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1、成都外国语学校初三直升考试英语试题及答案解析注意:本试卷分听力和笔试两部分,考试时间120分钟,满分150分。Part A. Listening TestPart oneListen to 10 short conversations and choose the correct responses. Each conversation will be read once. (10 marks)1. Where are the two speakers? A. In the taxi B. At the airport C. In a shop2. How does the woman fee

2、l? A. Crazy B. Angry C. Sorry3. What time is it now? A. 7:55 B. 7:45 C. 7:504. What does the woman say about Richard? A. He hasnt finished his homework. B. He did Susans homework C. He didnt do his homework on his own.5. Whats the womans attitude to the mans apology? A. She forgets it B. She forgive

3、s him. C. She remains unhappy6. Which is/ are sold in the store? A. Clothes B. Furniture C. Eggs7. What does the woman think of the car? A. Its a new car. B. Its an expensive C. Its a pretty car.8. Which of the following is right? A. The man thinks Spanish very easy. B. The man finds English literat

4、ure more difficult. C. The woman does not like Spanish.9. What is the relationship between the two speakers? A. Director and actress B. Policeman and driver C. Bus conductor and passenger.10. What is the man going to do? A. Hes going out for a walk by himself. B. Hes going to do some shopping with t

5、he woman. C. Hes going to do his paperwork.Part twoListen to two long conversations and answer the following questions according to what youve heard from the tape. Each conversation will be read twice (10 marks)11. Who are Sally and Peter talking about? A. Sallys father B. Sallys uncle C. A successf

6、ul man12. Why was the man in a wheelchair? A. Because he only had one leg. B. Because his leg was painful. C. Because a traffic accident left him disabled.13. How long did the man stay in the hospital? A. 3 months B. 8 weeks C. 2 years14. How is the mans life now? A. He is happy with his life. B. He

7、 lives with Sallys parents. C. Hes proud of his way of life.15. Which of the following is right? A. The man used to be a publisher. B. The man used to upset Sallys family. C. The man experienced a terrible natural disaster.Conversation 216. When did the talk probably take place? A. In the morning B.

8、 At noon time C. In the afternoon 17. Which is the right order of the things that the woman did that day? A. visited a galleryhad lunch bought shoes B. had lunch visited a gallery bought shoes C. had lunch bought shoes visited a gallery18. What happened to the woman? A. Her handbag was taken by her

9、friend. B. She could find her handbag nowhere. C. She didnt know where she put her checkbook.19. What do you think the woman will do next? A. Go to the restaurant at once. B. Go to the police station again. C. Get in touch with the manager immediately.20. What kind of person is the man? A. He is hel

10、pful to offer good ideas to the woman. B. He thinks the woman has made a big mistake. C. He is worried about the womans carelessness.Part threeListen to two short passages and answer the following questions according to what youve heard from the tape. Each passage will be read three times.(10 marks)

11、Passage121. Where did the story happen? A. In China B. In Africa C. In India22. Where did the speaker live when he/she traveled? A. In a tent B. On a boat C. On a tree23. What did the speaker see from among the trees one day? A. A wide river B. A tiger C. A thick forest24. Why did the crocodile have

12、 its mouth open wide? A. Because it wanted to eat the speaker. B. Because it wanted to eat the tiger. C. Because it wanted to eat both the speaker and the tiger.25. Which of the following word best describe the day the speaker had? A. Dangerous B. Wonderful C. Surprising26. Where is the swimming com

13、petition going to be held? A. At the New Town Swimming Pool. B. At Jackson Sports Center. C. In a university swimming pool.27. For about how many hours will the students be out of school? A. 3.5 hours B. 4.5 hours C. more than 5 hours28. How will the students go home after the swimming completion? A

14、. The buses will take them home directly from the competition B. The students will take buses home from school as usual. C. The head teachers will send them home by bus.29. The following sentences are right EXPECT_. A. The students have to bring drinks and food themselves. B. The students cant buy a

15、nything to eat during the competition C. There are 6 buses in total to take the students to the competition.30. Why was there the announcement? A. To tell the students how to take part in a swimming competition. B. To tell the students how to get to the swimming pool. C. To tell the students the arr

16、angement of that days activity. Multiple choice (15 marks)Please choose the one which is to the best in meaning to the underlined part of the sentences (5 marks)31. Chengdu Foreign languages School lies in the west of Chengdu. A. is situated B. locates C. is laid D. remains32. Do you like go hiking

17、with me this weekend? - Im afraid I cant. Actually, Ill have to prepare for the exam. A. Generally B. Honestly C. To be brief D. In fact33. Its been heatedly discussed in the class whether computers can take the place of teachers in the future. A. replace B. be respected as C. catch up with D. do mo

18、re than34. Our car broke down halfway. Fortunately, we managed to thumb a ride with a truck driver. A. The truck driver stopped to see what had happened to us. B. The truck driver agreed to give us a lift. C. The truck driver managed to restart our car.35. People say there is always a generation gap

19、 between parents and children, but my parents are quite understanding and we respect each other. A. are easy-going B. communicate with me C. think from my view D. never blame mePlease choose the best answer according to the contest.(10 marks)36. In 1938 Pearl S. Buck became the first American woman

20、_ the Nobel Prize for Literature. A. receive B. received C. to receive D. receiving37. Who is making so much noise down there? - _ the children. A. That is B. They are C. It is D. There are38. I dont mind _ children in my garden. I like it when kids are laughing and running happily. A. there being B

21、. there to be C. to being D. to have39. We _ that the books _ in two days. A. told; could delivered B. are told; should deliver C. were told, would be delivered D. had been told should be delivered40. Do you know _ he came to the party? - By bus. A. why B. when C. if D. how41. Most of the students h

22、ave gone to the dining hall for lunch and only a few _ in the classroom chatting with each other. A. are remained B. remained C. remain D. bad remained 42. Have you moved into the new house? - Not yet. The rooms _. A. are being painted B. are painting C. are painted D. are being painting.43. The Cam

23、phill Village Trust is _ charity which cares for_mentally disabled. A. a, the B. a, / C. /, the D. /, a44. Hes got an offer a university abroad. Next, he will _ a visa. A. supply for B. look for C. make for D. apply for45. How was the film, Jane? - Oh, it couldnt be worse!From the conversation we kn

24、ow the film is _ A. very boring B. very interesting C. so so. D. just like what Jane thought. Close test (15 marks)The hall was crowed. I had never seen it so _ in all my thirty years. The professor, who was on a _ platform, got up very slowly from his chair. There was a sudden _ of cheers and appla

25、use, which _ several minutes. Finally one of the five men on the platform stood up before the noise _.“ I dont think I need to introduce Professor Evens,” he said, “ He isnt unknown to you.” On hearing this there was _outburst of cheers and the man sat down.The professor, a short fat man, smiled and

26、 looked at the audience. He wore thick glasses. He seemed _ because he cleared his throat twice. He put a hand into one of the side _ of his jacket. His glasses became heavier and the hall became completely silent. It was _ silence. It was hot in the hall and there was _ air. I was sitting _ the pla

27、tform and I could clearly hear the tick of the clock on the wall. _, the professor very quickly _ his back to us, and whispered to the men on the platform. He _ he couldnt be heard by us, but there wasnt one of us in the first rows who _ the word: “Ive lost my notes.” 46. A. old B. full C. empty D.

28、exciting 47. A. raised B. raising C. rising D. risen 48. A. wind B. storm C. cry D. lasted 49. A. kept B. stayed C. held D. lasted 50. A. died away B. moved off C. gave out D. went on 51. A. other B. again C. the other D. another 52. A. moved B. angry C. eager D. nervous 53. A. pockets B. wallets C.

29、 bags D. openings 54. A. a dissatisfactory B. an uncomfortable C. an unacceptable D. an impossible 55. A. some B. none C. little D. much 56. A. behind B. in the front of C. opposite D. near 57. A. Surprisingly B. Disappointedly C. Delightedly D. Sadly 58. A. made B. took C. turned D. showed 59. A. k

30、new B. thought C. hoped D. realized 60. A. heard B. passed C. missed D. forgotPart B Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the words given. (15 marks)1. This small bottle of perfume costs $59, tax _. (include)2. Do you enjoy living in the country now? -Yes, very much, although I _ (live) downt

31、own for many years3. He was a very slow learner at first, but after 3- years hard work, he finally made _ (believable) rapid progress and ranked top in the class.4. After supper, she seated herself _ (comfort) in the sofa watching a Korean soup.5. When I entered the room, I saw him _(wrap) up someth

32、ing into a blanker and in no time, he left in a hurry,6. _ (engage) to her fianc, she was expecting their wedding.7. Senior I will open some _ (option) courses for the students to choose from in this fall8. The shop is trying to provide more services so that customers needs can be _(well) met than b

33、efore.9. The moment I _ (catch) sight of the man in black, I recognized that he was a famous pop star.10. My father gave me a nice birthday gift. When he kissed me, he said “Many happy_ (return), my girl !”11. The faraway village suffers a complete _ (isolate) from the outside world, thus not knowin

34、g anything happening before and at present.12. Peter is very talent. He can play the piano and the violin and some other _ (music) instruments.13. Looking at Toms school report marked with many “A”, his father nodded with a _ (satisfy) smile.14. After what seemed a day or two, he awoke from the atta

35、ck and found himself _(tie) to a huge rock.15. Ill never forget the days and nights I spent with my classmates _(improve) our English by doing oral practice. Find the only one mistake from the underlined parts of each sentence and correct it. (10 marks)For example: On this Sunday, Tom will go to vis

36、it his grandparents with his elder sisters and brothers.A B C DIf you think A is wrong, you should write in your answer sheet like this: (A) This Sunday16. Because Sallys husband is offered a job in New York, she has A B decided selling their house in Florida before they move northward. C D17. Patri

37、ck, a young Canadian director in the charge of this exchangeA B program is coming and visiting our school in two days.C D18. Hearing the news, Martin got very hopeless that he burst into tears in front of the crowed. A B C D19. Our monitor is one of the students who has been to the earthquake-hit ar

38、ea as volunteers. A B C D20. The children all looked sad at the broken plane model and felt depressed. A B C D21. There is large quantities of food and water waiting to be sent from all parts of China to Yushu, Qinghai Province. A B C D22. I told the doctor I had difficulty falling asleep at night a

39、nd he suggested me to drink some milk before going to bed. A B C D23. For the first time I saw Mr. May, I knew he would be a professor liked by our students. And, as you see, I was never wrong. A B C D24. When walk in a mountain, you need a walking stick with which ABCyou can walk more easily and fe

40、el less tired. D25. Our English teacher mustnt be in the classroom now as I saw her going to the office with the other teachers. A B C D. Sentence pattern shift (10 marks)Fill in the blanks to make sentence B the same as sentence A in the meaning. Our blank for one word only.26. A It is said that “T

41、he Kite Runner” has sold more than 8 million copies throughout the world. B “The Kite Runner” _ _ _ _ _ more than 8 million copies through the world.27. A I graduated 10 years ago and have been working in the company ever since. B. I have been working in the company _ 10 years ago _ I graduated.28.

42、A During the 3 days May Day holiday, thousands of Chengdu people rushed out of town to enjoy the beauty of nature, causing traffic jams here and there. B. During the 3 days May Day holiday, thousands of Chengdu people rushed out of town to enjoy the beauty of nature _ _ traffic jams could be seen he

43、re and there.29. A Tom collects coins. This is his hobby. B. Toms hobby _ _ _ _.30. A. We have searched every corner of the forest for the missing boy. B. Every corner of the forest _ _ _ for the boy _ _ _ yesterday.31. A. The weather was extremely hot, but crowds of people flew to Shanghai to visit the 2010 Expo. B. _ the weather was

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