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1、买卖合同范本买方:住址:卖方 :住址:根据中华人民共和国合同法及其相关法律规定,双方本着平等互利的原则协商一致签订本合同。一、货物描述1、名称:2、数量:3、单价:4、总值:5、型号:本合同项下的产品如有报价单,须同报价单保持一致;如果是买方订制,则须同双方确认的定制品样稿确认单中的型号、式样保持一致。二、货款支付1、付款条件1)预付款 元。买方应当在本合同签订后三日内,给付卖方上述预付款,预付款兑现后方进行出货。若买方逾期给付预付款,则卖方有权相应顺延交货时间并不承担任何责任, 若逾期达三十天以上,卖方可以单方面解除合同并要求买方支付合同金额 %的违约金。2)到货款 元。买方在货物运至合同约

2、定地点之日支付卖方上述到货款。3)验收款 元。买方在验收合格后 日内,卖方同时向买方交付发票。4)买方完全付清货款之时,即为货物所有权转移之时。5)买方无法对全部货物进行验收时,须对已验收部分按照合同约定价格支付相应之款项。2、付款方式1)买方应以下列形式之一向卖方付款:转账支票 银行汇票 汇票2)买方应在票据上注明卖方全称和金额,将货款汇入卖方指定的账户。3)卖方原则上不接受现金付款,若买方认为确有现金支付的必要,应事先通知卖方,并在收到卖方提供的盖有财务印章的缴款单后方可支付现金。4)如上述付款方式或账户发生改变,卖方应以书面形式(并加盖公章)告知买方。三、交货时间: 年 月 日前。卖方应

3、以书面形式(并加盖公章)告知买方。四、交货地点: 。五、交货方式: 卖方送货,运费由卖方负担。货物在运输过程中,未曾达到买方指定交货地点前,发生损坏或灭失的风险由卖方承担;货物自运至合同指定地点后,发生损坏或灭失 的风险由买方承担。 买方提货,运费由买方负担,货物自移交买方或买方委托的第一承运人后风险由买方承担。六、货物接受和验收1、卖方依合同所订交货时间将货物运至指定地点时,买方应即时接受并妥善保管全部货物,同时支付完合同第二条第1款第1项之到货款;如买方没有正当 理由不即时接受全部货物,须支付卖方的来回运费及额外产生的仓储费并赔偿卖方损失。2、买方应当在货物交付之日起3日内检查货物是否符合

4、合同约定的质量和数量。如有异议应在此期限内以书面形式向卖方提出,买方在期限内不验收或认为 产品有问题却怠以书面形式通知卖方则视为检验合格。3、买方应在相关检验单据上签字(买方承办人)或盖章(公章或合同专用章)。七、保证1、卖方应当保证交付的货物符合合同的约定;卖方提供有关货物的质量说明的,交付的货物应当符合该说明的质量要求。2、卖方保证按照保修服务细则提供售后服务。3、卖方应当保证交付的货物不存在侵犯第三方知识产权的情况和拥有对该货物完全的所有权或者补正这些权利瑕疵。否则,导致买方无法使用该货物,不管 卖方为此作过努力与否,买方可以解除合同并要求卖方返还买方已经支付的货款。八、违约责任1、卖方

5、的违约责任1)卖方逾期交货未超过30日(含30日),应支付逾期不能交货部分之货款万分之五/天的违约金;2)卖方不能交货或者逾期交货超过30日,卖方须按照不能交货部分货款的10%承担违约责任;2、买方的违约责任1)本合同经买卖双方签字生效后,买方单方面提出解除合同,应向卖方支付合同总金额10%的违约金;2)买方逾期付款,则应支付逾期付款金额万分之五/天的违约金;3)买方要求逾期交货2周以上,卖方以每万元货物每天5元计仓储费;逾期交货达30日以上者,买方除承担仓储费外另应承担延期交货金额5%的违约 金。该仓储费及违约金应于货物起运前支付给卖方,否则卖方可以不予发货。九、不可抗力和通知1、定义不可抗

6、力指一方不能控制的、导致该方不能履行其在合同项下义务的事件。不可抗力的事件包括但不限于政府禁止或行为、战争、火灾、洪水、地震、雷雨以 及其他自然灾害。2、 通知如果一方因不可抗力而不能全部或部分履行其在本合同项下的任何义务,可以在此后 5日内提供有关不可抗力事件的详情和足够的证明材料,解释其不能履行或迟延履行的理由。如果不可抗力事件持续时间超过1个月,双方应通过协商决定变更合同 或终止本合同。十、合同的变更1、双方签约后,买方由合理理由要求减少产品数量须另外订立变更协议。2、双方签约后,因买方合理要求而变更交货时间、地点等内容应填写交货变更确认单,经双方签字后生效。十一、争议解决因本合同涉及诉

7、讼时,买卖双方应协商解决;协商不成则提交卖方所在地由管辖权的人民法院诉讼解决。十二、其他1、本合同一式两份,双方各执一份,具有相同法律效力。2、本合同子双方签字盖章后生效。3、合同的附件(如果有)与本合同具有相同的法律效力。公司: 公司:授权代表:(签字 /盖章) 授权代表:(签字/盖章)日期: 日期:PURCHASE CONTRACTThis contract is made on between:,a corporation organized and existing under the laws of China and having its principal office at (

8、hereafter called “Buyer”) and , a corporation organized and existing under the laws of and having its principal office at(hereafter called “Seller”).Now Buyer and Seller agree as follows on equal feet and mutual benefits according to the Contract Law of Peoples Republic of China and related regulati

9、ons:1. DESCRIPTION OF COMMODITY1.1 Name of Commodity:1.2 Quantity:1.3 Unit Price:1.4 Total Value:1.5 Model:The items above shall be the same as the quotation. If the commodity hereto is made to order from Buyer, it shall be subject to the pattern or model described in such order.2. PAYMENT2.1 Paymen

10、t Term2.1.1 Buyer shall pay Seller an advance of RMB within 7 days of the execution of this contract. Seller shall transport the commodity hereof upon receipt of the advance. Seller shall has the right to postpone the delivery date if Buyer delays paying the advance and rescind the contract without

11、the prior consent of Buyer if such delay exceeds 30 days, in addition to the default fine amounting to 10% of the sum payable by Buyer.2.1.2 Buyer shall pay Seller an amount of RMB after arrival of the commodity to the place of performance as contracted hereof.2.1.3 Buyer shall pay the remaining amo

12、unt of RMB after the commodity checked and accepted by Buyer and Seller shall provide acceptable invoice to Buyer.2.1.4 The parties agreed that upon full and final payment the commodity hereof shall become the sole and exclusive property of Buyer.2.2 Settlement Means2.2.1 Buyer shall pay Seller by m

13、eans of:a. cheque for account transfer b. bank draft c. remittanceThe specific terms of the payment condition shall be separately agreed upon between the parties hereto.2.2.2 Buyer shall issue a bill with full name of Seller and total sum to be paid to the account appointed by Seller.2.2.3 Seller sh

14、all not accept the payment in cash in principle. Notwithstanding the above provision of this clause, the payment in cash shall be available provided that Buyer gives prior notice to Seller and Seller consent to such payment by issuing a payment notice signed on its accounting seal.2.2.4 Seller shall

15、 notify in writing Buyer of the change of the account and settlement means.3. DELIVERY DATEDelivery date hereto is (mm/dd/yy), which shall be postponed provided Buyer demands and notifies Seller of such change not less than 7 days before the delivery date under this contract.4. DELIVERY DESTINATIONT

16、he address of delivery destination is as follow:.5. DELIVERY MEANS5.1 If Seller delivers the goods, the carriage shall be paid by Seller. The risks of damage and loss of the commodity hereto shall be borne by the Seller prior to the delivery and by the buyer after the delivery at the place of delive

17、ry contracted.5.2 If Buyer picks up the goods, the carriage shall be paid by Buyer. The risks of damage and loss of the commodity hereto shall be born by the buyer when Seller consigns the goods to the first carrier for transport.6. ACCEPTACE AND INSPECTION6.1 When Seller puts the commodity hereto a

18、t the place of delivery on the delivery date as contracted, Buyer shall take delivery and take care of the commodity hereto and effect the payment in accordance with the provisions of 2.1.2. If Buyer refuses to accept the commodity hereto without reasonable excuse, Buyer shall afford the come-and-go

19、 carriage as well as the additional storage loss and indemnify Seller for its damages (if any).6.2 Buyer shall inspect the commodity hereto in accordance with agreed quantity or quality within 3 days after delivery date. If Buyer is indolent to notify in writing Seller thereof of any unconformity or

20、 fails to inspect within agreed period, the commodity hereto shall be deemed in conformity with the agreed quantity or quality.6.3 Buyer shall mark on related inspection report with its clerks signature or seals.7. WARRANT7.1 Seller shall warrant that the commodity hereto delivered accords with the

21、contracted quality requirement and when Seller provides quality specifications of the commodity hereto, it shall conform to the specified quality requirements.7.2 Seller shall warrant that the after sale service is available in accordance to its warranty rules.7.3Seller warrants that the commodity s

22、hall be free from any infringement claim from third parties of their intellectual property right, and shall obtain all reasonable right or modify the commodity for the continuous use of the commodity. If, Buyer may not use commodity, despite of the effort made by Seller hereunder, Buyer may, at its

23、sole option, terminate this Contract by asking Seller to refund money Buyer spent for the commodity.8. LIABILITY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT8.1 Liability of Seller8.1.1 If Seller fail to deliver the commodity hereto within the time limit specified in this contract, it shall pay Buyer a fine amounting to

24、0.5 of the sum of the corresponding undelivered commodity per day from the first day of such breach.8.1.2 If such default exceeds 30 days or Seller is unable to deliver the commodity hereto at all, Seller shall pay Buyer a default fine amounting to 10% of the sum of the corresponding undelivered com

25、modity.8.2 Liability of Buyer8.2.1 If Buyer claims to rescind this contract after execution of this contract, it shall pay Seller a default fine amounting to 10% of total value of the commodity hereof.8.2.2 If Buyer delays the payment, it shall pay Buyer a fine amounting to 0.5 of the sum of the cor

26、responding delayed payment per day from the first day of such breach.8.2.3 If Buyer claims to delay the delivery of the commodity hereof, which exceeds 2 weeks, it shall compensate Seller for the storage loss calculated according to RMB 5 yuan per RMB10,000 yuan valued goods per day. If such delay e

27、xceeds 30 days, Buyer shall pay Seller a default fine amounting to 5% of the sum of the corresponding undelivered commodity, in addition to the storage loss. The compensation and fine above shall be paid before the transport of the corresponding goods.9. FORCE MAJEURE AND NOTICE9.1 DefinitionForce m

28、ajeure means an event beyond the control of a Party, as a result of which the party is unable to perform its obligations under this contract, including but not limited to, prohibition or acts by government 、 war 、 fire 、 flood 、 earthquake 、 storm or other acts of nature.9.2 NoticeShould any party b

29、e directly prevented from executing this contract or be delayed in performing this contract by any event of force majeure , The affected Party shall notify the other party without delay and, within 5 days thereafter, provide detailed information regarding the events of force majeure and sufficient p

30、roof thereof, explaining the reason for its inability to perform or the delay in the execution of this contract. The parties shall alter this contract through consultation or terminate this contract in the event that such force majeure persists for a period of 1 months or more.10. MODIFICATION OF CO

31、NTRACT10.1 If Buyer claims to reduce the quantity of the commodity hereto with appropriate excuse after the execution of this contract, the two parties shall hold consultations and sign a supplementary agreement on such modification.10.2 If Buyer claims to change the delivery date and delivery desti

32、nation with appropriate excuse after the execution of this contract, Buyer shall make a notice of delivery change to Seller, which becomes effective only after the written approval by Seller.11. DISPUTES RESOLUTIONWhen a dispute between the parties arises from the interpretation or performance of th

33、is contract, the parties shall make every endeavor to resolve it through friendly consultation or mediation. If such consultation or mediation come to no avail, the parties shall submit the dispute to a law court of which Seller is under the jurisdiction.12. OTHER12.1 Two copies of this contract for either party are of same effectiveness.12.2 This contract shall be effective after executed by both parties.12.3 All the accessories shall be equally authentic as this contract.Buyer: Seller:By:Name:Title:By:Name:Title:

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