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1、Unit 4 Road safety第二课时第1页IntroduceT:Hello,boys and girls!S:Hello,Miss Tang.T:Nice to see you.S:Nice to see you,too.第2页Words wait wet 作为动词,意为:等候,等候 固定词组:wait for意为“等候,等候某人”eg:He is waiting for his daughter in the music room.小练习:汉译英:等我_拓展:wait and see为固定词组,意为“走着瞧”。eg:lets wait and see.让我们走着瞧。wait for

2、me第3页Wordswalk w:k作动词,意为走。同义词组为:go on footLets walk to school.=Lets go to school on foot.让我们步行去学校。小练习:汉译英:步行去超市 _ 拓展:(1)walk up to sb.意为“朝某人走过去”。eg:The park keeper walks up to him.公园管理员朝他走过去。(2)作名词,意为“步行”。eg:We went for a walk in the countryside.我们在乡间散步。walk to the supermarket第4页Wordsrun rn 动词,意为“跑”

3、。eg:The boy is running in the playground.小练习:单项选择:()He _ after the thief along the street last night.A.ran B.runs拓展:(1)run after sb.为固定词组,意为“追赶某人”。eg:The cat is running the mouse.猫正在追赶老鼠。A第5页ExpressionsTheres a red man.there be 句型意为“有”;此句型分为:there is/are.;there is 后接单数名词或者不可数名词;there are后接复数名词。eg:Th

4、ere is a new car.有一辆新汽车。小练习:There _two books on the desk.A:is B:are拓展:there be 句型要恪守就近标准 eg:There is a pen and two books.B第6页ExpressionsDont run!不要奔跑!eg:Dont talk in the class.在课上不要讲话。小练习:所给词适当形式填空:Dont_(run)in the classroom.拓展:由dont引导祈使句也表示不要干某事,后面接动词原形 eg:Dont be late.别迟到。run第7页DialogueStop!Theres

5、 a red man.红灯停。We mustnt walk now.我们现在不好走。We must wait for the green man.我们必须等到绿灯。There he is!Now we can walk,But dont run!现在是绿灯了。我们能够走了,不过不能奔跑。第8页SummarywaitwalkrunTheres a red man.Dont run!第9页Exercise单项选择()1.Could I call you by your first name?Yes,you _.A.will B.could C.may D.might()2.You_ walk fo

6、r miles and miles among the hills without meeting anyone.A.must B.need C.may D.shoul()3.I wasnt sure whether I_ offer to help or not.A.should B.might C.would D.neededCCA 第10页Exercise()4._someone get into trouble,please dial 110.A.Should B.If C.Shall D.May()5.Why_ it get colder when we go up a mountain?We are getting nearer to the sun!A.ought to B.would C.should D.must AC第11页HomeworkKnow the traffic signs.第12页

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