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1、Amazing Plantslesson 11第1页 1.To listen and understand the passage about some amazing plants.2.To learn some useful words and expressions to talk about some special plants.Objectives第2页New wordsEgret:i:rit n.白鹭第3页New wordsShy:a adj,害羞第4页New wordsFossil:fsl n.化石第5页_ is opposite to northeast.Southwest第

2、6页Its eyes were _closed.tightly第7页Miss Zhang is a _Lei Feng.living第8页eastern adj.东方;东部e.g.He has studied the cultures of the Eastern countries.他研究过东方国家文化。第9页Listen and number the sentences.When you touch this kind of plant,it closes up tightly.This plant can live as long as 1500 years.It really is a

3、 fossil.Look at these flowers!They look like flying egrets!This amazing tree laughs when the wind blows.2413第10页Read in groups and answerRead paragraph 1 and finish the following exercises1.Why is it called the egret flower?2.Translate“Isnt it beautiful?”into Chinese.Because this plants flowers look

4、 like flying egrets.莫非它不漂亮吗?莫非它不漂亮吗?此句为否定疑问句,表示惊异、反问、失望、责难或赞美等语气。Arent they happy?Didnt you know that?第11页Isnt it beautiful?它莫非不漂亮吗?否定疑问句,表示惊异、反问、失望、责备等语气。在疑问句be动词或者助动词后加not组成否定疑问句,通常翻译为“莫非不吗?”。第12页否定疑问句回答:否定疑问句回答在形式上与普通疑问句回答一样,但翻译成汉语时,yes要翻译成“不”,no要翻译成“是,对”。否定疑问句必定回答否定回答Isnt he a teacher?莫非他不是个老师吗?

5、Yes,he is.不,他是。No,he isnt.是,他不是。Didnt you know?莫非你不知道吗?Yes,I did.不,我知道。No,I didnt.是,我不知道。Cant you wait a minute?莫非你不能等一分钟吗?Yes,I can.不,我不能。No,I cant.是,我不能。第13页Read in groups and answerRead paragraph 2 and answer the following questions:1.How can this plant be shy?When someone touches this plants lea

6、ves,they close up tightly.After a few minutes,the leaves open up again.2.Who can show me“open up”and“close up”with your hands?第14页Reading and answeringRead paragraph 3 and finish the exercises:1.What makes this tree sound like its laughing?2.Where does this tree grow?3.Translate“When it comes to lau

7、ghing,this tree is really funny.”into Chinese.当提到笑时候,这棵树真很有趣。当提到笑时候,这棵树真很有趣。It grows in the middle of Africa Because the fruit of this tree has a hole in it.If the wind blows,this amazing tree“laugh”.When it comes to(doing)sth.当谈到时候,其后接名词,代词或动名词形式作宾语。第15页E.g.:When it comes to gardening,I know nothin

8、g at all.In the middle of:在中间E.g.:There is a big hole in the middle of the road.第16页.along with=together with 和和一起一起;除除以外还,在句中作状语。以外还,在句中作状语。eg.Susan along with another three girls was invited to the party.=Susan was invited to the party along with another three girls.第17页Read in groups and answerRe

9、ad paragraph 4 and write true(T)or false(F).1This plant grows in the of Africa.()2.It has two leaves and the leaves continue to grow for its whole life.()3.This plant can live as long as years.()FTFsoutheastsouthwest16001500第18页 Continue:v.继续continueto do sthdoing sth继续做某事继续做某事e.g.:He continued writ

10、ing when he was in hospital.=He continued to write when he was in hospital.第19页Read the lesson and fill in the table.PlantplacefeatureEastern Asia.In the middle of Africa.Southwest of Africa.Its flowers look like flying egrets.When something touches its leaves,they close up tightly.After a few minut

11、es,they open up again.If the wind blows,this amazing tree“laughs”.It has only two leaves and a stem.Its two leaves continue to grow for its whole life.It can live as long as 1500 years.South America,China and other countries.第20页 从方框中选择适当词或短语,并用其适当形式从方框中选择适当词或短语,并用其适当形式空。空。shy,east,tight,live,contin

12、ue to1.China is an old _ country.2.Without water,most _things will die.3.Hold on to me _,or you will fall off.4.My daughter is very _.She is afraid of making a speech in public.5.After a few minutes rest,the man _ work.巩固练习巩固练习:easternlivingtightlyshycontinued to第21页单项选择:单项选择:1.Mr.White continued _

13、his report after lunch.A.write B.wrote C.to write D.written 2.When it comes to _,the boy has nothing to say.A.learn B.learning C.learned D.learnt 拓展探究拓展探究CB第22页 4.The _ result _us very much.A.amazed,amazed B.amazing,amazes C.amazed,amazes D.amazing,amazing 5.There are no _ things on the moon.A.alive

14、 B.life C.living D.all the above 6.Jim along with his parents often _ to a park on foot every week.A.go B.goes C.went D.goneBCB第23页Summaryeastern Asiaclose upopen upWhen it comes to continue to do sth.a living fossil东亚东亚关闭关闭;闭合闭合打开打开当提到当提到继续做某事继续做某事活化石活化石第24页Q:What is it?Where does it live?What does it look like?Why do you think it is amazing?Keyword:the Balkans(巴尔干半岛)and south west Asia(亚洲西南部);Round(圆);silver(银色),”chinese coins”(中国硬币,马钱);”money plant“(摇钱树)金 钱 花第25页

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