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1、第 1 讲 Starter Unit 1 Good morning!教学目标Aa-Hh八个字母朗读和书写;交际词汇和用语;元音字母a和e在开音节和闭音节中的发音。重点、难点难点:元音字母Aa、Ee在开音节和闭音节中的发音;单元音、十对辅音的发音;重点:单词、问候语句型。考点及考试要求元音字母在开音节和闭音节中的发音。Good m or n in g!/Good after n oon!/Good even in g!-How ar e you?-I m fin e,than k s.How ar e you?r m OK.教学容一、复习导入新课1讲读音标1、基本概念字母:是英语书写表达的最小单

2、位。共26个字母,其中a,e,i,o,u是元音字母,y和w是半 元音字母,其他是是辅音字母。音标:是记录语音的符号。国际音标是有国际语音协会制定的。因素:是语音的最小单位,英语中共有48个因素。元音:通常比较响亮,发音时声带振动 气流通过口腔时不受任何发音器官阻碍。辅音:发音时气流会受到发音器官的某些阻碍。声带振动的为浊辅音,声带不振动的为清辅音。音节:一个音节通常由一个元音因素加上若干辅音因素构成,单独一个元音也可构成音节。在一个 单词中,通常是有几个元音因素(不是元音字母)就有几个音节。按照所含音节多少,可以把单词分 为单音节词、双音节词和多音节词。音节包括重读音节和非重读音节。重读音节分

3、为开音节、闭音节、r音节和r e音节。绝对开音节 是以一个发音的的元音字母结尾的重读音节。相对开音节指元+辅+e结构。重读闭音节是以辅音字母(除r和字母组合外)结尾的音节。音素,48前元音 4(单元音中元音 3(元音 片元音20/5中双雪窠哂,k二鹿二斗二二国上二k二蝴二二,双元音,合口双元音5台畋滔二网二二阱二二-域二二跳二-侬仁目聂曰 健音,|7正臼7 f Ap工0二7二|71|7工7*/1国如酊R匚皿I辅有28 _ _、击行上 浏i音J孤百:跖 ZgNZ定在Z/7473 L 7型1国二国。I延辅音 】,1,17.ynrZ玮力pR:上班”二匚14.二 加在二上二/二二七二二w 二.2、音标

4、朗读和书写前元音 t:丁丁 m r 2n中元音-A3:。后元音u:a:。:司轻辅音代厂/t/7k/7 fZ/丁 77 s 7/6/ts/tf/tr/浊辅音7W7 7d7 7g 7/v 7/z I 7 z77 d 7 _7 d zZ 7d sA7d f72字母朗读及书写1 字母书写讲解大小写字母书写高度、倾斜度、笔顺和笔画数。英语大写字母共26个,每个字母都有大、小写 两种形式;书写形式有:印刷体和书写体;帮助记忆的顺口溜:字母书写有规则,倾斜15度正适合,大写总在上两格,高低一致不会错。小写字母也不难,请你记住这几点:有头就用上两格,b d h i k 1和t;有尾就占下两格,g p q y要

5、记着;无头无尾写中格,多练几遍就不错;剩下j f不一般,三个格子全部占。抄写字母A-H。追 a B h C c D d-2字母发音和e。次字母a、e在开音节中读它们的名称音/6和i:,在闭音节中读Aa开音节/ei/:Katen am eg r ad eag ecak eface闭音节%:An nm apbaghan kaman dEe开音节5:he_shem etr eejeepbeesee闭音节e:eg gpend eskpen cilyestenbed3 讲读单词Good,m or n in g,after n oon,even in g,hi,hello,how,ar e,you,fin

6、 e,than k s,4 讲读课文-Hello,Fr an k!-Hello,Er ic!-Good m or n in g!/Good after n oon!/Good even in g!-Good m or n in g!/Good after n oon!/Good even in g!问候熟识的朋友和应答:一 How ar e you?一 I m fin e,than k s.How ar e you?r m OK.学习八个人名:Alice,Bob,Cin d y,Dale,Er ic,Fr an k,Gr ace,Helen二、课堂练习-、在下面的四线格中写出字母Aa到Hh的大

7、小写形式。二、选择填空。1.-Good m or n in g.A.Fin e.B.Than k you.C.Good m or n in g.2.-Good even in g,.-Good even in g.A.Dale B.to Dale C.d ale3.Good after n oon,Cin d y.A.Good after n oon,Cin d y.B.Good after n oon,Er ic.C.How ar e you?4.一 一 I m fin e.A.Good m or n in g.B.V m fin e.C.How ar e you?三、写出下列字母前后相邻的

8、字母,注意他们的大小写形式。1 f;2 Q;3 t;4 H;5 i;6 1;7 w四、写出下列单词对应的大小写形式。MORNIG W HAT Y OUR w hite apple五、阅读理解。阅读下面的对话,并判断句子正(T)误(F)Teacher:Good m or n in g,class.Class:Good m or n in g,teacher.Teacher:I am Li W ei.Mr.Li.Alice:I m Alice.This is Bob.Bob:I m Bob,Nice to m eet you!Mr.Li.()1.Mr.Li是一名老师。()2.Bob和Mr.Li是第

9、一次见面。()3.文中的学生都是男孩。()4.老师是一名女老师。()5.对话发生的时间是上午。六、朗读单词tape g ate jad e hate safe paletap g ap jam hat sad palhe_ she m e tr ee jeep bee seeeg g pen d esk pen cil yes ten bed三、家庭作业、英汉互译。1.how 2.n am e 3.list 4.BBC 5.after n oon6.好的 7.早晨 8.黄昏 9.你们 10.二、单项选择。()11.How ar e you,Tom?I m_,than k you.A.g ood

10、 B.fin e C.n ice)5.A.Alice()12.Good m or n in g,Jim._.(A.Good bye B.Good m or n in g C.Good after n oon)13.How d o you d o?_?A.How ar e you B.How d o you d o C.Ar e you OK()14.Good after n oon,class._,teacher.A.Good m or n in g B.Good bye C.Good after n oon()15.Ar e you Li Min g?Y es,I _.A.is B.ar e

11、 C.am()16.睡前你要对妈妈说_.A.g ood n ig ht B.Good even in g C.How ar e you()17.早上你遇到老师,你该说_.A.Hi B.Hello C.Good m or n in g()18.与好朋友打招呼要说_.A.How d o you d o B.Hello C.Good even in g()19.字母D是字母表中的第_个字母。A.4 B.5 C.6()20._可表示“激光唱片”。A.HB B.CD C.BBC三、单项选择,完成对话。A:Good m or n in g,Bob.B:Good 1.Al ice.A:How 2 you?B

12、:Fin e,3 _._ 4 ar e you?A:I*m 5.()1.A.after n oon B.hello C.m or n in g()2.A.is B.ar e C.am()3.A.than k B.than k s C.a than k()4.A.How B.W hat C.W hoB.BobC.fin e第 2 讲 Starter Unit 2 What s this in English?一、复习导入新课教学目标字母I-R朗读和书写;前4个元音字母在开音节和闭音节中的发音。难点:元音字母在开音节和闭音节中的发音;双元音、其余辅音的发音;重点、难点重点:单词、句型。句型:-W

13、hat is this in En g lish?-It s a m ap./It s an or an g e考点及考试要求-Spell it,please.-M-A-P.教学容i音标朗读和书写集中双元音 二二二(司二二二二二二二二忙3匚-二二二二二二二二才向T二二二合口双元音Ieil_JaiL-tIfanl双元音朗读技巧:前长后短,前重后轻,首音长三分之二,次音三分之一。其余辅音:清辅音2浊辅音血亍三二2士二本年匚 二口工二二双匚工口二二E:!二【2】讲读单词m ap地图 k ey钥匙 jack et 夹克衫 quilt被子or an g e橙子 r uler尺子 pen钢笔If s a

14、m ap/jack et/k ey/pen/r uler.If s an or an g e【3】讲读课文-W hat is this in En g lish?-It s a m ap./If s an or an g e-Spell it,please.-M-A-P.4 字母朗读和书写。Ii-Rr大小写字母书写高度、倾斜度、笔顺和笔画数。li Jj Kk LI Mm Nn Oo Pj)Qq Rr【5】字母在单词中的发音e Aa字母a、,i 开音节 闭音节e i、。在开音节中读它们的名称音/ei/,/i:/ai/*/a。/,在闭音节中读次,,D。/ei/:Kates:An nn am em

15、apg r ad e bagag e han kcak eamface g am ean d appleEe开音节i::he_shem etr eejeepbee see闭音节e:eg gpend eskpen cilyesten bedli开音节ai:Ihibik eHn e n ice!Hk ek ite闭音节i:.in itissjx sjtthij Miss0开音节/so/:n og ohom ethosehellozer o闭音节d :n otboxclockw r on gd ogon二、课堂练习-、字母结对 rJQi-k1PoNm.二、按顺序从A背写大小写字母.。三、写出有相同发

16、音的字母Aa-Ff-四、拓展提高:补全单词pe_ k _y t_is E_g lish m _p or an _e qui_t r _ler jac_et五、改错(在句中用适当的符号标出,在句后改正)看谁找的又块又全。这是什么?W hat s this en g 1 ish?是一个桔子 it s a or an g e.六、读句子,连线配对AGood m or n in g!a O-R-A-N-G-EBHow ar e you?b Good m or n in g!CSpellit,please.c I f s an or an g e.DW hats this?d I,m OK.EHello

17、 Cin d y!e Hi!三、家庭作业一、根据句意和图画或首字母提示完成单词拼写.It*s a r _5.W hat s this in E?6.Can you s it,please?7.An d w this?8.Sit d ow n,p.二、选择最佳答案()1.This is pen.It s En g lish pen.A.a-an B.a-a C.anan D.an-a()2.W hat s this?a quilt.A.This s B.This is C.It s D.Its()3.W hat s this in En g lish?A.an B.a C.the D./()4.

18、“I”和“0”是。A.元音B.辅音C.元音字母D.辅音字母()5.-Y our jack et is n ice.A.Than k you B.Y es,it s n ice C.That s OK D.No,it isn t()6.与单词“eye”同音的字母是。A.Rr B.li C.Tt D.Aa()7.如果你想问一个美国朋友手中所拿物件的英文名称,你应该说A.How d o you d o?B.How d o you spell it?C.W hat s this in En g lish?D.How ar e you?()8.听见对方说了“Fin e,Than k you.An d y

19、ou?”后,你应该说A.Than k you.B.I m fin e,too.C.An d you?D.Ar e you OK?三、从括号中选出适当的单词填空。1.This is(an,a)or an g e.2.It (is,ar e)black an d w hite.3.How ar e (I,you)?4.Tom is my(fin e,g ood)fr ien d.5.W ell,(it*s,it)a blue quilt.四、句型变换。1 This is an or an g e in En g lish.(对划线部分提问)this En g lish?2,I this your

20、jack et?(做否定回答)No,.3-,.(根据答 句完成上句)E-N-G-L-I-S-H,En g lish.4,Hello,Lucy.Nice to m eet you.(完成下句)五、补全对话从方框中选择句子完成对话。A:Hi,Alice!How ar e you?A.An d w hat s this?B:T m fin e.1B.How ar e you?A:I m OK.C.It s a r uler.B:W hat s this in En g lish?D.0-R-A-N-G-E.A:2E.Spell it,please.B:Good.3F.0-R-A-N-G-EA:R-U

21、-L-E-R.G.Fin e,than k s.An d you?B:4A:It s an or an g e.B:Can you spell it?A:Y es.51._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._六、阅读理解。Tim,Son ia,Jim,Tin a,Jen n y an d An n ar e in the classr oom.They fin d(发现)a pen cil-box,a r uler,a pen cil an d a n otebook on the d esk.Tim ask s Son ia,“Is this your pen cil?”Son ia an sw

22、 er s,“Y es,it is.Than k you.Tim ask s ag ain,“Hi,Jim!Is this your r uler?”Jim an sw er s,“No,it isn t.It s Tin a s r uler.M l*Is this your n otebook,Jen n y?”ask s Tim.“Y es,it is,“an sw er s Jen n y.M An n,is this your pen cil-box?ask s Tim.Y es,it is.Than k you.an sw er s An n.根据短文容,判断下列句子正(T)、误(

23、F)。()1.Tim,Son ia,Jim,Tin a,Jen n y an d An n ar e at hom e.()2.They fin d a n otebook,a pen cil,a r uler an d a pen cil-box on the d esk.()3.The pen ci 1 is Son ia s.()4.The r uler is Tim,s.()5.The n otebook is Jen n y s.第 3 讲 Starter Unit 3 What color is it?教学目标字母S-Z朗读和书写;表示颜色的单词;正确朗读、书写字母,能准确运用交际

24、用语。难点:根据音标读单词的拼读规则;重点、难点重点:单词,询问颜色。询问颜色5考点及考试要求5个元音字母在开音节和闭音节中的发音。教学容一、复习导入新课 1复习音标,朗读48个音素曾元音 4单兀音 元音3前福,二工瓯二二皿仁 二HR二,中诵-13(元音 20日元音5中双元音 3后赭j=二&工:二二工二二-HJ二二二d至二二项二集顿港二g二二二留.-二:音素 48停辅音11双元音j合口双元音 i 5合硼港二四二二建二二-城二二颍匚二项七倍盾Zt47 k zi二Z佐7:巾匚7睡7弘/副加辅匐28I浊辅音17法卦音.选五:Z3/Z 二田.I/Z Zf/Z 7473 I 7i4 7/二哒卜血中JD五

25、:二WR二白右二皿二上二闻二仁于二W二.【2】拼读规则a.数:数一数共有几个元音因素,并读出来;b.拼:看看元音前是否有辅音,若有,用辅音和元音相拼;若没有,就单独念;c.顺:然后按从前往后的顺序依次读这些音节。朗读下列音标。/si:/gi:s/ki:p/bi:t/sez/ges/kept/bed/si:k/pi:p/mi:t/di:d/seik/peid/me it/basg/deiz/et/sed/beg/pek/set/sasd/peek根据音标写单词。/hauin/b oks/si:/hil/teik/gau/taid/kAt/As/laik/hi:/not/ju:s/【3】讲读单词c

26、olor颜色r ed红色的 yellow黄色的g r een绿色的blue蓝色的 black黑色的w hite白色的this这个 that那个4 讲读课文-W hat is this in En g lish?-It s a m ap./If s an or an g e-Spell it,please.M-A-P.-W hat color is it?/-W hat color is the?-It is+颜色。5字母朗读和书写讲解SsZz大小写字母书写高度、倾斜度、笔顺和笔画数。5s Tt Ute 匹Ww Xx 丫3 Zz6字母发音Uu 开音节:u:r uler Lucy r uleju:

27、d uty use hug e ex cuse stud en t闭 音节:A bus cup m ust m uch cut us n um ber二、课堂练习一、补全下列单词,并译成汉语1.g r _ _n()2.bl_ck()3.w h_t_()4.y_ll_ _()5.c_()6._r _n g e()7.bl_()8._n g l_sh()二、单项选择:1 一W hat s this?一 .A.It s a pen.B.It s pen.C.It a pen.D.It is pen.2.W hat color is it?.A.It s blue.B.It s a d esk.C.I

28、t s ther e D.Fin e.3.My back pack g r een.A.is B.ar e C.be D.am4.-W hat color is it?It s .A.yellow B.a yellow C.fin e D.g ood5.An or an g e is.A.or an g e B.an or an g e C.or an g es D.the or an g e三.写出相邻字母的大(小)写1.Tt 2.Ww 3.Uu 4.Y y四.写出下列词所代表的汉语意思1.CCTV 2.UFO 3.UN五.找朋友Good m or n in g,boys an d g ir

29、 ls!A.r m fin e,than k you.Hello,Lucy.B.Good m or n in g,Miss Liu.W hat s this in En g lish?C.Hi,Liu Y an gHow ar e you,Er ic?D.If s a m ap.Than k youE.That s all r ig ht.六.汉译英:1 这把尺子是绿色的。_2 这支钢笔是什么颜色的?_3它是蓝色的。_三、家庭作业一、将26个字母按发音分类(写出与所给字母含有相同音素的其他字母)Aa_Ee _li _Oo_Uu_Ff _Rr _二、从A、B、C、D中选出含有相同音素的选项号中的

30、要求写出以下单词的适当形式()1 A a fB b pC-d jD i r()2-A b iB d rC-g pD-j p()3 A-h 1B e uC h mD n x()4-A m wB s rC c fD-z 1()5-A h zB s vC v hD-f s三、按括号所给要求写出适当形式1-W hite (反义词)2.color(n.)(动词)3-boy (反义i司)4 Mr(对应词)5-father(对应词)四、单项选择s color()1 Tt sblack It s black r uler,A./;/B a;/C /;a D a;a()2._ isA.W hich colort

31、hat quilt?It*s black B How color C-W hat color D That()3 一 W ho is that g ir l?-The_ in the blue jack et?-Y es If s Zhan g Lei A on e B-an C-a D /()4-W hat s that _A-at B-to C_ En g lish?in D-on()5 -W hat color is her jack et?-It s.A an or an g e B or an g e C-the or an g e D-a or an g e五、句子配对AB1 W

32、hat*s this in En g lish?2-Is this a book?3 W ho s that m an?A-The on e in blue.B He s m y father C Tt s or an g e 4-W hat color is that or an g e?D Y es-it is 5 How ar e you?E It s a m ap 6-W hich boy is your br other?F-No,if s yellow.7-W hat is this?G Tt s an or an g e 8-Is that jack et black?H Fin

33、 e than k you 六、改错(下列各句均有一处错误,找出并改正)1,W hat color is that r uler?It s a r ed.A B C D2-This is her blue color bik e.ABC D3-M r.Gr een is in the Chin a n ow.A B C D4,Can you spell a pen,please?A BCD5-W hat s color is this?A B C D七、阅读短文,判断正误:正确的写“r 错误的写“f”Jan e W hite is an Am er ican g ir l-She is a s

34、tud en t-She is fifteen-Her father is Mr-W hite Her m other is Mr s-W hite-Bob is her br other-He is a stud en t t0 He is in a black jack et-Jan e is in a r ed jack et-She is a n ice g ir l()1-Jan e W hite is En g lish()2-She is a stud en t)3 Mr.W hite is her m other,)4 Jan e is four teen()5-Jan e i

35、s Mr s.W hite*s d aug hter()6-Bob is Jan e s br other()7.Jan e is Bob s br other.()8.Bob is a teacher.()9.Jan e is in r ed an d Bob is in black.()10.Jan e is a n ice g ir l.第 4 讲 Unit 1 My name is Gina.1.掌握介绍自己和问候他人的句型2.掌握Be的一般现在时形式教学目标3.掌握W hat引导的特殊疑问句4,掌握形容词性物主代词:m y,your,his,her重点、难点1 Be动词的用法2掌握形

36、容词物主代词考点及考试要 求物主代词的用法教学容一、复习导入新课1 掌握介绍自己和问候他人的句型1.W hat s your n am e?你叫什么名字?W hat s her/his n am e?她/他叫什么名字?2.W hat s your fir st n am e 你的名是什么?W haf s your last/fam ily n am e?你姓什么?(last n am e=fam ily n am e)3.r m Mar y.=My n am e is Mar y.我叫玛丽。She is Mar y.=Her n am e is Mar y.她叫玛丽。4.Nice to m e

37、et you!见到你真高兴。Nice to m eet you too.见到你也很高兴。5.W hat s your telephon e n um ber?你的是什么?(对提问用 w hat)2掌握Be的一般现在时形式be动词的变化我(I)用 am,你(you)用 ar e is 连着他(he),她(she),它(it);单数名词用is,复数名词全用ar e。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。变否定更容易,be后n ot莫忘记。例:I am a stud en t.Y ou ar e shor t.She is beautiful.He is happy.It is easy.3 掌握W ha

38、t引导的特殊疑问句W hat是特殊疑问词有两种用法A.w hat+一般疑问句+?B.w hat+名词+一般疑问句+?例:w hat is it?W hat is your n am e?W hat ar e they?W hat color is it?W hat tim e is it?4 形容词物主代词。(1)表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词,形容词性物主代词,它们一般放在所修饰名词的前面,同时它们也有人称和数的变化。形容词性物主代词的前后是不出现冠词的,如:m y father,his d esk,our r oom,their n am es,your aun t 等(2)形容词性物主代词

39、的用法。形容词性物主代词起形容词作用,在句中只能作定语,也就是说它后面必须跟一个名词。如:This is m y bik e.这是我的自行车。Miss Gao is our En g lish teacher.高小姐是我们的英语老师。I d on,t k n ow her n am e.我不知道她的名字。即:形容词性物主代词+名词注意:形容词性的物主代词见下表:形容词性代词m yyourhisheritsouryourtheir中文我的你的他的她的它的我们的你他)的他/她/它们的如m y back pack我的书包;m y n ew back pack我的新书包。物主代词有人称、数和性的变化,

40、即第一、二、三人称;单数和复数;他、她、它。物主代词根据语法功能不同可分为形容词性的物主代词和名词性的物主代词(即具有名词 的性质)。如:My r uler is r ed.Y our s(=your r uler)is yellow.我的尺是红色的,你的是黄色的。it s与its是两个极易出错的词。it s=it is,是it is的缩写,其中it是人称代词;its的意思是“它的”物主代词。如:一W hat s that?那是什么?It s a cat.Its n am e is Mim i.它是一只猫,它的名字叫咪咪。二、课堂练习一、补全对话A:Hello!_?B:My n am e is

41、 Bob.A:Hi,_._ Tom.B:Nice _LA:_,too._?B:His n am e is Jim.A:_?B:Her n am e is Mar y.A:W hat s your _?B:It*s 68 4 2006.A:Than k s.Good-bye二、用 am,is,ar e 填空 Ex cuse m e!_ this your er aser?W hat _ those?_ they bir d s?This _ his r uler.W her e _ m y r uler?I _ in Class Thr ee._you in Class Thr ee too?t

42、hese her En g lish book s?Those their apples.W her e his apples?She eleven.How old that boy?He m y fr ien d.your fr ien d a boy or a g ir l?those m aps?No,they n ot.They pictur es.These your ban an as.Her e you 三.用所给词的适当形式填空 W hat sn am e?(you).n am eis Bob(I).n am e i sJim.(he).n am e isMar y.(she)

43、.His n am e is Jack.(on e).W hat s _telephon e n um ber?(she).W hat s _phon e n um ber?(he).n am e is Gin a.(I).W hat s _telephon e n um ber?(you)三、家庭作业一.请指出下列名字的姓氏和名。1.Mar k Alan Sm ith fam ily n am e:fir st n am e:2.Li Haitao last n am e:fir st n am e:3.Ron ald Reag an fam ily n am e:fir st n am e

44、:二.请写出下列中文名字的拼音形式:1.国辉_2.周军_3.欧阳伍德_三.选择正确答案:1.his n am e?His n am e is Mik e.A.W hat B.W hat s C.W ho D.W hose2.-W hat s your telephon e n um ber?A.658 973 21B.ID car d C.Five D.Y es,I am.3.-Can youtel 1 m e your n am e?-Y es,m y n am e is.A.jim g r een B.Gr een Jim4.-Ar e you Mr Ma?C.Jim g r een D.

45、Jim Gr eenA.No,I amB.Y es,r m n ot C.No.V m n ot D.Y es,V m 四.根据句意及首字母补全所缺单词:1.H!r m Jim.2.Nice to m you,Jim.3.My f n am e is Peter,an d 1 n am e is Br ow n.4.H n am e is Gin a,an d h n am e is Tom.5.W haf s your?If s 68 6798 24.6.Is this y book?Y es,it*s m y book.7.I a_ a Chin ese stud en t五.请根据汉语提

46、示写出单词。1.(令人愉快)to m eet you!2.(他的)jack et is w hite.3.Look!That ()is r ed.4.(你的姓)is Gr een.5.(她的名字)is Gin a.六.用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.(she)is m y fr ien d.(she)n am e is Lily.2.Nice(m eet)you.3.(I)an sw er is r ig ht.4.Gin a(n ot be)in Class On e.5.(his)is a Chin ese boy.七.单项选择1.n am e is Gin a Miller.A.She B

47、.Her C.He D.His2.his telephon e n um ber?A.W hat B.W hat s C.How s D.How3.-W hat s your fam ily n am e?fam ily n am e is Tin a.A.I B.My C.His D.Her4.She is a.He is a.A.boy;boy B.g ir l;g ir l C.boy;g ir l D.g ir l;boy5.My telephon e n um ber 2023 678.A.is B.ar e C.am D.be6.This is ID car d.A.a B.an

48、C.a m y D.an m y7.W hat s her n am e?.A.Y ou ar e Mar y B.I am Mar yC.My n am e is Mar y.D.Her n am e is Mar y.8.this?It s a pen.A.How s B.How ar e C.W hat is D.W hat ar e9.The boy is Nick Kin g.A.fir st B.last10.一 Nice to m eet you.A.Good m or n in gC.How d o you d oNick is his n am e.C.fam ily D.a

49、B.Fin e,than k youD.Nice to m eet you,too.八据意填空1.-W hat s/our n am e?-_ n am es Alan.2.-W hat sher n am e?-_ n am e,s Jen n y.3.-W hat sn am e?-His n am eis Bob.4.My _lam e is Sm ith.5.His _ n am e is Ton y.6.My phon e_ is 68 4 3 028.九选择填空1.His _n am e s Alan.A.lastB.fir st C.fam ily2.-W haf syour p

50、hon e n um ber?-68 4 3 028.A.Is B.It C.If s3 His phon en um ber 68 4 2001.A.it B.it s C.is4.Her _ n am e is Gr een.A.fir stB.fam ily十句型转换1-r m Bob.(同义句)Bob.2.My n am e,s Tin a.(就划线提问)?3-Her n am e,s MaQ.(就划线提问)?4.She is Jen n y.(同义句)_ _Jen n y.5.He is Mik e.(同义句)Mik e.6.My telephon e n um ber is 68

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