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1、 Period 1 Vocabulary Learning I. 单词重现 1. 沙尘暴 n.) _ 2. 吓人的可怕的 (adj.) _使.害怕(v.)_(感到)害怕的(adj.)_ 3. 内陆的(adj.) _ 4.大量的的,规模的(adj.)_ 5. 战役 活动 (n.) _ 6. 沙丘(n.) _ 7. 沙漠化(n.)_ 沙漠(n.) _遗弃的(adj.)_ 8. 进程 过程(n.) _ 9. 公民 市民(n.) _ 10. 沙尘 灰尘(n.) _ 沾满沙土的(adj)_ 11. 预报 预告(v. )_ 预报员(n.)_ 12. 力量 力气 (n.) _ 加强 增强(v)_ 13. 骑

2、自行车(v.) _, 骑自行车者(n). _ 14. 面罩(n.) _ 15. 大气(层),气氛(n.) _ 16. 碳 (n.) _ 17. 化学药品(n.) ,化学的(adj.)_ 化学(学科)(n.) _ 18. 环境(n.) _ 周围的,环境的(adj.)_ 19. 废料,垃圾(n.)_ 20. 融化(vi.) _ 融化的,溶解的(adj.) _ 21. 污染(n.)_污染(v.) _ 22. 再循环 (v.n.) _ 23.沿海的(adj.)_ 海岸线(n.)_ 24.关心的,担心的(adj.)_ 25.证据,证明(n.)_ 明白的 明显的(adj.)_ 26.主要的 多数的(adj

3、.)_ 多数 大半(n.)_ 27. 紧急的 (adj.)_ 迫切地(adv.)_ 28.污染(v.)_ 污染(n.)_ 29.抱怨(v.)_ 抱怨(n.)_ 30.简单一句话(n.)_ 31.恐怖的 吓人的 (adj.)_ 恐吓 惊吓某人(v.)_ 32.绝对地 完全地(adv.)_ 绝对的(adj.)_ 33.保护(n.)_ 保护(v.)_ II.短语集锦 1.砍到 _ 2. 阻止干 _ 3. 保护不受的侵害 _ 4. 只有做. _ 5. 挖出_ 6. 放出 发出 _ 7. 简言之 _ 8. 醒来后面对清醒地意识到 _ 9. 遭遇到 _ 10.吸收 欺骗 _ 11. 对有影响_ 12. 带

4、走 拿走 _ 13. 一个接一个地_ 14. 允许某人做 _ 15.认真严肃地考虑_ .单词演练 1 Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. Forecast to treat something so that we can use it again Cycle to change from solid to liquid, e.g. ice becomes water Pollution a series of natural developments or events that produce g

5、radual change Melt to say what will probably happen Recycle damage to the environment because of dirty things Mass a person who lives in a particular town or country Concerned the physical power and energy that makes someone strong Major to ride a bicycle Complain a large number of Urgent important,

6、 great Campaign say that one is dissatisfied, unhappy, citizen worried process need immediate attention, action or decision strength military operations or particular or planned activities with a particular social, commercial or political aim 2 Fill in the blanks in each sentence according to the me

7、aning. Change the form if necessary. 1. Sandstorms can be f_ just a few hours before they arrive. 2. This box is too heavy and its too much for his s_. 3. They discussed the problem in a friendly a_. 4. As the development of science and technology, the world is face more and more serious environment

8、al p_. 5. As children we should be much c_ about our parents health. 6. Dont always _ (抱怨) your partners mistakes. 7. A _(化学) change takes place in any substance when it burns. 8. As Chinese _(公民), we should try our best to improve the environment. 9. Under the _(保护) of the sun glasses, our eyes won

9、t hurt in the strong light of the sun. 10. His suggestions are _ (完全地) reasonable. 3. Do all the activities about Vocabulary in the textbook, including the ones in the Workbook. For example: P31, Activity 1&2; P33,Activity 2&3; P35, Activity 1; P86 Activity 6,7 &8.Grammar IRead the passage to comple

10、te the sentences 1. Scientists have tried many ways _ _ this problem and in China, a mass campaign has been started _ _ solve. The wind is sometimes strong enough_ _ _ sand dunes. 3._ _ _ _ in a sandstorm was a terrible experience 4.There was nothing _ _ _. 5.Sandstorms in China appear _ _ _ in rece

11、nt years as a result of desertification. 6traffic moves very slowly because the the thick dust makes it difficult_ _ 7.Weather experts advise people _ _ _ _ ._ _ _in a sandstorm is frightening 9.Its difficult _ _ . 10.So if you want _ _ _, youd better wear a mask. 11. _ _ it coming, the government i

12、s planting trees. 12.The government plans_ _ planting for the next five years 总结:II.Practice 1.To finish such an essay in one week _ beyond his ability.(be) 要改变整个计划对我们来说很困难:Its difficult _ us _ change the whole plan. 同我吃晚饭你真是太好了; Its kind _ you _ have dinner with me. 照顾老人是我们的职责:Its our duty _ take c

13、are of the old. 花了我三个小时才做完英语作业: 节约钱似乎是不可能的;It seemed impossible _ save money. 2 My wish is _周游世界 What make me fail is _忽略了事实: 3我们同意在此见面 我买不起车 We thought it better _早点出发. 4 Teach a man _ and hell feed himself for a lifetime.(捕鱼) .The doctor made him _ smoking(戒) I get him _ again. 再试一次。 5.You cant mi

14、ss any chance_练习英语 He is always the first _ and the last_来/离开 There is no more time_浪费.There is nothing _担心。 他有两封信要打: 6.为了在2008年办成有史以来最爱好的奥运会_ _,the capital city, Beijing will make several big changes. The girl raised her head _ everybody was looking at her.发现She was old _ to take care of herself. H

15、e was _ a fool as to believe you=He was so _ as to believe you=He was so foolish/such a fool _ he believed you. He was _ young _ understand this./I was _ pleased _ help you我非常乐意帮你。 He hurried to the station _that the bus had left.不料被告知 All of us were shocked _the sad news.听到 III. Multiple choice 1.

16、, you need to give all you have and try your best. xkb1A Being a winner B To be a winner C Be a winner D Having been a winner 2.With the world changing fast, we have something new _ with all by ourselves every day. A. deal B. dealt C. to deal D. dealing. 3.If theres a lot of work _ , Im happy to jus

17、t keep on until it is finished. A. to do B. to be doing C. done D. doing 4.All of them try to use the power of the workstation _ information in a more effective way. A. presenting B. presented C. being presented D. to present 5.The children all turned _ the famous actress as she entered the classroo

18、m A .looked at B. to look at C. to looking at D. look at 6.Schools across China are expected to hire 50,000 college graduates this year as short-term teachers, almost three times the number hired last year, _ reduce unemployment pressures. A. help B. to have helped C. to help D. having helped 7. _ t

19、he project as planned, well have to work two more hours a day A. Completing B. Complete C. Completed D. To complete 8. -Did the book give the information you needed? - Yes,.But _ it, I had to read the entire book. A. to welcome B welcoming C. to be welcomed D. welcomed 9.-Will you join us in the gam

20、e ? - Thank you, _. A. but why not ? B. but Id rather not C. and I wont D. and Ill join 10.He told us whether _ a picnic was still under discussion. A. to have B. having C. have D. had 11. I like getting up very early in summer. The morning air is so good_ A. to be breathed B. to breathe C. breathin

21、g D. being breathed 12.The play _ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture. A. produced B. being produced C. to be produced D. having been produced 13. We were astonished _ the temple still in its original condition. A. finding B. to find C. find D. to be foundxkb114.I have a lot of readi

22、ngs _ before the end of this term. A. completing B. to complete C. completed D. being completed 15.David threatened _ his neighbour to the police if the damages were not paid. A. to be reported B. reporting C. to report D. having reported BCADB CDCBA BCBBC Period 2 Speaking(introduction,pronunciatio

23、n,speaking1&2) Step1 Talk about the following pictures in your own words. (Show them the pictures of sandstorms. ) For example: S1: In the first picture I can see a man is riding a bike hard. The sky is yellow. T: Can you see the buildings clearly? S1: No, they are not clear. T: Thank you, sit down

24、please. S2: In the second one I can find some buildings, but I cannot see them clearly. May be the city is in the sand or anything like that. S3: In the third one I can see a very tall building only. There is much sand in the sky. T: Very good. Thank you. S4: In the next picture, I can see many peop

25、le riding bikes wearing masks. The weather is very cold, because they wear gloves and more clothes. T: How about the air? Is it clean? S4: The air is not clean. There is something like sand in the air. T: Quite right! S5: In the fifth picture, there is a strong wind carrying sand. It looks like smok

26、e. S6: In the last one, there are some buildings covered with thick, yellow dust. T: Excellent job! Thank you every much. Now, who can tell us why there is so much sand in the sky? The wind that carry sand are called S7: Sandstorm. T: Very good. Yes, they are called sandstorm. If you want to know mo

27、re about sandstorm, lets come to Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia. Step II Warming up T: Open your books on page 31. Look at the picture in your books, what can you see in the picture? S1: There is a strong wind carrying sand in the sky, and a car covered with sand running slowly. T: Right. Now, complete

28、 the sentences using the correct form of words in the box. Three minutes. Answers: sandstorm, lasts, frightening, blows, buried,After 3 minutes, ask some students to share their answers. T: From this short paragraph, we can see the sandstorm is frightening. Have you ever experienced the sandstorm? H

29、ow does it be created? Before we discuss these questions, lets look at some words on the screen. Dig, earthquake, protect, sign, the Pacific Ocean(show the words on the screen, and explain the meaning to the students. Divide the whole class into several groups to discuss questions in activity 2. The

30、n call back the answers) S1: Most of the sandstorms begin in desert areas. Because there are no trees and grasses in the desert areas. The wind is very strong. S2: Climate changing can create deserts, but nowadays, the deserts are being enlarged because of humanity. S3: Deserts are also created beca

31、use people cut down trees and dig up grass. T: Why people cut down trees? S3: They want to get wood or to plant crops. S4: Few years ago, Japan was affected by the sandstorms coming from northwest China. And America is also affected by sandstorms. Some are caused by humanity; some are from Asia blow

32、n across the Pacific Ocean. Sandstorm has been a global issue. T: Very good, thank you. Can we prevent it? S5: Yes. At present, our China has carried out many plans to prevent sandstorm. For example, China has formed a professor committee to study how to prevent sandstorms. We have planted many tree

33、s every year. Cutting down the trees is unlawful. The degree of sandstorm is on decline. So we can prevent it. We believe ourselves. T: Quite right. I believe too. Where does the sandstorm often happen? S6: the inland region has more sandstorms than the one near the sea. Because the inland is drier

34、than the one near the sea. T: Can you give us the reason? S6: Dry weather is one of the main reasons for sandstorms. T: Quite right. Youve done very well. From this activity, youve got much information on sandstorms. Sandstorm is very bad. It pollutes the air, affects our daily life. If you are in a

35、 sandstorm what should you do? Now work in pairs to discuss the questions in activity 3. (5 minutes later, call back the answers) S1: If I am in a sandstorm I will wear a mask to protect my mouth and throat, wear a pair of glasses to protect my eyes. S2: Besides mask and glasses I will wear a hat. B

36、ecause there is much sand in the air, it will make my hair dirty. T: You are right. In a sandstorm, you should wear a mask and a hat, a pair of glasses is also necessary. Which one is more dangerous, earthquake and sandstorm? S3: I think earthquake. Because in sandstorm we can stay at home to protec

37、t us, but in earthquake everywhere is dangerous. T: I agree with you. Where in China do sandstorms usually happen? What is the first sign? S4: In the west and northwest China. S5: But it also happens in Beijing often. S6: Before the sandstorm, there is usually a heavy wind and dry weather. S7: The s

38、ky is yellow. S8: One afternoon of last spring, when I was at school, the sky was yellow. There was much sand in the sky. The wind was very strong with some drops of rain. In fact, it was not rain. It was mud. At that time, I thought the earthquake was coming. It was very terrible. T: It was really

39、terrible. Thank you. Now I think all of you have known about something of sandstorm. The sandstorm is terrible and harmful. We should work hard to protect our environment. Step III Pronunciation and Function on P36 Listen to the tape and ask students to underline the words stressed and conclude when

40、 and where the word will be stressed. Then ask students to practice activity 1&2. Listen again to check if the stress is right. Ask students to complete the sentences in Ex.3 using expressions from Ex.1&2. Step IV Speaking1 &2 on P37 T: Suppose you are a citizen. There is a sandstorm in your city. A

41、 reporter wants to interview you about this sandstorm. Make a dialogue about your interview with your partner. S1: Good afternoon sir, I am a reporter of local television station. May I ask you some questions about the sandstorm happened in the morning? S2: Ok. S1: When the sandstorm happened, what

42、were you doing? S2: I was cycling on the road. S1: Before the sandstorm coming, did you know it was the sandstorm? Or were there some signs of the coming sandstorm? S2: Yes. I learn some sandstorm signs from TV. So I tried hard to ride, but the wind was so strong. S1: Can you tell me some signs of t

43、hat sandstorm? S2: First, the wind was becoming stronger and stronger, it looked like the rain was coming. I can hardly ride my bike. The dust on the ground was whirled into the sky. And the sky was turned into yellow. The dust became more and more. I can hardly open my eyes. I knew it would be a sa

44、ndstorm. S1: It was terrible. Can you give us some ideas to prevent the sandstorm? S2: From television, we can see most of the sandstorms are caused by human. Instead of cutting down trees and digging grass we should plant more trees and grasses. S1: I agree with you. I think after this sandstorm most of people will be waken. Thank you. T: Well done. Thank you. Now we have known

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