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1、北京经贸职业学院毕业论文 专 业 民航服务与管理 班 级 12级民航班 学 号 姓 名 指 导 教 师 目 录摘要.4关键词.41空乘人员形体美的职业要求.51.1空乘人员应当具备的素质.51.1.1形象素质.51.1.2身体素质.51.1.3技能素质.51.1.4自身修养.51.2形体训练的特点与训练原则.61.2.1形体训练的特点.61.2.2形体训练的原则.62空乘人员形象与气质的构成.72.1形象与气质的内涵.72.1.1形象.72.1.2形象与气质的表现.72.1.3空乘人员形象与气质的特殊性.72.2空乘人员良好形象和气质的培养.72.2.1良好行为与习惯的培养.82.2.2良好性

2、格与人际关系的培养.82.2.3良好心态与意志力的培养.83客舱服务技能概述.93.1 服务技能.93.1.1客舱服务技能的特点.93.1.2民航事业发展对客舱乘务人员的基本要求.93.1.3客舱服务技能的发展趋势.103.2客舱服务技能的要求构成.103.2.1服务技能要素.103.2.2客舱服务技能要素的系统构成.114旅客管理及安全规则.114.1旅客的管理.114.1.1行为不当/非法旅客.114.1.2非法行为.114.1.3非正常旅客.124.1.4需要特殊服务的旅客.124.1.5有障碍性旅客.124.2安全规则.124.2.1应急设备检查.124.2.2出口座位的安排.134.

3、2.3手提行李.13致谢.14参考文献.15 摘 要随着时代的发展与进步,人们生活水平不断提高,追求形体美日益成为一种时尚,无论是年轻人,中年人还是老年人,男性还是女性,都在关注个人的“形体美”。而对于代表国家,城市形象的民航空乘人员而言,形体美则显得尤为重要。自古以来,人们从来没有停止过对美的追求,为了扬长避短,美化容颜,人们通过化妆对面部和五官进行修饰,通过服装,首饰等装扮出良好的形象,从而提升个人的综合魅力。空乘人员的形象塑造所蕴涵的内容是及其丰富的,空乘人员的化妆也有着行业性的要求。当提及空姐,大多数人都会把她们同温文尔雅、端庄秀丽、美丽大方、善解人意、亲和可人等美丽的词汇联系在一起。

4、安全是民航永恒的主题,是其赖以生存和发展的基础。经过长期的工作实践,“安全第一,预防为主”已成为我国民航安全工作的指导思想。为了进一步提高航空安全水平,健全应急救援体系是完善我国民航安全管理体系中的一项基本工作。应急能力是民航从业人员必备的安全文化素质之一。在遇到异常情况时,冷静地判断,科学地选择对策,并正确、果断地采取应急措施,将能把事故消灭在萌芽状态。关键词空乘,服务,形体美,安全性。1空乘人员形体美的职业要求1.1空乘人员应当具备的素质 1.1.1形象素质 空乘人员应当具备良好的形象素质,做好航空公司的代言人。人们将一个人与另一个人第一次见面时留下的印象叫“首因效应”,又称“第一印象”。

5、空乘人员的形象素质带给国内外旅客乘坐民航飞机的第一印象,在某种程度上体现了一个国家,一个民族的整体风貌,同时也代表了公司的形象。1.1.2身体素质 空乘人员的职业需要使得他们必须长时间地经受飞机上的颠簸之苦,因此,空乘人员应当具备良好的身体素质,才能在工作中更好地为广大乘客服务。1.1.3技能素质 空乘服务人员应当具有良好的民航空乘服务技能与技巧,注重体现服务的质量性,规范性,针对性和安全性等特点,更好地为乘客提供优质的服务。1.1.4自身修养 空乘人员的良好风度主要体现于如下三个方面:首先,应注意仪表的整洁,端庄;其次,应当讲礼貌,举止稳重,行为文雅;最后,应谈吐风趣,有分寸。 一个人的形态

6、,举止行为十分重要,不管自己是否意识到,人都是在用自己的整个身体语言表现自己。一般来说,在人的交往中,大约55%的信息都是靠体态语言传递的。因此,空乘人员的形体与姿态的训练可以打造良好的形象素质,同时更是空乘人员职业的需要。1.2形体训练的特点与训练原则1.2.1形体训练的特点 高度艺术性 健康娱乐性 广泛适用性 锻炼时效性 1.2.2形体训练的原则 形体训练,既不同于打球、跑步、游泳等运动,也与技巧运动、舞蹈、竞技体操等项目有所区别。它一方面能全面锻炼身体,另一方面又可以有重点地雕塑人体形态,培养良好的姿态。因此在进行形体训练中,应遵循以下原则: 全面锻炼身体的原则 循序渐进的原则 培养良好

7、形态的原则 科学地针对性原则 内容的多样性原则 理论与实践相结合原则2空乘人员形象与气质的构成2.1形象与气质的内涵2.1.1形象 “形象”主要指一个人仪容仪表的具体外在表现。 “气质”指人的风格、气度。美学中给气质下的定义是:所谓气质,指的是一个人风格、风度和风貌等。 2.1.2形象与气质的表现 形象表现的不仅仅是人的外貌上的美观,还需要考虑职业、年龄、身份、场合等因素,表现出与诸多因素相吻合、相适应的美感。气质与形象的美,在人的外部表现上是相辅相成的,形象的好坏直接影响到气质的表现。但气质是高于形象的,它除了体现外表的美感外,还表现在举手投足、谈吐修养等诸多细节之中。形象的好坏有时对气质不

8、一定会起到决定性的作用,“人不可貌相”说的就是这个道理。2.1.3空乘人员形象与气质的特殊性 通常人们把女性的气质简单地分为优雅和粗俗两种。空乘人员的良好气质,则应定位为:优雅、大方、谦和、可亲。具体体现在甜美的微笑、亲切的话语、谦逊的态度、周到的服务等方面。优秀的空乘人员能将秀美的外部形象和优雅大方的气质有机地结合起来,既赏心悦目,又能给乘客留下较为深刻的好印象。对于空乘人员而言,和蔼可亲是最基本的气质,微笑服务是一种职业内涵的中心体现。2.2空乘人员良好形象和气质的培养2.2.1良好行为与习惯的培养 良好的行为与习惯需要长期的学习和积累。这种学习和积累包括外在形象和内在气质的职业化。 注重

9、“六勤”,培养满意服务的行为习惯 “六勤”:眼勤、口勤、耳勤、手勤、腿勤、脑勤。 时刻注意礼仪的行为习惯在服务过程中,要注重使用礼貌用语,旅客的询问要及时应答,说话是眼神要礼貌地看着服务对象,迎客和送客时的语言要发自内心,用微笑辅助亲切的话语,给旅客以亲切感,为旅客营造轻松愉快的心境和氛围。从整体上来讲,要做到站姿挺拔,走姿优美,坐姿端庄,主动适时地给予旅客礼貌地问候,亲切的关怀等,在这些方面养成良好的行为习惯,给旅客留下良好的印象。2.2.2良好性格与人际关系的培养 服务人员需要具备较好的性格。有人把女性分为九种性格:完美型、领导型、平和型、理智型、自我型、助人型、活跃型、忠诚型、成就型,这

10、九种性格各有特点和利弊。空乘人员由于其职业的特殊性,属于复合型性格的人较为理想,要求集上述性格中的优点于一身。良好的人际关系是一个人成功的重要因素。学会倾听,学会宽容。2.2.3良好心态与意志力的培养 良好的心态是在为人处世、学习、工作、事业、家庭等方面得以成功的基石。良好的心态能促使人宠辱不惊、知足常乐。俗话说得好:弱者任情绪控制思维,强者让意志控制情绪。 意志力是一种顽强的斗志。具备较强意志力的人能正确面对失败,在经历挫折是百折不挠,建立起必胜的信心;具备较强意志力的人能够做到持之以恒、锲而不舍,永不放弃对事业的追求。 生活中需要勇气,勇气的根源是意志力。空乘人员要具备顽强的意志力,才能有

11、勇气从容应对可能发生的事情,甚至要有为事业献身的思想准备。3客舱服务技能概述3.1 服务技能有,是指服务业从业人员在从事服务工作时所涉及的相关技能。服务技能,是服务操作中体现的技术能力。服务技能,是服务人员提供服务的基础,服务质量标准必须规定服务人员的技能要求。客舱服务技能是指在客舱服务过程中所涉及的相关技能。按以上方法概括,在巡舱、发派餐食等客舱服务活动中,动作技能起主导作用;而在对客沟通、特别是在针对特殊旅客的服务过程中,心智技能则起主导作用。3.1.1客舱服务技能的特点 程序标准化:规范性、安全性、及时性、实用性 操作特殊化:安全责任重大、服务环境特殊、技术性强,服务内容繁杂、个性呵护明

12、显、对服务人员的综合素质要求高3.1.2民航事业发展对客舱乘务人员的基本要求 空乘人员是航空公司服务理念的传递者,是服务过程的完整者,也是情感的交流者。因此,空乘服务人员不仅仅具有美丽的外表,更重要的是具备良好的内在修养,良好的心理素质,高尚的情操以及熟练的服务技能。概括起来,对空乘服务人员的基本要求有以下几方面:外在条件、意志品质、心理素质、文化修养、合作精神、服务意识与技能。3.1.3当代客舱服务技能的发展趋势 随着航空事业的发展和人们对客舱服务的要求越来越高,同时,个性化服务的推广,使得空乘服务人员素质与服务质量对航空公司的影响越来越大。因此,审视当代民航事业的发展对客舱服务的要求是是十

13、分必要的。(1) 服务水准全面提高(2) 国际标准逐渐统一(3) 品牌优势凸显(4) 简捷性、安全性增强(5) 社会认同度高(6) 控制增长速度,提升安全服务食品3.2客舱服务技能的要求构成 服务,是以满足服务对象需求为目的,由服务者的心理活动而引发的行为的集合。 服务技能,是通过练习获得的能够完成服务过程的动作系统,具有很强的综合性。而服务技能的形成是个渐进的过程,从技能的形成来看,服务技能要素的培养与训练是必不可少的有效环节,只有服务者具备一定服务技能的基本要素,并通过服务思想与服务意识的引导,才能形成娴熟的服务技能。3.2.1服务技能要素 服务技能要素,即是形成服务技能所不可缺少、具有独

14、立特征和作用的基本元素。各种服务技能要素之和不等于服务技能,但不具备服务技能要素也就无法形成服务技能,也就是说,服务技能要素构成了形成服务技能的必要条件。3.2.2客舱服务技能要素的系统构成 一、服务技能的顶层构成:(1)服务意识 (2)服务心态(3)应变能力 二、服务技能的技术能力构成:(1)发现问题的能力(2)判断问题性质的能力(3)解决问题的能力 三、服务技能的基础构成:(1)服务技术能力(2)服务规范的理解力(3)服务技巧4旅客管理及安全规则4.1旅客的管理4.1.1行为不当/非法旅客 旅客的不当行为:包括拒绝遵守中国民用航空法规、行为无理、恐吓或对旅客或机组成员进行语言的或身体的侮辱

15、 旅客的非法行为:包括在飞机内故意伤害飞机、旅客或机组安全,或故意扰乱机组工作及正常程序,或故意偷窃飞机设备、机组或旅客的行李物品等行为。4.1.2非法行为 定义为:根据国际民航组织东京条约、海牙公约、蒙特利尔公约以及中国民用航空安全管理的法律、法规等相关规定,触犯刑律的犯罪行为(恐怖主义罪行)、实施或企图实施劫持、爆炸航空器、袭击和爆炸机场等行为。4.1.3非正常旅客 无签证过境的旅客、需要医疗证明的旅客、遣返旅客、押送犯罪嫌疑人、偷渡者、在酒精、麻醉品作用下的旅客、动物押运管理者、更换座位、机上发生失窃、运送武装旅客、警卫人员携带枪支的乘机规定4.1.4需要特殊服务的旅客 重要旅客(VIP

16、、VVIP、CIP)、老年旅客、无成人陪伴儿童(UM)、婴儿、孕妇4.1.5有障碍性旅客 定义为:在精神上或身体上不健全,因残疾而需要专人照顾才能完成应急撤离飞机者。4.2安全规则4.2.1应急设备检查 客舱乘务员登机后,根据各自的职责对照应急检查单检查核实应急设备的位置,确认其处于待用状态。(1) 急救箱/应急医疗箱铅封完好(2) 灭火瓶在有效期内、铅封完整、重量适当。海伦灭火品压力正常(3) 氧气瓶压力指针在1800磅/英寸,面罩齐全(4) 洗手间烟雾探测器电源指示灯亮(5) 手电筒工作状态良好(6) 安全演示用具包内物品齐全并在规定位置(7) 检查“安全须知”卡、“出口座位须知”卡(8)

17、 检查救生衣(9) 机舱门状况正常(滑梯压力指示针在绿色区域)(10) 发动机在指定位置(11) 防烟面罩铅封完好(12) 广播和内话系统工作正常(13) 客舱灯光工作正常(14) 应急灯处于待用状态(连续2、3应急灯不亮,不能运行)(15) 客舱乘务员座椅检查(座椅弹力好能复位、头垫粘贴好、安全带的松紧度和安全扣能使用)4.2.2出口座位的安排 出口座位是指旅客从该座位可以不绕过障碍物直接到达出口的座位和旅客从离出口最近的过道到出口必经的成排座位中的每个座位(窗口出口前的座位不能倾斜)4.2.3手提行李 规定:旅客的手提行李超过公司运行规范的允许量,该旅客将被拒绝登机致 谢本论文是在我的导师

18、战岭老师的指导下完成的,导师在百忙之中对论文给予了学术性的意见,又花费了大量时间审阅全文。在此谨向战岭老师致以衷心的感谢,没有他全程的指点与帮助,就不会有今天的结果,同时,我也想一并感谢我在职业技术学院求学期间所有赐教于我的老师,是他们教会了我如何做人与治学。由于我的学识有限,稳重难免有许多不妥之处,敬请各位专家和教师批评指正。在论文的写作完成过程中,我得到了许多人的帮助与支持。在此,我要向他们表达我最诚挚的谢意! 参考文献【1】樊莲香,阿里,汤海燕,形体与形象塑造,广州,中山大学出版社,2004【2】郭可愚,形体美,北京,人民体育出版社,2002【3】杨静,形体礼仪,北京,中国戏剧出版社,2

19、008【4】魏伟峰,现代社交礼仪大全,海口,南海出版社,2007【5】中国民用航空总局职业技能鉴定指导中心,民航客舱乘务员,2005 【6】周易之,机组资源管理,ITAT培训教材,2003请删除以下内容,O(_)O谢谢!The origin of taxation in the United States can be traced to the time when the colonists were heavily taxed by Great Britain on everything from tea to legal and business documents that were

20、required by the Stamp Tax. The colonists disdain for this taxation without representation (so-called because the colonies had no voice in the establishment of the taxes) gave rise to revolts such as the Boston Tea Party. However, even after the Revolutionary War and the adoption of the U.S. Constitu

21、tion, the main source of revenue for the newly created states was money received from customs and excise taxes on items such as carriages, sugar, whiskey, and snuff. Income tax first appeared in the United States in 1862, during the Civil War. At that time only about one percent of the population wa

22、s required to pay the tax. A flat-rate income tax was imposed in 1867. The income tax was repealed in its entirety in 1872. Income tax was a rallying point for the Populist party in 1892, and had enough support two years later that Congress passed the Income Tax Act of 1894. The tax at that time was

23、 two percent on individual incomes in excess of $4,000, which meant that it reached only the wealthiest members of the population. The Supreme Court struck down the tax, holding that it violated the constitutional requirement that direct taxes be apportioned among the states by population (pollock v

24、. farmers loan & trust, 158 U.S. 601, 15 S. Ct. 912, 39 L. Ed. 1108 1895). After many years of debate and compromise, the sixteenth amendment to the Constitution was ratified in 1913, providing Congress with the power to lay and collect taxes on income without apportionment among the states. The obj

25、ectives of the income tax were the equitable distribution of the tax burden and the raising of revenue. Since 1913 the U.S. income tax system has become very complex. In 1913 the income tax laws were contained in eighteen pages of legislation; the explanation of the tax reform act of 1986 was more t

26、han thirteen hundred pages long (Pub. L. 99-514, Oct. 22, 1986, 100 Stat. 2085). Commerce Clearing House, a publisher of tax information, released a version of the Internal Revenue Code in the early 1990s that was four times thicker than its version in 1953. Changes to the tax laws often reflect the

27、 times. The flat tax of 1913 was later replaced with a graduated tax. After the United States entered world war i, the War Revenue Act of 1917 imposed a maximum tax rate for individuals of 67 percent, compared with a rate of 13 percent in 1916. In 1924 Secretary of the Treasury Andrew W. Mellon, spe

28、aking to Congress about the high level of taxation, stated, The present system is a failure. It was an emergency measure, adopted under the pressure of war necessity and not to be counted upon as a permanent part of our revenue structure. The high rates put pressure on taxpayers to reduce their taxa

29、ble income, tend to destroy individual initiative and enterprise, and seriously impede the development of productive business. Ways will always be found to avoid taxes so destructive in their nature, and the only way to save the situation is to put the taxes on a reasonable basis that will permit bu

30、siness to go on and industry to develop. Consequently, the Revenue Act of 1924 reduced the maximum individual tax rate to 43 percent (Revenue Acts, June 2, 1924, ch. 234, 43 Stat. 253). In 1926 the rate was further reduced to 25 percent. The Revenue Act of 1932 was the first tax law passed during th

31、e Great Depression (Revenue Acts, June 6, 1932, ch. 209, 47 Stat. 169). It increased the individual maximum rate from 25 to 63 percent, and reduced personal exemptions from $1,500 to $1,000 for single persons, and from $3,500 to $2,500 for married couples. The national industrial recovery act of 193

32、3 (NIRA), part of President franklin d. roosevelts new deal, imposed a five percent excise tax on dividend receipts, imposed a capital stock tax and an excess profits tax, and suspended all deductions for losses (June 16, 1933, ch. 90, 48 Stat. 195). The repeal in 1933 of the eighteenth amendment, w

33、hich had prohibited the manufacture and sale of alcohol, brought in an estimated $90 million in new liquor taxes in 1934. The social security act of 1935 provided for a wage tax, half to be paid by the employee and half by the employer, to establish a federal retirement fund (Old Age Pension Act, Au

34、g. 14, 1935, ch. 531, 49 Stat. 620). The Wealth Tax Act, also known as the Revenue Act of 1935, increased the maximum tax rate to 79 percent, the Revenue Acts of 1940 and 1941 increased it to 81 percent, the Revenue Act of 1942 raised it to 88 percent, and the Individual Income Tax Act of 1944 raise

35、d the individual maximum rate to 94 percent. The post-World War II Revenue Act of 1945 reduced the individual maximum tax from 94 percent to 91 percent. The Revenue Act of 1950, during the korean war, reduced it to 84.4 percent, but it was raised the next year to 92 percent (Revenue Act of 1950, Sep

36、t. 23, 1950, ch. 994, Stat. 906). It remained at this level until 1964, when it was reduced to 70 percent. The Revenue Act of 1954 revised the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, making major changes that were beneficial to the taxpayer, including providing for child care deductions (later changed to cre

37、dits), an increase in the charitable contribution limit, a tax credit against taxable retirement income, employee deductions for business expenses, and liberalized depreciation deductions. From 1954 to 1962, the Internal Revenue Code was amended by 183 separate acts. In 1974 the employee retirement

38、income security act (ERISA) created protections for employees whose employers promised specified pensions or other retirement contributions (Pub. L. No. 93-406, Sept. 2, 1974, 88 Stat. 829). ERISA required that to be tax deductible, the employers plan contribution must meet certain minimum standards

39、 as to employee participation and vesting and employer funding. ERISA also approved the use of individual retirement accounts (IRAs) to encourage tax-deferred retirement savings by individuals. The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 (ERTA) provided the largest tax cut up to that time, reducing the ma

40、ximum individual rate from 70 percent to 50 percent (Pub. L. No. 97-34, Aug. 13, 1981, 95 Stat. 172). The most sweeping tax changes since world war ii were enacted in the Tax Reform Act of 1986. This bill was signed into law by President ronald reagan and was designed to equalize the tax treatment o

41、f various assets, eliminate tax shelters, and lower marginal rates. Conservatives wanted the act to provide a single, low tax rate that could be applied to everyone. Although this single, flat rate was not included in the final bill, tax rates were reduced to 15 percent on the first $17,850 of incom

42、e for singles and $29,750 for married couples, and set at 28 to 33 percent on remaining income. Many deductions were repealed, such as a deduction available to two-income married couples that had been used to avoid the marriage penalty (a greater tax liability incurred when two persons filed their income tax return as a married couple rather than as individuals). Although the personal exemption exclusion was increased, an exemption for elderly and blind persons who itemize deductions was repealed. In addition, a special capital gains rate was repealed, as was an investment tax cr

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