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1、依据句子意思和首字母完成单词。Your grandfather doesnt go to work because hes over 60 years old.r You give the food or clothes or drink to others after they pay.s It needs some money when you want to get or buy it.c It is a small copper and tin coin,100 of which make a pound.p You feel sure that something is true o

2、r right.b etireellostennyelieve第1页第2页第3页第4页第5页第6页二、请用普通过去时或现在完成时完成以下句子。She shut(shut)the window 10 minutes ago.I (live)here since.They (swim)across the river the day before yesterday.I (not speak)to him yet.She (give)me a banana two days ago.A train (leave)for London an hour ago.Jimmy (already have)

3、a haircut.My father (paint)this room white last week.have livedswamhavent spoken gavelefthas already hadpainted第7页Lesson91 Poor Ian第8页New words and expressions:still 还,依旧move 迁居miss 想念,思念 neighbour 邻居person 人people 人们poor 可怜第9页still adv.还是,依然还是,依然I still cant decide where to go.我还是不能决定去哪。我还是不能决定去哪。S

4、he was still beautiful at the age of 46.她她46岁时依然漂亮。岁时依然漂亮。第10页still adv.还要,甚至更还要,甚至更She looked very ill last week and this week looks still worse.她上周看起来病得很严重,这周更严重了她上周看起来病得很严重,这周更严重了 adv.静止地;平静地静止地;平静地He is sitting still.他一动不动地坐着。他一动不动地坐着。The patient is lying still.病人平静地躺着。病人平静地躺着。第11页move v.(1)迁居,移

5、动迁居,移动move in 搬进(强调状态,结果)搬进(强调状态,结果)move into 搬进来(强调动作,过程)搬进来(强调动作,过程)move out(of)搬出来搬出来move away 搬走搬走move fromto从从搬到搬到第12页move They moved from Nanjing to Shenzhen.他们从南京搬到深圳。他们从南京搬到深圳。感动,打动感动,打动This story moved me.这个故事感动了我。这个故事感动了我。第13页miss v.想念,思念想念,思念 v.想念,惦念想念,惦念我想你我想你 I miss you.v.错过;未做到错过;未做到He

6、 overslept and missed his train.他睡过了头,错过了他那班火车。他睡过了头,错过了他那班火车。第14页neighbour n.邻居neighbourhood n.四邻,邻近地域 This is a quiet neighbourhood.这一带很平静。in the neighbourhood of 在附近第15页person n.人 He is a nice/good person.他是个好人。in person 亲自,直接He will go to get the money in person.他将亲自去取钱。第16页people n.人们There are

7、a lot of people in the street.街上有很多人。the people 民众,人民,国民person 强调个体人,能够有复数形式强调个体人,能够有复数形式 personspeople 通常是人统称,复数通常是人统称,复数第17页pooradj.可怜The poor old woman had no one to talk to.那个可怜老人找不到人跟她说话。贫穷 (对应词 rich)We should help the poor.我们应该帮助穷人。第18页poor拙笨,差劲be good at sth./be good at doing sth.不擅于be poor a

8、t sth./be poor at doing sth.不擅于第19页still v.想念,思念想念,思念move n.邻居邻居miss adv.还,依旧还,依旧neighbour v.迁居迁居person n.人人people adj.可怜可怜poor n.人们人们第20页第21页第22页第23页CATHERING:Has Ian sold his house yet?JENNY:Yes,he has.He sold it last week.CATHERING:Has he moved to his new house yet?JENNY:No,not yet.Hes still here

9、.Hes going to move tomorrow.课文了解:课文了解:现在完成时标志词原形:原形:sell 过去过去式:式:sold表示过去时间状语表示过去时间状语be going to 打算做某事打算做某事未来时时间状语第24页CATHERING:When?Tomorrow morning?JENNY:No.Tomorrow afternoon.Ill miss him.He has always been a good neighbour.LIDA:Hes a very nice person.Well all miss him.未来时时间状语思念,想念思念,想念错过错过person

10、强调强调单数单数“一个人一个人”people 强调强调复数复数“许多人,人们许多人,人们”,为集合名,为集合名词。词。have/has been+形容词形容词 “一直都很一直都很”第25页CATHERING:When will the new people move into this house?JENNY:I think that theyll move in the day after tomorrow.LINDA:Will you see Ian today,Jenny?JENNY:Yes,I will.person复数复数I think+that 从句。从句。我我认为认为否定形式:否

11、定形式:I dont think+that 从句。从句。我我认为认为不不未来时时间状语未来时时间状语第26页LINDA:Please give him my regards.CATHERING:Poor Ian!He didnt want to leave this house.JENNY:No,he didnt want to leave,but his wife did!give sb.my regards替/代我问候某人。是,是,他不想离开。他不想离开。第27页反义疑问句:前肯后否,前否后肯回答:依据实际情况回答第28页第29页第30页第31页第32页第33页第34页第35页Lesson

12、92 When will?第36页词汇积累:词汇积累:rainsnowleaveget uparrivefinish workhave a holidaydrive homehave a haircuttelephone mehave a shavepack his bagssweep the floorpaint this roomrepair my carmake an appointment第37页He went to the doctors yesterday.And she will goto the doctors tomorrow模仿例句,完成句子过去式未来时过去时间状语未来时时间状语第38页They got up early the day before yesterday.And they .will get up early后天the day after tomorrowthe day after tomorrow第39页She telephoned him last night.We swept the floor last week.she will telephone him tonight.we will sweep the floor this week.第40页Thank you!第41页

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