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1、单元基础知识过关基础知识清单基础知识迁移Unit 3 Body Parts and Feelings第1页基础知识清单基础知识清单单元基础知识过关重点单词 依据汉语提醒,写出对应单词 1嗅;闻起来(v.)_2微笑(n.&v.)_3意思是(v.)_4伤害;疼痛(v.)_smellsmilemeanhurt第2页单元基础知识过关5笑(v.)_6停留;留下;待一段时间(v.)_7休息(n.&v.)_8部分(n.)_9感觉;情感(n.)_10机器人(n.)_11摄影机(n.)_laughstayrestpartfeelingrobotcamera第3页单元基础知识过关12手指(大拇指除外)(n.)_1

2、3比赛者,选手(n.)_14家庭作业(n.)_15米(n.)_16问题(n.)_17地面(n.)_18肚子痛;胃痛(n.)_fingerplayerhomeworkmetremattergroundstomachache第4页单元基础知识过关19药(n.)_20眼镜(n.)_21病;生病(adj.)_22逗人喜爱;漂亮(adj.)_23不一样(adj.)_24更加好(地)(adj.&adv.)_25足够(地)(adj.&adv.)_medicinesickcutedifferentbetterglassesenough第5页单元基础知识过关重点短语依据汉语意思,写出对应英文短语 1和一起玩 _

3、2听 _3看医生 _4最好做 _play withlisten tosee a doctorhad better do第6页单元基础知识过关5感冒 _6待在家里 _7休息一下 _8看起来不一样 _9挥手_10火冒三丈_catch a coldstay homehave/take a restlook differentwave ones handsee red第7页单元基础知识过关11有点儿;稍微_12靠着站_13胃疼_14多高_15看起来像_a bit/littlestand againsthave a stomachachehow talllook like第8页单元基础知识过关重点句型依

4、据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1她多高?_ _ is she?2他长什么样?_ does he _ _?How tallWhatlook like第9页单元基础知识过关3出什么事了?Whats _ _?4你感觉怎么样?_ do you _?5我能用它们看东西。I can see _ _the matterHowfeelwith them第10页单元基础知识过关6你想和我一起玩吗?Do you want _ _ _ me?7你最好去看医生。You _ _ go and _ _ _8吃这种药。_ this _to play withhad bettersee a doctorTakemedicine

5、第11页单元基础知识过关9她十二岁了。She is _ _ _10我留着黑色短发。I have _ _ hair.11别难过。Dont _ _twelve years oldshort blackbe sad第12页单元基础知识过关12我能为你做面条。I can _ noodles _ you.13我正在听一首英文歌曲。I am _ _ an English song.makeforlistening to第13页单元基础知识过关14我妈妈要我一天只吃一个面包圈。My mum _ me _ _ just one donut a day.15待在家里好好休息。_ _ and _ _ good _

6、wantsto eatStay homehave arest第14页单元基础知识过关词汇串记依据短文内容及汉语提醒完成短文 I 1._(有)a sister.She is very 2._(可爱)She 3._(有)two big eyes.She can see 4._(用)them.She has a small 5._(嘴).She often 6._(微 笑)She 7._(感 觉)happy every day.She is 1.5 8._(米)tall.She has long black 9._(头发)I like to 10._(玩)with her.havecutehaswi

7、thmouthsmilesfeelsmetreshairplay第15页单元基础知识过关单词回顾 依据句意及首字母或汉语提醒完成句子1Can you _(停留)here for a longer time?OK.2Every time I see the little girl,she _(微笑)to me.基础知识迁移基础知识迁移staysmiles第16页单元基础知识过关3The cakes _(闻起来)so sweet.Id like to buy some for my sister.4How tall is your brother?He is 1.85 m_ tall.5What

8、is eight and five,boys?T_ smelletreshirteen第17页单元基础知识过关6How many _(参赛者)are there in a football match?Sorry,I dont know.7We all know animals also have _(情感)8Whats the m_ with you?I feel so cold.playersfeelingsatter第18页单元基础知识过关9They are brothers.But they look so d_10Im so happy that I have no _(家庭作业)t

9、oday.11Two apples a day is _(足够).Dont eat more!12What does this word _(意思)?13The little boy looks _(有趣)14I cut my f_.It hurts.15Do you have a_(头疼)?ifferenthomeworkenoughmeanfunnyingerheadache第19页单元基础知识过关.用方框中所给短语适当形式填空 listen to,have a rest,a bit,had better,play with1When my father isnt busy,he ofte

10、n _ us.2If you feel tired,you can _短语利用plays withhave a rest第20页单元基础知识过关 3_ your teachers carefully in class.4He looks _ sad today.Whats wrong with him?5It is cold today.You _ wear more clothes.Listen to a bithad better第21页单元基础知识过关.依据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词1“你今天感觉怎样?”“我以为很开心。”_ _ you feel today?I feel very ha

11、ppy.2“他有多高?”“1.8米。”_ _ is he?Hes 1.80 metres tall.How doHow tall第22页单元基础知识过关3“她长什么样?”“她又高又瘦。”_ does she _ _?She is tall and thin.4我今天感觉不舒适。我要去看医生。I feel sick today.I will _ _ _Whatlook likesee a doctor第23页单元基础知识过关5你今天看起来不一样。You _ _ today.6我们能够用眼睛看。We can _ _ our _7姚明有两米高吗?_ Yao Ming 2 metres _?look

12、differentsee witheyesIstall第24页单元基础知识过关句型突破按要求完成以下各题,每空一词1I have short black hair.(用he改写句子)_ _ short black hair.2They have some friends.(改为否定句)They _ _ _ friends.He hasdont have any第25页单元基础知识过关3Does he have big eyes?(作必定回答)_,_ _4They are 1.70 metres(对画线部分提问)_ _ are they?5I feel blue.(改为同义句)I _ _Yes

13、he doesHow tallfeel sad第26页单元基础知识过关6We feel very tired today.(对画线部分提问)_ _ you feel today?7Stand against the wall,please.(改为否定句)_ _ against the wall,please.8This shoe is a bit big.(改为复数句)_ _ _ a bit big.How doDont standThese shoes are第27页单元基础知识过关9You can have a rest at home.(改为祈使句)_ _ _ at home.10His eyes are big and blue.(改为同义句)_ _ big blue eyes.11Tims hair is short.Its black.(合并为一句话)Tim has _ _ hair.12_ the _ with Betty?(依据答语补全对话)She cuts her elbow.Have a restHe hasshort blackWhatsmatter第28页

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