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1、语音课教案:英语语音课教学设计Teaching Plan f or E nglish Pronunciation Practice英语语音课程教 学教案Unit 1Basic Concepts:Syllab les,Stress&Rhythm Unit 2Consonants:Stops Unit 3Consonants:Fricatives and Af f ricates Unit 4Consonants:Nasals,Appro*imants&Literal(s)Unit 5Vowels:Front Vowels&Central Vowels Unit 6Vowels:Back Vowe

2、ls Unit 7Vowels:D iphthongs Unit8Stressed Syllab les&Unstressed Syllab les Unit 9Stressed Word s&Unstressed Word s in a Sentence Unit 10Strong Forms and Weak Forms Unit 11Linking Unit 12Rhythm of E nglish Speech Unit 13Types of Intonation in E nglishUnit 14Intonation Units of E nglishUnit 15Function

3、s&Uses of E nglish Intonation概论 E nglish Phonemes Stud y 英语音素学习 1.Some concepts ab outphonology:几个语音学的概念 1)letters:word s spelling symb ols.字母:词语的拼写符号。2)phonetic elements(phoneme 1):voice elements in speaking.音 素:语音的要素。3)phonetic symb ols:pronunciation symb ols.音标:拼读符 号。4)phonetic site(phoneme2):the

4、 area a phonetic elementis uttered in the mouth.音位:音素在口腔的发音区域。5)phonetic site variety(allophones):d if f erent f orms of the same phonetic element at d if f erent stages of the same phonetic site area.音位变体:同一音素在同一音位的发音区域不同段位上的不同表现形式。2.Classif ication of E nglish vowels英语元音的分类:长音 短音 音二 E,7 rL 音 5 a、工

5、 rL 音 2 一旦 TJe 曰 rL 位 6u rL 40u7 史3 a:8前元首(不圆唇)中元音(不圆唇)后元音(圆唇)发音特点:在前、中、后各组元音内,按照音位从前往后,开口由小变大;同一音位上,同一音位的长、短音可看作同一音素的音位变体,短音比长音 的音位偏后,开口偏大。Moving vowels运动音/变化音(双元音):sky,d ie au now,loud io d ear,hear ei make,sayq u low,go e q care,there b oy,oil ua sure,poor 合 口音(向前音)圆唇音向中音发音特点:以 ai为例,从 a:开始发音,音位 向

6、前移动,中间经过若干音位,到终点 i处收拢,整个过程连贯紧凑,浑然一体,音位比普通话“爱”字的韵母ai更前,开口稍小。3.Single vowels(card inal vowels)uttering practice 单元音发音练 习 4.Moving vowels(glid ing vowels or d iphtongs)uttering practice 运动 音发音练习 5.Similar vowels comparation 近似音发音区别练习b ed met set let pet 囤 b ad mad sad lad pat A b ut must suck love pubb

7、 o*mop sof t lost pop a:b ar mark star last past 6.the vocal organs(发音器官):vocal cord s 声带,uvula 小舌,palate 腭,tongue 舌头,tongue b lad e 舌边,lips 唇,teeth 牙齿,alveolar 齿 龈,the nasal cavity 鼻腔,the oral cavity 口腔,pharyn*咽,laryn*喉 The consonants elements stud y 辅音音素学习I.the constructure of the E nglish consona

8、nts 英语辅音构成 1.(1)清辅音:发音时声带不振动的辅音;(2)浊辅音:发音时声带要振动的辅音。2.爆破音 plosive consonants:p t k;b d g;摩擦音 f ricativeconsonants:s f 9 J ;z v 3;h r 鼻音 nasal consonants:m n r;舌边音(旁流音)lateral consonants:1;半元音semi-vowels:j w;破擦音 af f ricateconsonants:ts t/d z d tr d r .II.phonetic practice 发音练习III.hard points e*plaina

9、tion 难点解说:J :shy,show,sharp;汉语拼音sh(施)一*(西):先定好发“施”的翘舌动作,在上齿后部发出“西”音,然后去除“*i”的韵母。:pleasure,usual 汉语拼音 r(日)f y(衣):change,teach 汉语拼音 ch(吃)f q(七);d :charge,d anger 汉语拼音 zh(智)-*j(机)IV.E nglish tonguetwister practice 英语绕口令练习:1.She sells the shells at the sea-shore,and the shells she sells are sea-shells,I

10、 m sure.Cause she sells the shells on the sea-shore,the shells she sells are sea-shells f or sure.2.Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers.If Peter Piper picked a pack of pickledpeppers,how many pickled peppers d id Peter Piper pick?VI.interesting numb ers recilting practice趣味数字背诵练习:用“流水诵记法”背诵

11、一百位 圆周率小数目的:通过这一练习,使学生体验语音节律和联想对记忆的强化和整合作 用,使较长的记忆单元变为一个有机的整体,熟练后可达到一气呵成的功效。一 口气背完一百位圆周率小数最快仅7秒。r=3.1415926 535897932 834626433 3829750288419716939 9375105 820974944592307816406286208998 6280348253421170679-英语音标教学中非拉丁字母的符号如何输入?方法一、插入 字符。在word中,不同字体的字符容量是不同的,Microsof t Rererance SansSerif等字体包含了非拉丁字母的

12、其他国际音标符号。输入方法如下:使用“插入”“符号”一“字体”选择:1、Microsof t Rererance SansSerif:se a o 3 3f 5na 炉 d 3 2、“Ms Gothic”:a也 也 nJ0da3史A9enJ3、“Ms Mincho :ee4、“Lucid a Sans Unicod e”:方法二:利用在线服务输入,复制并粘贴到word o网址:1、方法三:利用网络上的英语音标在线学习网页。网址:26 8 8 A0s aA9d3a0dJ3na也1、2、-sound sipa.htm方法四:利用网络在线词典,查出单词的注音,复制并粘贴到word上。在线词典:Gig

13、a Med ia,Taiwan在线英汉词典:.tw/Yahoo奇摩线上英汉字典:/韦氏大字典网络版Merriam-Web ster On-lineD ictionary http:/d iet,htm剑桥线上辞典 Camb rid ge D ictionaries On-linehttp:/d iet,htm 方法五:将这些音标复制下来,保存为一个专门的文档,要用时就复制过去。a A a:tea 6 6位标记(中括号):长音符号:重音符号:次重音符号:元音:s d J 3 co o a:辅音:;Q 音,说明:网页上出现的方框3 ,表明该网页的显示字体库中没有相应字 符,无法正常显示.Unit

14、1 Lesson Plan Basic Concepts:Syllab les,Stress&Rhythm(教案:附要点、重点和难点)D ate:Sept.16-20 Class:Classes 1,2&3,Grad e 2002 Sub ject:E nglish Pronunciation PracticePurpose:The stud ents will learn some b asic concepts in E nglish pronunciation.We are going to learn something ab out syllab les,stress and rhy

15、thm in E nglish.At the same time,they will learn to say greetings and f arewell with appropriate pronunciation and intonation in E nglish.Ob jectives:Stud ents will b e ab le to:1.D ef ine-in their own word s a d ef inition f or“syllab le”and ustressed syllab le ,then a d ef inition f or“rhythm”and

16、rhythmic pattern“;2.Compare-b ased on the und erstand ing of thepare the d egrees of stress and d if f erent rhythmic patterns;3.Practice-imitate the typical stress patterns and rhythmic patterns in E nglish.Resources/Materials:1.Te*tb ook:Wang,Guizhen,An E nglish Pronunciation Course,Higher E d uca

17、tion Press,Beijing,2000;2.Hand outs:illustration of stress patterns and rhythmic pattern;3.Record ings of native speakersActivities and Proced ures:1.Begin b y asking the class to f ind out how much the stud ents know ab out stress patterns and rhythmic patters in E nglish,make sure that it serves t

18、he purpose of stimulating the stud ents to think ab out the issue and have the d esire to f ind out the answers themselves.2.D isplay e*amples b y playing the record ing of the native speakers showing the typical stress patters and rhythmic patterns in E nglish.3.Ask the stud ents to listen to the t

19、apes to mark out the stressed syllab les in word s.4.Ask the stud ents to listen to the tapes to mark out the stressed word s in sentences.5.Have the stud ents imitate the stress patterns and rhythmic patterns to e*perience the rhythm in speech.6.Have the stud ents share what they have learned b y r

20、ead ing out the practice materials in pairs.7.Have the stud ents listen to the conversations record ed b y native speakers of E nglish and try to get the rhythmic patterns in their speech.8.Have the stud ents practice the guid ed conversation.Ask them to pay special attention to the stress the rhyth

21、m in speech.9.Highlight the language f unction in the conversation in the practice.10.Have several pairs of the stud ents present their conversation in the class.11.Comment on the stud ents?perf ormance b y highlighting the achievement of the stud ents and the ef f orts they need f or the improvemen

22、t.12.Ask the stud ents to d o more practice af ter class and get read y f or presentation d uring the ne*t session.附:要点、重点和难点 Unit 1 Basic Concepts:Syllab les,Stress&RhythmIn this unit,we are going to learn some b asic concepts in E nglish pronunciation.We are going to learn something ab out syllab

23、les,stress and rhythm in E nglish.At the same time,we are going to learn to say greetings and f arewell with appropriate pronunciation and intonation in E nglish.First of all,let s look at the syllab le in E nglish.Please listen to the f ollowing word:d riveway.Now,tell me,how many syllab les there

24、are in this word?Right.There are two.Please listen to the f ollowing sentence:D rive him away.Tell me,how many syllab les there are in this sentence?Right.There are f our.Introd uction So.What is a syllab le?A syllab le is a word part and the b asic unit of E nglish rhythm.E nglish word s can have o

25、ne,two,three or even more syllab les.In the word d riveway,there are two syllab les.In the sentence D rive him away,there are f our.What is a stressed syllab le?In E nglish word s with more than one syllab le,one of them will receive more stress than the others.Stressed syllab les are those that are

26、 marked in the d ictionary as stressed.For e*ample,in the word d riveway,the f irst syllab le is a stressed syllab le while the second syllab le is not.Stressed syllab les in E nglish are usually longer,loud er,and higher in pitch.Listen to the f ollowing e*ample:b aNAAAAnaSyllab le 1 Syllab le 2Syl

27、lab le 3(short)(long)(short)The word b anana has 3 syllab les.Syllab le 1 is not stressed and so is short.Syllab le 2 is stressed and so is long with a clear vowel sound/B:/.Syllab le 3 is not stressed and so is also short.Here is a short summary ab out the stressed and unstressed syllab les:Stresse

28、d syllab les are strong syllab les.Unstressed syllab les are weak syllab les.Stressed syllab les:-are long-have a pitch change-have f ull vowel sound s.Unstressed syllab les:-are short-of ten have a red uced vowel sound.Now let s look at the rhythm in E nglish.We all know that correct pronunciation

29、of the ind ivid ual E nglish sound s is important in communication.The way the sound s are organized,however,is of ten more crucial f or und erstand ing.The rhythm of E nglish,f or e*ample,is one of the two major organizing structures that native speakers rely on to process speech.What is rhythm?Rhy

30、thm can b e f ound everywhere in lif e:the sound of a clock,the b eating of the heart,the strokes of a swimmer,and of course in poetry and music.But rhythm in language is less f amiliar b ecause it is less ob vious.The rhythm of a language is characterized b y the timing patternof successive syllab

31、les.In some languages,every syllab le is given ab out the same length,while in others,syllab les vary in length.In E nglish,strong b eats are called stress-the heart of the rhythmic pattern.第1单元基本概念:音节、重音与节奏本单元将向大家介绍英语语音语调的基本概念,主要介绍英语语音的音节、重音和节奏规律。首先,让我们先来看看英语的音节:单词d riveway有两个音节。句子D rive him away有四

32、个音节。何谓“音节”?音节是一个言语单位,常常比一个语音长,但比一个单词短。一个英语单词可以有一个、两个三个或更多的音节。就像我们刚看到的单词 d riveway有两个音节,句子D rive him away有四个音节。同时,音节又是英语发 音节奏的最基本的单位。何谓“重读音节”?如果一个英语单词中拥有两个或两个以上的音节,其中 一个音节会比其周围的音节要响亮些。重读音节通常在词典中有所标注。例如,单词d riveway的第一个音节就是重读音节,而它的第二个音节就是非重读音节。英语中的重读音节在发音过程中往往要比非重读音节要长一些,响亮一些,同时音调也稍高一些。例如,b anana”一词有三个

33、音节。第一个音节是非重音,所以发音所需时间比较短。第二个音节是重读,所以元音/B:/发的比较长,清晰 响亮。第三个音节同样属非重音,所以发音所需时间也很短。可见,重读音节与非重读音节分别有以下特征:重读音节:1.声音响亮2.延续时间较长3.音调较高非重读音节:1.延续时 间较短2元音发音弱化英语话语节奏:学会发好每一个英语音素,是学好英语 语音的基础,正确的发音在语言交流中非常重要。然而,语音的组合方式对于听者的理解也起着至关重要的作用。英语的话语节奏就是其中之一。何谓“英语话语节奏”?节奏在我们的日常生活中无所不在:滴答转动的钟 表声,砰砰不停的心脏跳动,游泳的划水节拍,优美诗句和音乐的韵律

34、,这些都 是节奏的体现。话语节奏与前面我们所提到的日常生活中显而易见的节奏不同之 处在于:语言中的话语节奏不是那么明显与绝对。语言中的节奏特征是由一连串 音节的长短来体现的。有一些语言的话语特点是:每一个音节的音长呈大致相同 的趋势,这种音节彼此距离大致相等的现象被称为“以音节定时”节奏。汉语的 话语节奏就有这样的倾向。例如,当我说:“面包加牛奶”,这里含5个音节,所需的时间暂且定为5个时段。如果我要说:“一片面包加一杯牛奶”,这里含9 个音节,所需的时间就是9个时段。英语的话语节奏则显不同的趋势。例如,在 b read and milk短语中,音节数是三个,其中b read 与milk是重读

35、音 节。在some b read and some milk”这一短语中,音节数是5个,其中重读的也 是“b read”与“milk”。虽然这两个短语的音节数不同,但是在话语中,它们所 需的时间却是大致相同的,因为它们有一个共同点:重读音节数相同。这种重读 音节彼此距离相等的现象就是“以重音定时”节奏。掌握这一英语话语的节奏规 律。对于提高我们英语口语的流利程度和自然程度以及英语听力理解快速解码的 能力至关重要。正因为如此,我们将重音与节奏的学习放在中心与突出的位置,从第一单元 的概念介绍开始,贯穿整个语音课程学习的始终。Unit 2 Lesson Plan Consonants:Stops(

36、教案:附要点、重点和难点)D ate:Sept.23-27 Class:Classes 1,2&3,Grad e 2002 Sub ject:E nglish Pronunciation PracticePurpose:The stud ents will learn the stop consonants in E nglish.Ob jectives:Stud ents will b e ab le to:1.D ef ine-in their own word s a d ef inition f or“stops“;2.Compare-b ased on the und erstand

37、 ing of thepare stops and other consonants;3.Practice-imitate the sound s and d o practice.Resources/Materials:1.Te*tb ook:Wang,Guizhen,An E nglish Pronunciation Course,Higher E d ucation Press,Beijing,2000;2.Hand outs:illustration of the phonemes in f ocus;3.Record ings of native speakersActivities

38、 and Proced ures:1.Stimulating:Begin b y asking the class to f ind out how much the stud ents know ab out what they are required to learn.Make sure that it serves the purpose of stimulating the stud ents to think ab out the issue and have the d esire to f ind out the answers themselves.2.D isplay e*

39、amples b y playing the record ing of the native speakers showing the typical pronunciation in E nglish.3.Ask the stud ents to listen to the tapes to make a good d iscrimination of the sound s in f ocus.4.Have the stud ents imitate the sound in f ocus.5.Have the stud ents share what they have learned

40、 b y read ing out the practice materials in pairs.6.Have the stud ents listen to the conversations record ed b y native speakers of E nglish and try to get the sound s in f ocus correct in their pronunciation.7.Have the stud ents practice the guid ed conversation.Ask them to pay special attention to

41、 the sound s in f ocus in speech.8.Highlight the language f unction in the conversation in the practice.9.Have several pairs of the stud ents present their conversation in the class.10.Comment on the stud ents perf ormance b y highlighting the achievement of the stud ents and the ef f orts they need

42、 f or the improvement.11.Ask the stud ents to d o more practice af ter class and get read y f or presentation d uring the ne*t session.附:要点、重点和难点Unit 2Consonants:StopsIn this unit,we will learn the stop consonants in E nglish.The stop consonants are mad e b y completely stopping the airf low at some

43、 point in the mouth and then,f or most prod uctions,releasing it into the sound that f ollows.There are si*stops in E nglish:/p/and/b/are f ormed b y the lips,/t/and/d/are mad e on the gum rid ge b ehind the upper teeth,and/k/and/g/occur at the b ack of the mouth where the tongue makes a weal with t

44、he sof t palate,/p/,/t/,/k/are voiceless stops as they are not accompanied b y vib ration f rom the laryn*,while/b/,/d/,/g/are the voiced stops.These stops are among the most f requent sound s in E nglish and have f airly consistent spellings./p/and/b/You pronounce the/p/and/b/b y stopping the airst

45、ream with you lips,b uild ing up pressure and sud d enly releasing the air.They can b e used at the b eginning,mid d le and end of word s.The f ollowing are some of the allophonic variations of /p/and/b/.Allophonic variations of /p/:urrenceE*ampleAspirated release in initial word and stressed positi

46、ons poke p-Unreleased in word f inal position top ten p Unaspirated release in clusters,esp.af ter/s/spot p:Lengthening,when an arresting/p/is f ollowedb y a releasing/p/Stop Pete.p(Nasal release,b ef ore a syllab ic nasalStop him.Allophonic variations of /b/:urrenceE*ampleUnreleased in word f inal

47、positionrob b:lengthened when an arresting/b/is f ollowed b y a releasing/b/Rob Bob.b(Nasal resonance,b ef ore a syllab ic nasal Rob him./t/and/d/The/t/sound is one of the most f requent in E nglish and occur in all three positions at the word level.It has many variations and is a very interesting a

48、nd prod uctive sound in the language,/d/is not as f requent in E nglish nor d oes it have the numb er of varieties that/t/has.You pronounce them b y b locking the airstream with the tongue and upper gum rid ge,b uild ing up air pressure and sud d enly releasing it.The f ollowing are some of the allo

49、phonic variations of/t/and/d/:Allophonic variations of /t/:urrenceE*ampleAspirated release in word initial and stressed positions tape t-Unreleased in word f inal positioncoat t Unaspirated release in consonant cluster,esp.with/s/stop tO D entalized b ef ore/P/eighth t(Nasal release,b ef ore a sylla

50、b ic nasal b utton RFlapped,intervocalically letter?Glottal stop,b ef ore syllab ic n or 1 b utton t:Lengthening,when an arresting/t/is f ollowed b y a releasing/t/let Tim tSr8Af f rication of initial position/tr/trainAllophonic variations of /d/:urrenceE*ampleD entalized b ef ore an interd ental wi

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