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1、Unit 3 Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday?Section D 第第1页页Lead-in questions:1.How many days are there in a week?2.How many days are there in a weekend?3.Do you know anything about the weekend?第第2页页基督教基督教圣经圣经第一章第一章创世纪创世纪。大意是:大意是:上帝上帝the first day the first day 创造了天地,创造了天地,the second da

2、y the second day 创造了水和空气,创造了水和空气,the third day the third day 创造了植物,创造了植物,the fourth day the fourth day 创造了日月,创造了日月,the fifth day the fifth day 创造了鱼、鸟等生物,创造了鱼、鸟等生物,the sixth day the sixth day 牲畜、昆虫、野兽以及管理这一切人牲畜、昆虫、野兽以及管理这一切人。the seventh daythe seventh day休息时,人类为了感激上帝,纷纷向他休息时,人类为了感激上帝,纷纷向他朝拜。朝拜。今后人类制订

3、历法时,今后人类制订历法时,seven days a weekseven days a week,the seventh day the seventh day 休息,但必须朝拜上帝。休息,但必须朝拜上帝。这就是这就是“Sunday”Sunday”来历。来历。第第3页页 a holy dayone and a half days holiday (weekend )a two-day weekendA Short History of the Weekend1第第4页页Listen and read the passage and complete it with the correct ex

4、pressions.A.felt too tired to workB.were closed all dayC.rested and prayedD.made Saturday afternoon a holidayThe answers:C A D B第第5页页Read the passage quickly and circle the words below.spentrestedprayedplayedhad feltcalledmadestoppedPay attention to these words pronunciation.第第6页页a holy dayWhen:Wher

5、e:Who:What:before 1800at churchmany peoplerest and prayRead Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.Retell Paragraph 1 according to the information above.第第7页页one and a half days holidayin the early 1800s the USAin 1874 Englandin 1930 Americablue Mondaysworkers tootoSaturday afternoon holidaythe beginnin

6、g of the weekend0ffices were closed on Saturday afternoonRead the rest paragraphs and find out the information about one and a half days holiday.第第8页页the two-day weekendby 1940 in the USAfactories and officeswere closedall day on Saturdays Look at the information about the two-day weekend and try to

7、 retell it and then check.第第9页页 a two-day weekend 一个两天周末一个两天周末 Example:a three-leg table a seven-day holiday an eight-year-old girl a two-floor buildingCan you list more?Can you list more?第第10页页in the 1800s 在十九世纪在十九世纪读作读作:in the eighteen hundreds也能够表示为也能够表示为in the 1800sin the1920s(1920s)在在20世纪代世纪代 读

8、作读作:in the nineteen twenties第第11页页 in the 1790s in the 1350sin the 1420sin the 1980sin the 1970sin the 1480sin the 1670sin the 1720s第第12页页Read 1a again and match the following sentences.Work alone1.Before 1800,people2.In the early 1800s,many workers3.In 1874,English workers4.By 1930,most American wo

9、rkers5.After 1940,American workersa.had a two-day weekend.b.didnt work on Saturday afternoons.c.rested and prayed on the“holy day”.d.stopped working at one oclock on Saturday afternoons.e.played games on Sundays,and then they didnt go to work on Monday mornings because they felt too tired.cedba第第13页

10、页Read the passage again and find out the phrases.at churchin the early 1800splay gameshave funsolve the problemstop doing sth.the beginning ofby 1930be closedtwo-day weekend第第14页页Did you have a good time last Sunday?What were you doing at different times?Write a passage about it.The following words

11、and phrases may help you.Activity Feeling watch a movie wash ones clothes play basketball visit friends happy excited tired 第第15页页You can write like this:Last Sunday I was very busy.I got up at 7:00 a.m.When Jim called me after breakfast,I was doing my homework.He wanted me to play with him.We playe

12、d basketball happily from 10:00 to 12:OO.In the afternoon,I was washing my clothes from 2:00 to 2:30.From 3:00 to 4:00 I was reading comics.At 4:30 I went with my parents to see my grandparents.After we got back home,I helped my mother do the cooking.After supper,we all went out for a walk,and then

13、we were watching TV from 8:00 to 9:00.When I went to bed,I felt very tired.But I was happy.第第16页页Surveying Sunday Activities1.Survey your classmates about their activities on Sundays.The following questions may help you.1)What do you usually do on Sundays?2)What were you doing at 10:00 a.m.last Sund

14、ay?第第17页页Surveying Sunday Activities2.Work in groups and play a chain game.A:What were you doing at that time last Sunday,B?B:I was watching TV.What were you doing,C?C:I was 第第18页页GrammarPast ContinuousI _ _ a shower at this time yesterday.Many people _ _ together in their warm homes._ you playing c

15、omputer games?Yes,I was./No,I wasnt.What _ you _ at this time yesterday?I _ _ some clothes.was takingwere gettingWereweredoingwas washing第第19页页I agree./I agree_ you./I dont agree.I think _./I dont think_.I think it is just _.I think he _ _ brave._ the line,please.You are quite _.Functionswithsososo-sois veryHoldright第第20页页搜集我国双休日历史。在搜集我国双休日历史。在班里与同学交流班里与同学交流。第第21页页第第22页页

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