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1、Unit 2 Topic2All these problems are very serious.Section C第1页(1)_ of us knows how to stop the bad behavior.(2)I knocked on the door but _ answered.(3)Some of these books are better than_.(4)She was driving the car with one hand and wiping the window with the _.(5)They are beautiful but I am looking

2、for _ useful.(6)Is there _ you can do to help her?(7)Therere 5 000 people living here and almost _has his/her own car.(8)Hes cleverer than _ I know.(9)Ive looked _ but I cant find it.Fill in the blanks using something,anything,others,nobody,everyone,anybody,everywhere,none,other.Nonenobodyothersothe

3、rsomethinganythingeveryoneanybodyeverywhere第2页What can we do to protect our environment?第3页In our daily life,we should face more environmental problems.Can you say something about them?cities,pollute,health problems factories,the land and the air,dead第4页In our daily life,we should face more environm

4、ental problems.Can you say something about them?cut down,millions of,take away the earth,become desert拿走拿走第5页In our daily life,we should face more environmental problems.Can you say something about them?oxygen a special kind of oxygen called“ozone”(O3)氧气氧气第6页 a very big hole in the ozone layer,too m

5、uch harmful radiation from the sun臭氧层放射,放射物 n.洞,坑第7页v.出现,形成n.种类,形式In our daily life,we should face more environmental problems.Can you say something about them?CO2 carbon dioxide increase a lot,form a“blanket”,the heat from the sun cant escape二氧化碳毛毯,毯子渗出;逃跑;逃脱第8页 cause the level of the sea to rise c

6、alled“the greenhouse effect”or“global warming”v.上升;起床;上升;起床;升起升起温室效应温室效应第9页fewer treesfactory pollutiontraffic pollutionthe ozone layermore carbon dioxideCan you match them?1a Read and understand.Look at the following pictures and predict the main idea of the passage.第10页Choose suitable titles for P

7、aragraphs 2-6.Then write it down in front of each paragraph.The earth is 4.6 billion years old.We humans have lived on the earth for only 35 000 years,but during this period,we have changed our planet a lot in many ways.Some things weve done are very good for the earth while some are bad._ All over

8、the world,people have cut down millions of trees.When it rains or when the wind blows,the earth is taken away.Forests have become deserts,so many kinds of animals and plants are disappearing.Fewer TreesA.Traffic pollution B.Factory pollution C.Fewer trees D.The ozone hole E.More carbon dioxide第11页 _

9、 In big cities,cars and buses have polluted the air.Now many people in cities have health problems._Factories have also polluted the land and the water.As a result,many rivers and lakes are now dead._ Around the earth,theres a special kind of oxygen called“ozone”(O3).It is important to the earth.But

10、 now air pollution is destroying it and making a very big hole in the ozone layer.Too much harmful radiation from the sun passes through the hole and reaches the earth directly.This is very dangerous because this kind of radiation can cause cancer.Traffic PollutionFactory Pollution The Ozone Layer直接

11、地直接地第12页 _ Carbon dioxide(CO2)in the air has increased a lot.It mainly comes from burning oil,coal and wood.This has formed a blanket around the earth.The heat from the sun cant escape so the temperature is rising.This is called“the greenhouse effect”.It causes the level of the oceans to rise and th

12、e climate of the earth to change.All these problems are very serious,so we must do something now.More Carbon Dioxide第13页1b Read 1a and complete the following tasks.2.What does our planet mean here?A.The sun.B.Mars.C.The moon.D.The earth.3.In the passage,blanket refers to _.A.carbon dioxide around th

13、e earth B.the ozone layer in the sky C.the forests around the world D.pollution all over the world4.The word it in Paragraph5 refers to _.A.CO2 B.O3 C.O2 D.H2O5.What is the best title for this passage?A.Environment Problems B.Pollution on the Earth C.Hope for the Future D.The Greenhouse Effect 第14页W

14、rite down only the key words when taking notes.1c Complete the notes according to 1a.第15页ProblemEffect on the environmentfewer trees forests become deserts,animals and plants disappeartraffic pollution greenhouse effect,level of oceans rising,climate changeRetell it cars and buses pollute air,health

15、 problemspollute land and water,rivers and lakes deadharmful radiation reaches the earth,cause cancer factory pollution ozone hole more CO2第16页2 Surf the Internet to collect more information about environmental problems and effects.Then discuss the information in groups and take notes.第17页3.Combine

16、the key points in 1c and 2 to form a short passage and pay attention to the proper linking words.第18页 As we all know,water pollution is becoming more and more serious.Some factories pour waste water into the rivers.As a result,it makes the water dirty and smell terrible.Most of fish in the water hav

17、e died and we cant swim in the water.Water is very important to human beings,so we should do our best to protect and save it.Luckily,our government is taking measures to protect the water from pollution.You can write it like this:第19页We learn:1.Some words:hole,form,rise 2.Some phrases:take away,refe

18、r to 3.Some sentences:All these problems are very serious,so wemust do something now.We can:1.Talk about the harm of pollution.2.Combine the key points to form a short passage.第20页1.Read 1a.2.Memorize the useful expressions and key words which we learn today.3.Finish Section C in your workbook.4.Review Section A-C and preview Section D.第21页

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