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1、中文摘要本文探讨了整体语言教学法与我国大学英语教学的关系,分析了目前大 学生英语学习存在的问题,探索了利用整体语言教学法来解决问题的可能性。我国的英语教学取得了很大的进步,但是仍然存在许多严重的问题。许 多大学生能通过四级、六级考试,但是却不能够与其他人进行日常对话。相 反,有些人听说能力较好,而读写能力较差。还有一些人英语知识丰富,却 写不好一封申请信。他们的英语学习费时低效。这种结果根本不符合我国教 育部2004年颁布的大学英语课程教学要求中的规定,也不能满足社会的 需求。作者认为这可能与教学理念和教学方法有关。也就是为什么学和如何学 的问题。有些人认为学习英语是为了考级或者拿证书;有些人

2、为了学习而学 习;还有些人认为学英语就是学语法,背单词。虽然我们现在有很多的教学 法如直接法、听说法、认知法,情景法、交际法和语法翻译法,但还是不能 解决大学英语教学所面临的问题。这些教学法在产生的时候有它们的必要性 和合理性,但这并不意味着现在和将来都是合理的。有些教学法强调对语言 知识的掌握却忽略了实际应用;有些重视听说却忽视了读写;有些强调流利 性却忽略了准确性。所以本文试图探询一种适当的教学方法来改变这种状况。我们应该寻找 一种系统的、综合的、学以致用的方法。似乎整体语言有这些特点。这是本 文要讨论整体语言的第一个原因。第二个原因是针对大学英语教学的现状,许多学者提出了改良的方法,但尚

3、无定论。中国的一些学者介绍了整体语言 教学法的理论和具体做法,但很少人提出利用整体语言教学法来解决目前大 学英语教学面对的问题。第三个原因是有人担心整体语言教学法过于强调理 解,而忽视了语言使用的准确性;指责整体语言教学不集中、不系统地讲解 语音、拼写或语法的做法,将会导致学生读写能力的下降3第四个原因是在 中国证明整体语言理论对大学英语教学有效的实验太少。所以本文要讨论在 中国用整体语言教学法进行大学英语教学的可行性及其对大学英语教学的指 导意义。本文介绍了整体语言产生的背景、定义、主要原则、理论基础、课堂实 践。作者将整体语言教学法与其他主要教学法进行比较,探讨在目前情况下 整体语言是否比

4、其他教学法更适合我国的大学英语教学作者还进行了实验 研究,观察接受整体语言教学法教学的学生是否比接受其他教学法教学的学 生成绩更好。受试者为非英语专业的大学生.他们分成三个班,分别采用整 体语言教学法、语法翻译教学法、听说教学法。作者对实验结果进行单因素 方差分析,使用SPSS 11.5 for Window软件.最后本文得出结论:整体语言 教学法在目前比其他教学法更适合大学英语教学;该教学法能帮助大学生解 决英语学习的问题一听说能力较差,听说读写四项技能发展不平衡。而且整 体语言理论对指导中国大学英语教学有一定的意义。本文的最后,作者提到了该研究的意义及局限性。提出将来研究的方向。关键词:整

5、体语言教学法,大学英语教学,整体,综合,应用AbstractThis paper discusses the relation between whole language teaching approach and college English teaching in our country;It analyses the problems confronting college students in their English study at present and explores the possibility of solving the problems by adoptin

6、g whole language teaching approach.There is great progress in college English teaching in China,but there still exist some serious problems.Our college students can pass CET4 or CET-6 examination,but they cannot have daily conversation with other people.On the other hand,some of them are relatively

7、good at listening and speaking,but poor in reading and writing.In addition,some have rich knowledge about English but they cannot write an application letter.They spend too much time with low efficiency;This result by no means meets the requirements of the documentRequirements for College English Co

8、urses published by our educational department in 2004.Neither can it meet the needs of the society;These are partly due to the teaching ideas and methods employed.For some people,the purpose of learning English is to pass examinations and get diploma;for some others,the purpose is to learn grammar a

9、nd vocabulary,not for application.Although many English teaching theories and methods emerged successively during last decades,such as direct method,audio-lingual method,cognitive method,situational method,communicative method,etc.,they still cannot solve the problems confronting the college student

10、s.Some of them emphasize the mastery of linguistic knowledge,but ignore the practical application;insome emphasize listening and speaking skills,but ignore reading and writing skills;and some attach importance to fluency while ignoring accuracy.Therefore,this article tries to explore what method can

11、 change this situation and solve the problems.We should find a method,which is systematic,integrative and dialectical.It seems that whole language has these characteristics.This is the first reason for the paper to discuss the whole language.The second reason is that some experts put forward many su

12、ggestions,but no one proposes changing the situation by adopting whole language teaching approach.Some;scholars introduce the theory and specific principles of whole language,but few of them suggest solving the above problems by employing the theory.The third reason is that some scholars wony that w

13、hole language emphasize too much on reading comprehension while ignoring tiie accuracy of the language.They also complain that the approach does not teach phonetics,spelling and grammar systematically,which will lead to a decline in students reading and writing level as a result The fourth reason is

14、 that there are only a few experiments which prove its effectiveness in college English teaching in China.Therefore,the paper discusses the feasibility of teaching college English in China with whole language approach and the significance of whole language to college English teaching.The paper intro

15、duces the background of whole language,its definition,main principles,theoretical foundation,and implementation in classroom.The author compares whole language teaching approach with other major teaching approaches to see if whole language is more suitable for college English teaching than other ivt

16、eaching approaches at Dresent Experiment was also conducted.The puipose of this experiment is to discover if the students taught with whole language approach can perform better than the other students taught with other teaching approaches can.The subjects were Non-English specialized university stud

17、ents.They were divided into 3 classes,and grammar-translation method,audio-lingual method and whole language method were adopted respectively.Data of the experiment were analyzed with One-Way ANOVA,using SPSS 11.5 for Windows.Finally the paper comes to the conclusion:whole language teaching approach

18、 is more suitable for college English teaching than other methods at present;it can help college students solve the problems-being poor at listening and speaking;being unbalanced in developing the four language skillslistening,speaking,reading and writing.Moreover,whole language is significant to co

19、llege English teaching in China.At the end of the paper,the author mentions the significance of the research and its limitation.Further research is suggested.Key words:whole language teaching approach;college English teaching;wholeness;integration;application中文文摘本文探讨了整体甯言教学法与大学英语教学的关系,讨论了大学生英语学习的现状,

20、存在的问题,探索了利用整体语言教学法来解决问题的可能性。本论文共有六个章节.第一章是导论.简要地叙述了本论文研究的内容、背景、目的和意义.作者指出;我 国大学英语教学取得很大的进步,但也存在严重问题,不容乐观.最为突出的是大量存在 聋哑英语和应试英语的现象,与我国教育部2004年颁布的大学英语课程教学要求相 去甚远.同时也不能满足社会上用人单位的要求。出现这样的现象与我国英语教学的理念 和教学方法有关.目前很多老师教英语的目的是让更多的学生通过四级、六级和其他证书 的考试。学生也是抱着同样的目的学习.另一个原因是教学方法。很多老师还是采用语法 翻译法,忽视听说的训练,所以学生听说能力较差.而采

21、用听说法或交际法,学生的口语 可能较好,但由于不够重视读写训练或不够重视语言的精确性,所以读写的能力不够好.针对这种情况,专家们提出了种种解决方案,但都没提到用整体语言教学法来帮助改 变目前的状况.一些学者介绍了整体语言的理论和具体的教学法,但很少人提出用该理论 解决目前存在的问题,或者提出用整体语言教学法来优化大学英语的教学.有些人认为整 体语言教学法产生于母语是英语的环境中,怀疑它是否适合英语为外语的环境。他们担心 整体语言教学法过于强调理解,而忽视了语言使用的准确性:指责整体语言教学不集中、不系统地讲解语音、拼写或语法的做法,将会导致学生读写能力的下降。所以本研究要探 讨整体语言教学法是

22、否适合中国的大学英语教学以及该理论对大学英语教学的指导意义.导论还告诉我们本论文试图通过理论分析和实验研究回答以下的几个问题:(1)在目 前情况下,整体语言是否比其他教学法更适合中国的大学英语教学,(2)整体语言教学法 是否能帮助大学生解决存在的问题:听说能力差,听说读写能力发展不均衡,不能做到学 以致用;(3)整体语言对我国大学英语教学有什么指导意义.本研究对我国大学英语教学如何改变教学观念,提高教与学的效率有所启发.第二章阐述了研究背景.在阅读了大量的文献之后,本文作者意识到大学英语教学现 状不容乐观。国内的大量文献表明我国大学英语教学费时低效,大学生应试能力强,实际 应用英语的能力差,特

23、别是听说方面。另外,听说读写四项技能的发展也不均衡。有些 学生读写能力较强,但听说能力太差,连基本的日常对话都无法进行;有些学生听说还可 以但读写能力不够.刘润清(2003)在中国高校外语教学改革:现状与发展策略研究 一书中指出:很多高校在大学英语教学方面进行了一些改革和调整,对英语口语能力的培 养进行了一些探索与尝试。然而,“高份低能”和“哑巴英语”等批评之声不绝于耳.很 多人认为毕业生已通过了 CET-4,甚至CET-6,但他们语言运用能力;尤其是口头表达能 力仍然较差,没有达到社会和用人单位的要求.接着作者对这些现象背后的原因进行分析.根据阅读的文献,作者认为可能跟教学理 念和教学方法有

24、关.也就是为什么学和如何学的问题。有些人认为学习英语是为了考级或 者拿证书;有些人为了学习而学习.还有些人认为学英语就是学语法,背单词。虽然我们 现在有很多的教学法如直接法、听说法、认知法,情景法、交际法和语法翻译法,但还是 不能解决大学英语教学所面临的问题.这些教学法在产生的时候有它们的必要性和合理 性,但这并不意味着现在和将来都是合理的.有些教学法强调对语言知识的掌握却忽略了 实际应用;有些重视听说却忽视了读写;有些强调流利性却忽略了准确性。所以本文试图探询一种适当的教学方法来改变这种状况.我们应该寻找一种系统的、综合的、学以致用的方法。似乎整体语言有这些特点。这是本文要讨论整体语言的第一

25、个 原因.第二个原因是针对大学英语教学的现状许多学者提出了改良的方法,但尚无定论。中国的一些学者介绍了整体语言教学法的理论和具体做法,但很少人提出利用整体语言教 VI学法来解决目前大学英语教学面对的问题。第三个原因是有人担心整体语言教学法过于强 调理解,而忽视了语言使用的准确性;指责整体语言教学不集中、不系统地讲解语音、拼 写或语法的做法,挥粉会导致学生读写能力的下降。第四个原因是证明整体语言理论对大学 英语教学有效的实验很少.第三章详细地介绍了整体语言教学法。介绍了该教学法的背景、定义、教学原则、理 论根据、教学实践整体语言教学法在美国的出现可追溯到20世纪70年代中期。Goodman,Fr

26、eeman,Davenport是代表人物。作为一种语言教学理论,整体语言教学法的形成和发展的初衷是 为了指导以英语为母语的儿童的读写教学.目前该理论已被推广到很多英语国家的中等教 育、成人英语教学和将英语作为第二语言的教学等领域。虽然整体语言的倡导者对于该理论有不同的定义和解释,但也有最基本的共识:整体 语言不仅是一种教学方法,而且是一种教育理念。它是建立在几门学科研究成果的基础之 上.该理论是关于学习的本质以及如何进行有意义的学习.整体、综合、应用是它的核心.它不仅研究语言本身,而且还研究语言教和学的方方面面。整体语言教学应该遵循以下几个原则:(1)语言应该被看成是一个整体,而不能人为 地将

27、其分解为诸如语音、语法、词汇、句法等,教授语言也不应人为地把听、说、读、写 等技能割裂开来分别进行.(2)教与学是个统一的整体,教师与学生组成一个整体,在教 学的每一个环节都存在着明显的互动性,教师应该充分注意到学生的全部方面,如兴趣、智力水平、目的需求、接受方式等,并把自己充分融入到学生整体中去.(3)语言的学习 和应用不应该分开。学习的目的就是应用.即使你掌握了语言知识,也并不意味你会应用 这些知识。你要不断练习,把所学的知识用到现实生活中去.C4)全语言强调以学生为中 心,学生应该成为学习的主人,有相当的选择和决定权。(5)全语言强调全方位地吸纳人 类的一切知识成就,使语言充当人们表达和

28、交流思想的手段。全语言这个体系包括了“全面的学习者”、“全面的教师”、“全面的教材”、“全面的方 法”、“全面的技能”“全面的环境”.其中全面的方法和全面的技能对我们改变教学方法特 别有借鉴作用。全方法是指不要把方法和学习过程分开.教学方法的选用应根据学习情况 的需要.教师不应该死抱理论教条,而应根据教学的具体情况和需要使用某种教学方法.全面的技能包括听、说、读、写.强调听说读写不可分割.应该培养学生这些方面的能力 和综合应用这些技巧的能力.听说读写是语言自身发展过程中不可分割的整体,它们相互 影响、彼此促进是语言发展的辩证关系。整体语言的理论基础是建构主义心理学、心理语 言学和社会语言学,整

29、体语言学的教学步骤是自上而下的,从整体到局部.第四章讨论的是整体语言的优越性以及对大学英语教学的适用性.通过将整体语言与 目前广泛使用的教学法进行比较.作者认为在当前大学英语教学的情况下,整体语言教学 法比其他教学法优越,更适合大学英语教学。主要原因有以下几点整体语言符合2004 年国家教育部颁布的大学英语课程教学要求;(2)该教学法能帮助解决许多大学生面 临的问题:听说能力差。因为整体语言强调语言能力的培养要在真实的环境中进行,自然 离不开听和说.(3)该教学法还能帮助一些大学生克服读写能力差的弱点。因为该教学法 不仅重视听和说,而且还重视读和写.这是由其“全技能”观点所决定的.(4)该教学

30、法 能帮助大学生克服第三个弱点:实际应用能力差.这是由其学以致用的观点所决定的。(5)有些学者的实验支持了本文的观点。但是有些人担心整体语言教学法过于强调理解,而忽视了语言使用的准确性:指责整 体语言教学不集中、不系统地讲解语音、拼写或语法的做法,将会导致学生读写能力的下 降.作者认为这种担心是不必要的.首先,该教学法不反对讲解生词和语法,而是反对离 开句子学单词,离开篇章学句法.其次,整体语言中的具体教学法确实不支持系统讲解词 vn汇和语法。,因为他们可以通过语感感知到句子的结构。而在中国却没有相同的条件,不 过我们完全可以系统地讲解语法与词汇.因为整体语言教育理念告诉我们,不要把方法和 学

31、习过程分开.教学方法的选用应根据学习情况的需要.教师不应该死抱理论教条,而应 根据教学的具体情况和需要使用某种教学方法.但是要注意的是应该把重点放在文章的理 解和知识的应用上.再其次,中国大学生的英语总体水平有了很大提高.他们在中学很重 视词汇和语法的学习,语篇教学对他们来说不会太难,所以整体教学法适合中国的大学英 语教学.第五章介绍了实验的情况,包括实验目的、对象、方法、结果和结论.研究者将2004级非英语专业的大学生作为受试者,分为三个班。A班为实验班采用整 体语言教学法;B班和C班为控制班,分别采用了语法翻译法、听说法进行教学。实验前 进行前测,结果表明三个班级无显著差异.经过一个学期的

32、学习后,进行了后测,结果表 明实验班与控制班有显著差异.通过对实验数据进行单因素方差分析(使用SPSS 11.5软 件).研究者得出结论:实验班在总平均分上明显超过控制班,而且听说读写四项技能的发 展比控制班均衡.第六章是讨论和结论.作者分析了实验班成绩高过控制班的原因,认为实验班采用了 整体语言教学法,体现了整体语言的教育理念.在教学过程中作者注意到课程的整体性、课文的整体性、听说读写的整体性.同时以学生为中心,沟通和互动贯穿整个教学过程.作者还引用Krashen的输入假设和Swain的输出假设来说明实验班取得较好成绩的原因.通过理论分析和实验研究,作者得出结论:在目前情况下整体语言教学法比

33、其他教学 法更适合大学英语教学;它能帮助解决许多大学生面临的问题一听说能力差,听说读写能 力发展不均衡;该教学法对中国大学英语教学有一定的指导意义。论文还指出了本研究的不足之处,提出了今后的研究方向.VIIIChapter One IntroductionThis paper deals with the relation between the whole language teaching approach and college English teaching and learning.It discusses the problems confronting college stud

34、ents in our country at present and explores the possibility of solving the problems by adopting whole language teaching approach.Since the refonning and opening to the outside world,great progress has been made in college English teaching in China.The general English level of the students has been g

35、reatly improved.Moreover,greater importance is attaching to English teaching.However there still exist some serious problems,vdiich cannot be ignored.Many university students are poor in oral English and their study is test-oriented.They can pass CET 4 or CET 6 examinations,but their ability to inte

36、grate and apply the four skills-listening,speaking,reading and writing,is rather poor They spend too much time on English with low efficiency.This result by no means meets the requirements written in the documentRequirements for College English Courses published by our educational department in 2004

37、.The“requirements”points out the goal of college English teaching is to foster the students,ability of applying English with integrated skills,especially listening and speaking skills.By doing so,they can exchange information with foreigners effectively both in spoken and written English on future w

38、ork and social intercourse.Meanwhile,their ability of positive learning must be enhanced,and their general quality in culture improved so that they can adapt themselves to the needs of economic development of our country and international exchange.These are partly due to the teaching ideas and metho

39、ds employed.For some people,the purpose of learning English is to pass examinations and get diploma;for some others,the puipose is to team grammar and vocabulary,not for application.During the last decades,many English teaching theories and methods emerged successively,such as direct method,audio-li

40、ngual method,coiitive method,situational method,communicative method,etc.These methods have their own advantages and disadvantages.They worked well before,but they do not necessarily woric well now or in the future.Some of them emphasize the mastery of linguistic knowledge,but ignore the practical a

41、pplication;some emphasize listening and speaking skills,but ignore reading and writing skills;and some attach importance to fluency while ignoring accuracy.Perhaps these explain the reason for the problems confronting college students.In view of this situation,some experts put forward many suggestio

42、ns,but no one proposes changing the situation by adopting 灿ole language teaching approach.Some scholars introduce the theory and specific principles of whole language,but few of them suggest solving the above problems by employing whole language approach and relevant experiment is also rare.Some sch

43、olars worry that whole language put too much emphasis on reading comprehension while ignoring the accuracy of the language.They also complain that the approach does not teach phonetics,spelling and grammar systematically,which wiD lead to the dropping m students reading and writing level as a result

44、.Therefore the paper wants to discuss the feasibility of teaching college English in China with whole language approach and the significance of 毗ole language to college English teaching.Whole language emerged in the United States 30 years ago.Ken.Goodman,Y.S.Freeman,Davenport are some of the represe

45、ntatives of the approach.Although these advocators have different definitions and explanations about whole language,they shar9 some common ideas:(1)language should be viewed as a whole instead of being divided into phonetics,grammai;vocabulai%syntax etc.L anguage should be taught as a whole,instead

46、of being taught in separated classes fbr listening,speaking,reading and writing skills.(2)Teaching and learning are interdependent,so are the relation between teachers and students.They interact through every step of teaching process.Teachers should care for all aspects of students including their i

47、nterests,level,goals,ways of acceptance and so on,merging themselves with students.(3)L earning and application of a language cannot be separated.The purpose of learning is application Even if you master language knowledge,it does not mean that you arc able to apply the knowledge.You should practice

48、 and use what you have learned in real life.(4)whole language make emphasis on absorbing intellectual products made by human being in all aspects,making language a means for expressing and exchanging ideas.(5)In classroom,teacher is an assistant in students laming,not an authority.Student-centered a

49、pproach is strongly suggested.Whole language has made its way into Canada,Britain,New Zealand,Australia and other English speaking countries.It has been widely applied in various settings,from kindergarten to postgraduate education,even in ESL and EFL classrooms.In our counliy,few people discuss thi

50、s approach and the relevant experiment is rare.However,in fact,we are using this theory unconsciously.Thpse methods such as subject-based teaching approach,task-based approach,and intermediate approach embody to some extent the whole language theory,and New Horizon Colle即 English is another example.

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