页7We are supposed to _ a solution to stop people from looking down at their mobile phones while driving cars.(昆明)Acome up with Bcome from Ccome out Dcome trueA【点拨点拨】词语辨析法词语辨析法。句意为:我们应该想出处理方法来。句意为:我们应该想出处理方法来阻止人们开车时低头看他们手机。阻止人们开车时低头看他们手机。

28、come up with提出,想提出,想出;出;come from来自;来自;come out 出版;出版;come true 实现。故实现。故选选A。来自来自点拨点拨第33页8There is no doubt _ his English is very good.Awhat Bif Cthat Dwhether9The 17yearold high school student is trying to _ a robot which can think like a human.(济南)Adiscover Borganize Cinvent DachieveC【点拨点拨】逻辑分析法逻辑分

29、析法。“像人一样会思索机器人像人一样会思索机器人”还没有还没有出现过,故此处应为出现过,故此处应为“创造创造”。来自来自点拨点拨C第34页10The man is _ the steel industry.Aworking as Bworking on Cworking to Dworking ofB【点拨点拨】work as表示表示“当当”,后跟表示职业名词,后跟表示职业名词,work on表示表示“从事于从事于”,后接表示事物名词。由空后,后接表示事物名词。由空后名词可知应选名词可知应选B。来自来自点拨点拨第35页来自来自点拨点拨三、连词成句三、连词成句11me,couldnt,as,I,

30、remember,for _.12go,he,to,chose,Beijing,to _.13next,his,out,week,novel,come,will _.14what,want,do,to,be,you _?15changed,I,if,he,has,his,doubt,mind _.As for me,I couldnt rememberHe chose to go to BeijingHis novel will come out next weekWhat do you want to beI doubt if he has changed his mind第36页 本节课我们主要学习了以下重点内容:本节课我们主要学习了以下重点内容:(1)重点单词:)重点单词:manage,doubt,invent,choose(2)重点短语:)重点短语:come true,as for第37页1.1.熟记本课时词汇熟记本课时词汇 2.2.完成本课时课后作完成本课时课后作业业 第38页

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