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1、六年级下册 Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home第1页1.Listen and circle.第2页2.Listen and write.1Will you come to my _tomorrow?Sure!2What time does it_?At 9:00.3Do you _ it?Sorry,I dont.4Dont be_.Okay.Ill come here_5They _come here at 8:30.partybeginhearlateearlyall第3页 3.Read and write.1The window is open.Please _ it,D

2、anny.2My pencil is long.Your pencil is_3This ball is heavy.That one is_4Please come here _Dont be late.5Flying a kite is easy for Jenny,but it is _for Danny.lightearlydifficultshortclosecloseshortlightearlydifficult 第4页4.Read and match.1Li Ming will fly to China next week.2Danny and Jenny have a sur

3、prise party for Li Ming.3Danny and Jenny make a cake and some cookies.4Li Ming gives Danny a Chinese kite.5Li Ming gives Jenny a little red dragon.6Li Ming buys some gifts at the shop.123456第5页5.Read and write.1_ is the blue hat?Fifty yuan.2_ do you eat tomatoes?Once a week.3_ will you go to Beijing

4、?We will go to Beijing by plane.4_ gifts do you need?I need four.5_ did he stay there?About a week.6_ is it from Beijing to Shijiazhuang?Its 278 kilometres.how muchhow manyhow longhow oftenhow farhowHow muchHow oftenHowHow manyHow longHow far第6页6.Look and write.It was _ yesterday._ to the park with

5、my friends.We_ kites in the park.Then we _ football .We _very happy.Tomorrow I _get up at 6:30.Then I will _ breakfast and walk to school.arehavesunnywillplaygoflysunnywentflewplayedwerewillhave第7页7.Complete the dialogue.John:Hello?Lucy:Hi,John._Would you come to a party for Mary?John:_Lucy:Tomorrow

6、 afternoon.Its a surprise for her._John:Okay._Lucy:At 3:00.Dont be late.We want to surprise Mary.John:Okay._Lucy:Great!See you tomorrow.A.Please dont tell her.B.I will come before 3:00.C.Its Lucy calling.D.What time does it begin?E.Sure!When is the party?CEADB第8页8.Read and answer.One day,an ant walk

7、ed by the river.He was thirsty.He went to drink the water,but fell into the river.“Help!Help!”cried the ant.A bird heard him and threw the ant a leaf.Then the wind blew the leaf to the bank.Some days later,the ant saw a man opening his net to catch the bird.He ran fast to bite the mans arm.“Ouch!”cr

8、ied the man and his net fell down.The bird flew away at once.The ant was very happy because he helped his friend.第9页8.Read and answer.1Where did the ant drink the water?_2How did the bird save the ant?_ _3Did the ant save the bird?_4Do you think friends should help each other?_By the river.He threw the ant a leaf.Then the wind blew the leaf to the bank.Yes,he did.Yes.第10页9.Look and say.Today is.Ill have.Ill invite.Ill have.Well eat.Well sing.Well play.Will you come?第11页10.How am I doing?第12页

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