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中考英语短语专项练习 其他短语综合.pdf

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1、、Group 1其他短语综合l.abit(of)有点,一会儿2.a few一些,少量3.a g(Kxl/great many 大量4.a kind of一种,一类5.aliltle一点,少许6.a lot of许多,大量7.a number of 一些,许多8.a pair of 一 双,一副9.a piece of-块,一-张,一片1.After a long walk,I feel a bit tired and thirsty.And I want to drink Q bit Of juice,2.He has a few friends.So he can talkto them w

2、hen he is in trouble.3.We need to put a little salt on thefish so as to make it salty.4.A great many/A lot of/A number of trees will be planted in our city next year.So the air will be better.1(一f-一.;,%首页 末页5.Tom was short-sighted.So he needed to wear a pair f_glasses.6.A piece Of paper is OK.You do

3、n t need to give me two.7.We can only see a kind of fish here.But we can see different kinds of fish there.k*J首页 末页R 英语二、Group 21.after class 课后 2.again and again 反复,再三地 3.all kinds of 各种各样的4.all over到处.遍及 5.all right行了,好吧 6.all the best祝一切,顺利,万事如意7.because of 因为,由于 8.both.and.两者都,既 乂 1.After class

4、all of the students can go out to the playground to do free exercise.2.D on t make the same mistakeagain and again.3.His father beat himbecause ofhis big mistake.So he was black and blue all over.4 It s time to say goodbye to you.Wish you all the best 5.If you take these medicine three times a day,y

5、ou will be all right soon,6.The food M ary cooked just now wasbotHoeautiful and delicious.i.润卜-,的 J首页)末页三、Group 31.day and nighl日日夜夜 2.(lo ones best尽某人最大的努力4.do some cleaning(shopping)做扫除(买东西)6.eitheror.或者.或者.7.enjoy oneself 过得愉快9.face to face 面对面 10.far from 远离3.different from 与.不同5.each other 相互8.

6、enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事11.first of all 首先1.He worked day and nightand fell ill at last.2.I will do my best to study hard so as to enter D ongguan M iddle School.3.I like collecting stamps.He likes reading story books.So his hobby isdifferent frommine,4.Before the Spring Festival,we need to do some cle

7、aningto make our house clean and tidy.5.Everyone is the teacher for others.And weB must learn from e-ch other.1 _.,首页末页,6.I have only one ticket for you two.EitherYou or she is lucky enough to go to the concert.7.Thevenjoyed them生elve生at the graduation party.8.On weekends,I enjoy doing some shopping

8、 with my mother.And we often buy a lot of things.9.I don t want to talk with you on the Internet,I want to talk with you face to face.10.I have to take a bus to school every day because my home is far from mv school.11.First Qf a you should say“sorry”to him,and then invite him to have dinner togethe

9、r./,首页末页U!Group 41.for ever 永远4.from then on从那时起7.had better 最好10.have class 上课2.for example 例如5.从.到.8.have a cold 患感冒11.help oneself to.请随便吃点3.from now on从现在起6.from time to time 不时,偶尔9.have a good Lime 玩得高兴12.hundreds of 几百1.We are best friends.I will remember the friendship between us for ever.2.H

10、e is a warm-hearted man.For examule,he often volunteers to help the old people clean their houses.3.If you want to enter your dream school,you must study harder than before from now on.4.Tom was a clever boy.He could count from 1 tn 100 at the age of two._ _I,.首页 末页一R 英语5.M ary s father died when sh

11、e was 10 years old.From then on,she lived a hard life with her mother.6.We get together to have a talk with each othe。from time to time after graduation.7.When you have a cold,you had better drink more water and have a good rest.8.L ast night hundreds Of peoplehad a good timein the People s Park.Som

12、e people danced.Others sang songs loudly.9.It s time to have class.We must hurry up,or we 11 be late.10.Boys and girls,please make yourselves at home.Help yourselves to some eod-you-4ike.-:-首页j I末页五、Group 5Lina hurry匆忙,仓促2.in all 总之3.in a word筒百之,总之4.in danger处在危险状态5.in fact事实上6.in front of 在.前面7.in

13、 need of需要,缺少8.in order按顺序9.in order that 为 T10.in other words 换句话说1L in public当众,公开12.in surprise 吃惊,惊讶13.in the end最后,终于14.in the future 今后,将来15.in time 及时1.This morning he got up late and he had to go to work in a hurry.2.In a word_,you must finish thistask before 11 o clock tonight.3.We must try

14、 our best to help those peoplein danger.4.In your opinion,he was wrong.But in f-ct,he was right.He proved it by himself at last.1首页j 1末页iR 英语5.There is a tall building in front of my house.Can you see it?6.The poor children are in need of a lot of money to build a new school.7.Alice,the desks are he

15、re and there.Would you please help me put them in order?8.All the students study very hardin order thathev can go to a good high school.9.D ifferent people have different tastes.In other words,one person might like something very much while another person might hate the same thing./首页末页,10.It is a b

16、ad manner to spit and sneeze loudly in public.11.His mother looked at him up and down in surprise.How could he shout at her like this?12.In the end,the boy s mother made a decision to have a good talk with him.13.I want to be a good doctor when I grow up in the future.14.When you borrow some books f

17、rom the library,remember to give them back to the libraryin time/首页)末页六、Group 61.instead of 代替2.just now,刚才3.learn.from.向学习4.lots of许多,大量5.millions of数以百万计的6.more or less 几乎,差不多7.neither.nor.既不.也不.8.no longer 不再9.not.any more 不再10.not.al all 一点也不11.not only.but also.不但而且.12.not.till/until 直到,才1.Snow

18、y days make me happy,so in winter I often go to Haobie instead of Hainan Island.2.I saw L ucy here just now.But I don t know where she is now.3.M ary is a good example in respecting the olds.We should learn from her.4.There are lots of/millions of stars in the sky.But they are too far away from us.5

19、.They are brothers,so they are pore or less the same in some ways.,1 末页/i-_R 英语6.Grandpa L i lives alone.He lives with neither his sons nor his daughters.7.Though L ei Feng was no longer with us,his spirit is still encouraging us.8.He knows the danger of smoking and he will not smoke any more from n

20、ow on.9.The old lady has a lot of money,but she isnt happy at all because she hasfew friends.10.Jim is easy to get along with.Not only You but also she can be his good friends.11.Sally did not go to bed until/till her mother came home last night.,/首页)末页、/x_七.Group 71.now and then 不时,偶尔2.of course 当然

21、3.on duty 值日4.on foot 步行5.on show展出,上演6.on time 准时7.ori/over the radio 通过收音机8.once again 再一次9.once more 再一次10.once upon a time 从前11.one after another 一个接个12.over and over again 反复1.She has some good friends and they get together to have a talk now and then.2.一Would you mind not smoking here?一 Of cou

22、rse not,I will put it out right now.3.一Who is on duty today?一L ily.L ook!She is cleaning the blackboard.4.M y home is next to my office,so I often go to work_cn foot _曾比%J CM心英语 中力冲利,以5.An interesting film will b e on show tonight.Would you like to come with me?6.Remember to attend the meeting on ti

23、me.It s very important for you and me.7.This song is so touching.V d love to listen to it once again/once more.8.I improve my listening ability by listening to BBC news on/over the radio.9.He practiced the song over and over againuntil he got it right.10.The guests come one after another.In a short

24、time,the hall is full of people11.Once upon a time,there lived a smart king.His name was Benfenche.首页末页八、Group 81.pass by 经过2.pre vent.from 防止,妨碍3.place of interest 名胜古迹4.plenty of 大量5.right now现在,立即6.run out of 用完7.save one s life救某人的命8.see sb.off为某人送行9.separate.from.(使)分开10.side by side 肩并肩11.so.t

25、hat.太.以至于12.the day after tomorrow 后天1.When I passed by mv teacher s home yesterday,I saw her marking our test papers.2.We do sports every day to prevent usfrom getting ill easily.3.There are many places of interestfor you to see in Beijing.4.He used to have plenty of eonev.But nowhe has run out of

26、it.J5.If you want to save your lif9 you must listen to me and follow me right now 首页 末页、乂-/-/6.Tomorrow our classmates will go to the train station to see our teacher off.7.Nobody could separate me_from myfamily because we are united.8.It s wide enough for two cars to go through this road side by si

27、de.9.The boy is s。young that he can t dress himself.10.It s September 8th today.It will be Teachers,D ay rha dsy a什ar tcmcrrqw 首页)末页,九、Group 91.Stop doing sth.停止做某事4.try one、best 尽力7.The more.the more.越.就越10.too.to太.而不能.2.stop to do sth.停下来做某事5.talk of 谈论8.the other day 几天以前11.lr),out 试验3.to ones su

28、rprise令某人惊讶的是6.the day before yesterday 前天9.thousands of成千上万的12.up and down上上下下1.The teacher is coming.We must Stop talking and keep quiet.2.It s too hot today.L et s Stop to have a rest under the tree.3.To my surprise,at last I found out the person with long hair was a man.4.No matter what we are d

29、oing,we should try our best to make it.better.5.They always talk of the popular song“L ittle Apple”.一、.浓峥末页、R 英语6.Two days has passed since I celebrated my birthday party.艇day before yester崛s my birthday.7.The morebooks we read,the more knowledge we will get.8.I was not allowed to watch TVtheotherda

30、ybecause we will take our final exam today.9.Thousands Of tourists come to China every year to see the Great Wall.10.The little girl is tOO shortto reach the apple on the desk.11.After trying out the experiments many times,Edison succeeded at last.12.The boy seemed to get drowned soon.He was up and

31、down in the water,一中考链接(B)1.Smoking is bad for your health.You d better A.set it upC.pick it up(D)2,I love this Would you the can t hear it clearly.A.turn on C.turn up.(2011 广东)B.give it upD.look it up song by L ady Gaga.TV a bit,please?I(2012 广东)B.turn offD.turn down(A)3.Again and again the doctor

32、the crying baby girl,but he couldn t find out what was wrong with her.(2013 广东)A.looked over B.looked afterC.looked for D.looked out(D)4.一 I will miss my family when I go abroad for further study this autumn.一 D on t worry.You can them by e-mail.(2014 广东)A.come up with B.get along withC.make friends

33、 with D.keep in touch with首页末页心英语 中力冲利,以(C)5.M um,shall we go to the beach tomorrow?一It the weather.(2015 广东)A.carries on B.lives onC.depends on D.holds on(C)6.M artin and Susan for Shanghai to attend an international meeting yesterday.(2016 广东)A.put off B.fell offC.set off D.kept off末页(A)7.If you want to know more about space,pleasethe book A Brief Historyof Time.(2017广东)A.look throughC.look afterB.look aroundD.look down upon末页

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