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1、Fair Isaac软件许可和服务协议总37页,第37页FIC合同号:FIC法律请求号:_软件许可和服务协议Software License and Services Agreement本软件许可和服务协议(“协议”)由费埃哲xx信息技术(北京)有限公司,一家根据中国法律组建的有限责任公司(“Fair Isaac”或“费埃哲xx”);和包商银行股份有限公司,一家根据中国法律组建的有限责任公司(“客户”)于2014年 _月 _日(“生效日”)签订:This Software License and Services Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into

2、as of _, 2014 (the “Effective Date”), between Fair Isaac Information Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd., a limited liability company organized under PRC law (“Fair Isaac”), and Bank of Baoshang Co.,Ltd, a limited liability company/ joint stock company organized under PRC law (“Client”).本协议规定了与Fair Isaac

3、 在为客户开展XXX咨询及系统实施项目下提供的咨询和实施服务以及客户向Fair Isaac订购的项目相关的授权许可软件产品有关的客户和Fair Isaac的权利和义务。协议双方就以下条件和条款达成一致:This Agreement governs the rights and obligations of Client and Fair Isaac with respect to the services to be provided by Fair Isaac hereunder for the Retail Credit Risk Internal Ratings Consulting a

4、nd Implementation Project, and certain project related licensed software products ordered by Client from Fair Isaac hereunder. The parties hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:1. 部分用语在本协议中的定义Definitions in this Agreement:“客户数据”指(i)综合非个人数据(例如,不可识别出个人身份的消费者地址、联系电话和其他不可识别出个人身份的信息)、消费者记录、有

5、关个人的信用信息、内容和任何如下其他信息:(a)向Fair Isaac提供的、以便其履行服务的信息,(b)通过使用Fair Isaac产品的任何部分或全部向Fair Isaac披露的信息,和/或(c)因(1)客户对任何Fair Isaac产品的使用,或(2)Fair Isaac履行本协议项下的服务而产生的信息;及(ii)一切业绩表现数据。“Client Data” means (i) aggregate, non-personal data (such as de-identifiable consumer address, contact numbers, and other non-per

6、sonally-identifiable information), consumer records, credit information relating to individuals, content, and any other information that is (a) provided to Fair Isaac to enable it to perform Services, (b) disclosed to Fair Isaac through use of any portion or all of a Fair Isaac product, and/or (c) r

7、esults from (1) Clients use of any Fair Isaac product or (2) Fair Isaacs performance of Services under this Agreement; and (ii) all performance data.“保密信息”指不论采取何种形式或以何种方式被披露或获悉的披露方的财务和/或商业信息,包括但不限于营销和产品计划、概念、商业计划、财务状况、雇员和雇员信息、发明、运算法则、决策技术和/或模型、工艺、设计、规格、图纸、样品、改进、开发、应用程序、工程设计、制造和营销数据及计划、软件代码(目标码和源代码)、

8、文档、函数性、安全程序和方法、诀窍、客户名称和信息、实验作品、经销安排和商业秘密、和/或创意。“Confidential Information” means financial and/or business information of the Discloser, regardless of the form or manner in which the information is disclosed or learned, including, but not limited to, marketing and product plans, ideas, concepts, busi

9、ness plans, financial condition, employees and employee information, inventions, algorithms, decision technology and/or models, processes, designs, specifications, drawings, samples, improvements, developments, applications, engineering, manufacturing and marketing data and plans, software code (obj

10、ect and source), documentation, and functionality, security procedures and approaches, know-how, customer names and information, experimental work, distribution arrangements and trade secrets, and/or ideas. “合作”指客户的一般性合作,以及提供Fair Isaac履行其在本协议项下的义务合理需要的信息,包括但不限于:(i) 按Fair Isaac要求的格式和规格提供数据和材料;(ii) 就现

11、场服务向Fair Isaac提供必要的进入或接触办公场所、设施、设备、安全访问信息和连接客户其它商业应用程序的软件界面的机会;(iii) 按Fair Isaac不时的合理要求提供人员协助;(iv) 遵守本协议规定的一切条款、条件和要求;且(v) 与Fair Isaac合作,以便及时做出决策并沟通信息。“Cooperation” means Clients general cooperation and providing access to information that is reasonably required to allow Fair Isaac to perform its ob

12、ligations under this Agreement, including without limitation: (i) providing data and materials in the format and according to the specifications required by Fair Isaac, (ii) for onsite services, providing Fair Isaac with necessary access to office accommodations, facilities, equipment, security acce

13、ss information, and software interfaces to Clients other business applications; (iii) providing personnel assistance as is reasonably requested by Fair Isaac from time to time; (iv) complying with all terms, conditions, and requirements set forth in this Agreement; and (v) cooperating with Fair Isaa

14、c to make decisions and communicate information in a timely manner. “中央处理器”或“CPU”指单核中央处理器。就多核中央处理器而言,每一核均视为一个中央处理器或CPU。“CPU” means a single core central processing unit. For multi-core central processing units, each core will count as one CPU.“交付品”指Fair Isaac根据某一工作说明所述的服务或因该等服务而开发的计算机软件目标码版本(以及其相关的最

15、终用户文档(如有),以及Fair Isaac根据任何服务向客户提供的任何其它材料或文档。 “Deliverables” means the object code version of computer software (and its related end user Documentation, if any) that is developed by Fair Isaac based on or resulting from the Services identified in an SOW, and any other materials or Documentation provi

16、ded by Fair Isaac to Client pursuant to any Services. “披露方”指根据本协议披露或提供保密信息的一方。“Discloser” means a party that discloses or provides Confidential Information pursuant to this Agreement.“文档”指附件X及/或相关工作说明书所载的、与Fair Isaac产品一起提供的标准用户文档。“Documentation” means standard user documentation that is listed in Ex

17、hibit X and/or the applicable SOW and provided with the Fair Isaac Product(s).“Fair Isaac产品”指本协议及其附件X及/或相关工作说明书所载明为Fair Isaac产品的、由Fair Isaac根据本协议提供的任何产品。“Fair Isaac Product” means any product to be provided by Fair Isaac pursuant to this Agreement that is defined in this Agreement and its Exhibit X

18、and/or the applicable SOW as a Fair Isaac Product.“知识产权”指世界上任何国家境内的一切或任何为该国法律所保护的下列内容(无论是否已报备或注册):(i) 专利;(ii) 版权(包括精神权利和作者权);(iii) 数据库权利;(iv) 专有技能或商业秘密,无论是否已开发或付诸实践;(v) 工业设计(包括实用新型);(vi) 商标、服务商标、标识、互联网地址(URL)和关键词以及与前述各项相关的商誉;(vii) 公开权;及(viii) 与全球无形财产相关的任何其他正当权利。 “Intellectual Property” or “Intellect

19、ual Property Rights” means all or any of the following in any country worldwide, whether or not filed or registered: (i) patents, (ii) copyrights, (including moral rights and authors rights); (iii) database rights; (iv) know-how or trade secrets, whether or not developed or reduced to practice; (v)

20、industrial designs (including utility models); (vi) trademarks, service marks, logos, Internet addresses (URLs) and keywords, and the goodwill associated with them; (vii) rights of publicity; and (viii) any other proprietary rights relating to intangible property anywhere in the world.“许可期限”指附件B及/或相

21、关工作说明书中所载的、本协议授予的许可的期限。“License Term” means the term of the licenses granted under this Agreement, as set forth in Exhibit B and/or the applicable SOW. “维护与支持服务”指根据(Fair Isaac不时修订的)Fair Isaac标准软件维护与支持政策(在生效日有效的该政策复本见附件X)提供的维护与支持服务。“Maintenance and Support Services” means maintenance and support serv

22、ices provided under Fair Isaacs standard Software Maintenance and Support Policy, as Fair Isaac may amend from time to time, a copy of which policy (current as of the Effective Date) is attached as Exhibit X.“中国”指中华人民共和国。 “PRC” means the Peoples Republic of China.“接收方”指根据本协议从披露方接收保密信息的一方。“Recipient”

23、 means a party that receives Confidential Information of Discloser pursuant to this Agreement. “服务”指适用的工作说明书(SOW)(见下文定义)中所描述的服务和在附件X中所定义的维护和支持服务。“Services” means the Services described in the SOW, and Maintenance and Support Services (as defined in Exhibit C).“工作说明书(SOW)”指具体描述Fair Isaac公司提供的服务的工作说明书

24、,在第2.1条中有更明确的定义。“SOW” means a statement of work describing the Services to be provided by Fair Isaac, as further defined in Section 2.1.“税款”指任何政府主管部门或机构现在或将来征收的、与下述事项相关的一切现有或将来的税款、关税、进口保证金、估定税额和其他政府收费(以及非因Fair Isaac的过错或延迟造成的任何相关罚款和利息),无论其采用何种名称,:(i) 与Fair Isaac履行其在本协议项下的义务有关;(ii) 与客户根据本协议向Fair Isaac

25、支付的任何款项有关;(iii) 因Fair Isaac提供的任何产品或服务的许可或使用而征收;或(iv) 与将Fair Isaac提供的任何产品进口到中国之外的国家或在该等国家境内使用Fair Isaac提供的任何服务有关,但以下各项除外(a) Fair Isaac的公司特许权税和就Fair Isaac的净收入征收的税款,如果此等税款是由Fair Isaac需要支付此等税款的任何管辖区域内的政府主管部门或机构征收;(b) 与Fair Isaac雇员相关的代扣代缴税款、雇用税和工资税;及(c) 对Fair Isaac财产征收的个人资产税。“Taxes” mean all present and

26、future taxes, duties, import deposits, assessments, and other governmental charges (and any related penalties and interest not attributable to the fault or delay of Fair Isaac), however designated, that are now or hereafter imposed by or under any governmental authority or agency that are: (i) assoc

27、iated with the performance by Fair Isaac of its obligations under this Agreement; (ii) associated with the payment of any amount by Client to Fair Isaac pursuant to this Agreement; (iii) based on the license or use of any Fair Isaac-provided product or service; or (iv) associated with the importatio

28、n of any Fair Isaac-provided product into or use of any Fair Isaac-provided service within a country other than the PRC, excepting only (a) Fair Isaacs corporate franchise taxes and taxes imposed on Fair Isaacs net income by the governmental authorities or agencies in any jurisdictions in which Fair

29、 Isaac is required to pay those taxes; (b) withholding, employment, and payroll taxes relating to Fair Isaacs employees; and (c) personal property taxes on Fair Isaac property.“区域”指中华人民共和国。“Territory” means the Peoples Republic of China.“法律”、“规定”指中华人民共和国有权机关颁布施行的法律、行政法规、部门规章和其他规范性文件。“Laws” and “Regu

30、lations” refer to the laws, administrative regulations, departmental rules and other regulatory documents promulgated by the competent authorities of the Peoples Republic of China.“政府”指中华人民共和国境内的各级行政机关。“Government” refers to the administrative organs at all levels in the Peoples Republic of China.2.

31、 服务条款Services. 2.1服务。Fair Isaac 将向客户提供在工作说明书 (SOW) 中所描述的服务 (“Service”) ,工作说明书引用,并入了本协议,具体描述了需要实施的服务,项目各个阶段的交付品和客户需要支付的费用等。Fair Isaac同意实施SOW附件X中所规定的前期服务。客户可要求,且Fair Isaac可根据增订的SOW提供其他服务,但该服务必须在双方授权代表签署附加SOW后方可实施。2.1. Services. Fair Isaac shall provide Client with the services (“Services”) described i

32、n SOW(s) that reference and incorporate this Agreement and describe the services to be performed, any Deliverables to be provided, and the fees to be paid by Client. Fair Isaac has agreed to perform the initial Services set forth in the SOW attached as Exhibit X. Client may request, and Fair Isaac m

33、ay provide addition Services pursuant to additional SOWs, which will be binding on the parties only upon signing by authorized representatives of both parties.2.2服务的变更。客户或Fair Isaac均可通过电子邮件或书面形式提交变更任何其他服务的请求(“变更请求”)。相应的项目经理将审查变更请求,并可批准该等请求以作进一步调查或拒绝该等请求。调查结束后,Fair Isaac将编制一份估测书,然后向客户交付一份变更服务的拟议协议(“变

34、更单”)。拟议的变更单将说明所请求的变更以及估测的额外费用和对项目进程的影响(如有)。客户可经在变更单上签字并将其交还Fair Isaac来接受变更单。变更单经客户的有权决定人签字(或盖章)后生效。客户应向Fair Isaac支付因调查客户提交的变更请求以及准备拟议的变更单而产生的合理且必要的费用和支出,但Fair Isaac在支出上述调查或准备费用前应当及时向客户告知。2.2. Changes in Services. Either Client or Fair Isaac may submit a request for modification of any Other Services

35、 by email or in writing (a “Change Request”). The appropriate project managers will review the Change Request and either approve it for further investigation or reject it. Upon the conclusion of the investigation, Fair Isaac will prepare an estimate, and then deliver to Client a proposed agreement t

36、o change the Services (a “Change Order”). The proposed Change Order will describe the requested change, as well as the estimated additional cost and impact on schedule, if any. Client may accept the Change Order by signing and returning the Change Order to Fair Isaac. The Change Order shall become e

37、ffective upon the signature (or seal) of competent representative from the Clients side. Whether or not Client accepts the Change Order, Client shall pay Fair Isaac for the reasonable fees and expenses incurred by Fair Isaac in investigating a Change Request submitted by Client and preparing the pro

38、posed Change Order. Fair Isaac should inform Client above fees and expenses. 2.3承担和客户的责任。工作说明将列明Fair Isaac同意履行服务所依据的任何重要承担和客户责任的内容、要求或实施条件。客户偏离或未满足其与承担或客户的责任相关的义务可能造成额外的费用和开支及/或对进程表或交付品的变更。此外,客户承认承担也包括客户的合作。2.3 Assumptions and Clients Responsibilities. Each SOW will list any material assumptions and

39、 Client responsibilities upon which Fair Isaac has relied in agreeing to perform the Services. Any deviations from, or failure of Client to meet its obligations with respect to, the assumptions or Client responsibilities may result in additional fees and expenses and/or changes to schedules or Deliv

40、erables. In addition, Client acknowledges that the assumptions also include Clients Cooperation.2.4 维护和支持服务。根据附件X中规定的适用的维护和支持费用支付条款,Fair Isaac将向客户提供维护和支持服务。2.4Maintenance and Support Services. Subject to the payment of the applicable Maintenance and Support Fees described in Exhibit X, Fair Isaac wi

41、ll provide Client with Maintenance and Support Services.2.5服务的特殊要求。如果客户对进出客户的设施或系统有特殊要求(包括但不限于对使用外国人提供服务的限制),则客户有责任在使Fair Isaac人员可能进入或需要进入这些设施或系统的任何服务开始前及时将此等要求通知相应的Fair Isaac项目经理。就本条而言,“外国人”包括居住在中国的任何非中国公民。 2.5.Special Requirements for Services. If Client has special requirements regarding access t

42、o Clients facilities or systems, including but not limited to restrictions on the use of Foreign Nationals to provide Services, it is Clients responsibility to notify the appropriate Fair Isaac project manager of those requirements in a timely manner prior to the start of any Services where Fair Isa

43、ac personnel could have or require access to those facilities or systems. For purposes of this section, “Foreign National” includes any person residing in the PRC who is not a PRC citizen.3. 许可使用与限制条款License Grants and Restrictions3.1. Fair Isaac产品的许可授予。Fair Isaac特此授予客户一项非排他性的、不可转移的、不可转让的、不可分许可的、有限的

44、许可,允许客户按照下文规定和/或适用的附件中所列的其他条款和限制在许可期限内仅在区域里为客户内部业务目的使用Fair Isaac产品。3.1License Grant to Fair Isaac Product(s). Fair Isaac hereby grants to Client a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-assignable, non-sublicensable, limited license to use the Fair Isaac Product(s), but only in the Territory, during t

45、he License Term, for Clients internal business purposes, and subject to the additional terms and limitations set forth below and/or listed in the applicable Exhibit. 3.2. 对交付品的许可。在遵守本协议条款、条件和限制的前提下,Fair Isaac授予客户一项非排他性的、不可转移的、不可再许可的、限制性的许可,允许客户仅按照交付品所适用的相关Fair Isaac产品的客户许可授予、以及适用于该等交付品的工作说明中规定的其他限制,

46、在许可期限内仅在许可区域里为客户内部业务目的使用、接触、运行和演示交付品。交付品还受制于该等交付品所适用的、并提供使用的Fair Isaac产品的使用限制。除非适用的工作说明另有明确规定,否则一切交付品均被视为Fair Isaac的知识产权。3.2License Grant to Deliverables. Subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of this Agreement, Fair Isaac grants Client a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensabl

47、e, limited license to use, access, perform, and display the Deliverables during the License Term for Clients internal business purposes, but only within the Territory, only in accordance with Clients license grant to the applicable Fair Isaac Product to which the Deliverables are applicable, and sub

48、ject to the additional limitations set forth in the SOW applicable to such Deliverables. Deliverables shall also be subject to the use restrictions for the Fair Isaac Product to which such Deliverables are applicable and provided for use. Except as expressly set forth in an applicable SOW, all Deliv

49、erables are to be deemed Fair Isaac Intellectual Property.3.3. 文档的许可授予。Fair Isaac特此授予客户一项非排他性的、不可转移的、不可分许可的、有限的许可,允许客户仅在按照允许使用Fair Isaac产品的前提下、在许可期限内仅在区域里为客户内部业务目的使用文档。未经Fair Isaac书面允许,客户不得修改文档、将文档与其他作品合并或利用文档创造衍生作品。如果Fair Isaac确实做出此等允许,则包含文档或以文档为基础的任何此等修改、合并或衍生作品将成为Fair Isaac的知识产权,并仅可用于支持经允许的客户对适用Fair Isaac产品的使用。3.3License Grant to Doc

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