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1、单元主题写作Unit 1 Spring Is Coming!第1页话题分析话题分析本单元以本单元以“介绍天气和户外活动介绍天气和户外活动”为话题,围绕为话题,围绕这一话题谈论了中西方人在不一样季节不一样户这一话题谈论了中西方人在不一样季节不一样户外活动。最能表达本单元话题作文就是外活动。最能表达本单元话题作文就是“介绍自介绍自己故乡天气及你所喜爱运动己故乡天气及你所喜爱运动”,这也是各种考试,这也是各种考试中经常出现作文话题之一。中经常出现作文话题之一。单元主题写作第2页经典例题经典例题以以“SpringMy Favourite Season”为题写一篇关于春天英语短为题写一篇关于春天英语短文

2、。文。要求:要求:1.说明你喜欢春天原因说明你喜欢春天原因(如:天气、景象、户外活动等如:天气、景象、户外活动等);2词数:词数:70词左右。词左右。提醒:提议使用以下相关单词、短语或句式。提醒:提议使用以下相关单词、短语或句式。单词:单词:become,turn,wear,cycling短语:短语:warmer and warmer,turn green,come out,the beginning of,from now on 单元主题写作第3页句式:句式:We dont need to wear winter clothes.In the open air,we can do lots

3、of activities,like_单元主题写作第4页思绪点拨思绪点拨总结总结开篇点题开篇点题分层介绍分层介绍My favourite season is spring.When spring comes,the weather becomesI like spring.Its the beginning of the year单元主题写作All the trees turnAnimals beginIn the open air,we canI like第5页素材积累素材积累重点短语重点短语1最喜欢季节最喜欢季节_2越来越暖和越来越暖和_3变绿变绿_4放风筝放风筝_5荡秋千荡秋千_6从现在

4、起从现在起_favourite seasonwarmer and warmerturn greenfly kitesplay on the swingfrom now on单元主题写作第6页惯用句子1.Spring is my favourite season.2In spring,it gets warmer and warmer.3I often fly kites with my friends on the playground on sunny days.4Sometimes I go cycling in the open air.5I like playing on the sw

5、ing on the playground.6Spring is the beginning of the year.单元主题写作第7页 SpringMy Favourite Season My favourite season is spring.When spring comes,the weather becomes warmer and warmer.All the trees turn green and the little grass comes out.Animals begin to move outside.We dont need to wear winter cloth

6、es.In the open air,we can do lots of activities,like walking,cycling and flying kites.I like playing on the swing on the playground.Its always fun.高分模板高分模板单元主题写作第8页I like spring.Its the beginning of the year.And Ill study harder from now on单元主题写作第9页名师点评名师点评本文层次分明,结构简单,从不一样角度介绍了自己喜欢季节。本文层次分明,结构简单,从不一

7、样角度介绍了自己喜欢季节。“warmer and warmer,turn green,from now on”用得很好。用得很好。时间状语从句巧妙利用为文章增色不少。时间状语从句巧妙利用为文章增色不少。单元主题写作第10页小试身手小试身手假如你是李明,你加拿大朋友假如你是李明,你加拿大朋友John给你发来一封电子邮件,给你发来一封电子邮件,邮件里介绍了他故乡天气以及户外活动。请你给他回一封邮件里介绍了他故乡天气以及户外活动。请你给他回一封电子邮件介绍一下你故乡天气以及户外活动。电子邮件介绍一下你故乡天气以及户外活动。80100词。词。单元主题写作第11页One possible version

8、:Dear John,Thanks very much for your email.In your email,I know much about the weather in your hometown and the sports you like to do.There are four seasons in my hometown.They are spring,summer,autumn and winter.The weather is very warm in spring.Sometimes I go hiking or go for a picnic with my fri

9、ends.We always have a good time.Summer is my favourite season.I like swimming.I often swim in the river with my friends.Its cool in单元主题写作第12页autumn.I often play outdoors.In winter its very cold,but I like winter because it often snows.I like making a snowman.Do you like the weather in my hometown?Please write soon.Yours,Li Ming 单元主题写作第13页

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