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1、Emission Reductions Purchase and Sale Agreement核证减排量买卖协议Climate Bridge Ltd 环保桥有限公司Zhuxi County Wacang River Basin Hydropower Development Co., Ltd. 竹溪县瓦沧流域水电开发有限责任公司Hubei Zhuxi County Donggou Hydropower Project湖北竹溪县洞沟水利水电枢纽工程Contents目录ClauseNumberHeadingPage条款号标题页码通讯方式i1Interpretation12Term23Precondi

2、tions and Due Diligence Preconditions34Delivery and Payment45Option to Purchase ERs after 201266Alternative Emissions Reduction Schemes107Costs and Taxes118Project Development and Operation129Delivery Shortfall / Delivery Failure1510Project Participants, Focal Point, and Communications1511Representa

3、tions and Warranties1712Limitation of Liability2113Force Majeure Event2114Events of Default2315Calculation Agent2716Confidential Information2817Resolution of Disputes3018Change in Law3219General Payments3320Definitions37Execution52Schedule 53Commercial Terms53iEmission Reductions Purchase and Sale A

4、greementDate日期22 April 20112011年4月22日Parties当事人Climate Bridge Ltd., a company with registration number 657310, and incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin Islands, having its registered office at Walkers Chambers, 171 Main Street, P.O. Box 92, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands VG1

5、110 (Buyer) 环保桥有限公司,系根据BVI法律设立的公司,注册号657310。注册地址为Walkers Chambers, 171 Main Street, P.o. Box 92, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands VG1110 (简称为“买方”)。Zhuxi County Wacang River Basin Hydropower Development Co., Ltd., a company incorporated under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China, havin

6、g its registered office at No 54 Renmin Road, Chengguan Town, Zhuxi County, Hubei Province, China (Seller) 竹溪县瓦沧流域水电开发有限责任公司系依据中华人民共和国法律设立的公司。注册地址为中国湖北省竹溪县城关镇人民路54号(简称为“卖方”)。(each a Party and together the Parties) (单独称为“当事人”,合称为“双方”)Recitals 前言A Seller operates a Project which it intends to have Reg

7、istered under the Clean Development Mechanism so that it may receive Emission Reductions. 卖方运营有某个项目,并希望该项目在清洁发展机制下注册以获得核证减排量。B Seller wishes to sell to Buyer, and Buyer wishes to purchase from Seller, Emission Reductions from the Project on the terms and conditions of this Agreement.根据本协议的条款和条件,卖方希望

8、出售,同时买方希望购买此项目所产生的减排量。Operative provisions 实施条款1 Interpretation解释1.1 In this Agreement, unless the context indicates a contrary intention:本协议按如下规定解释,除非上下文指示为相反含义:(a) headings are for convenience only and do not affect interpretation; 标题仅为便利之用,不得影响条文的解释;(b) the expression person includes an individua

9、l, the estate of an individual, a corporation, a company, a firm, an authority, a government, a state, an agency of state, an association or a joint venture (whether incorporated or unincorporated), a partnership, a consortium and a trust;“人”包括个人、集团、公司、商号、机构、政府、国家、机关单位、协会、合营单位(无论是否具有公司身份)、合伙企业、财团或信托

10、机构;(c) a reference to any Party includes that Partys executors, administrators, successors and permitted assigns, including any person taking by way of novation and, in the case of a trustee, includes any substituted or additional trustee;任何当事人均包括该当事人的遗嘱执行人、管理人、继承人、经许可的受让人,包括合同主体更新后的新当事人。在信托的情况下,则还应

11、包括替换的受托人或附加的受托人,如果是指买方,还包括买方指定的任何人(买方的指定方)。(d) a reference to any document (including this Agreement) is to that document as varied, novated, ratified or replaced from time to time;任何文件(包括本协议)均指修改、更新、批准或替换之后的文件;(e) a reference to any International Rules, the EU ETS, statute or to any treaty or statu

12、tory provision includes any statutory modification or re-enactment of it or any treaty or statutory provision substituted for it, and all protocols, rules, modalities, guidelines, procedures, ordinances, by-laws, regulations, rules and statutory instruments (however described) issued under it;任何国际规则

13、、EU ETS、法规、条约、成文条款均包括其修正文件或重新制定的文件,或取代该等文件的条约或成文条款,或依据该等文件所颁发的议定书、规则、方式、指南、程序、条例、附则、规章及成文规则(无论如何描述);(f) words importing the singular include the plural (and vice versa), and words indicating a gender include every other gender;单数字词包括其复数含义(反之亦然),特定性别的字词亦包括另一性别的含义;(g) unless otherwise specified, where

14、 a date specified in this Agreement to be a payment date would otherwise fall on a day that is not a Business Day, then such date will be deemed to be the next following day that is a Business Day.除非有明确定义,当本合同中的任何支付日为非工作日时,实际支付日均指该非工作日之后的第一个工作日。(h) references to clauses or schedules are references t

15、o clauses or schedules to or of this Agreement, and a reference to this Agreement includes any schedule to this Agreement;当事人、条款、附件均指本协议的当事人、条款及附件,提及本协议时包括其附件内容。(i) where a word or phrase is given a defined meaning, any other part of speech or grammatical form of that word or phrase has a correspond

16、ing meaning; and 如任何字词被赋予特定含义,则该字词的其他词性或语法格式具有相同的含义;(j) the word includes in any form is not a word of limitation.“包括”一词在任何情况下均不具有“仅限于”的含义。1.2 All capitalised terms have the meanings set out in clause 20.所有大写的术语其含义均为第20条中规定的含义。2 Term期间2.1 This ER Purchase Agreement (the Agreement) will commence on t

17、he Commencement Date and terminate on the fulfilment of all obligations hereunder, unless terminated earlier in accordance with this Agreement or extended by mutual agreement in written form between the Parties (the Term).本核证减排量购买协议(简称为“本协议”)自合同起始日起生效,于双方当事人完全履行其义务后终止,除非根据本协议的条款被提前终止,或双方当事人一致书面同意延长本

18、合同期限期。(简称为“期间”)3 Preconditions and Due Diligence Preconditions先决条件和尽职调查先决条件3.1 The obligations to purchase CERs in clause 4 will not take effect until all of the following conditions have been fulfilled:第4条项下的购买义务,在下列条件全部满足后方得生效:(a) Buyer has notified Seller that it (and if required by the Buyer, an

19、y Buyers Nominee) has satisfactorily completed and is satisfied with the results of its Due Diligence review of the Project and has received all necessary internal approvals; 买方通知卖方,项目通过了买方和任何买方指定方的所有的内部审批,并完成了项目的尽职调查且对调查结果表示满意;(b) the Project has achieved Registration with:项目已经完成注册,并且:(i) Buyer (an

20、d / or any of its Affiliates or any Buyers Nominee, as required by the Buyer) and Seller listed as Project Participants in the Project; and买方(和/或买方要求的买方的关联方或任何买方指定方)以及卖方均被列为该项目的参与方;且(ii) Buyer and / or Buyers Nominee (as required by the Buyer), nominated as Focal Point in the Modalities of Communica

21、tion submitted to the CDM Executive Board; 买方和/ 或买方要求的指定方均被确定为向联合国清洁发展机制执行理事会(EB)上交的项目通讯方式表的指定联系人;(c) Seller has provided sufficient evidence, satisfactory to Buyer, that the Project has been successfully commissioned and is capable of generating GHG Reductions; 卖方向买方提供充分且令买方满意的证据,证明项目已顺利完工,并且能够实现温室

22、气体的减排,且结果令买方满意;(d) Seller has provided sufficient evidence, satisfactory to Buyer, that it has received all necessary Government approvals for the Project; 卖方向买方提供充分且令买方满意的证据,证明项目已获所在国政府所需的各项批准; (e) Buyer is satisfied that the Project will generate more than25,000 CERs per calendar year for at least

23、 one of the calendar years prior to and including 2012; and买方认为该项目平均每年产生的减排量不少于25,000 CERs,且在2012年之前(包括2012年)至少有一个减排量不少于25,000 CERs的年份;并且(f) Buyer is satisfied that there is a high probability that the Project will become Registered and commissioned on or before 31 December 2011.买方认为该项目能在2011年12月31日

24、之前顺利运行且成功注册。3.2 The Parties shall use all reasonable endeavours to satisfy the conditions in clause 3.1 as soon as practicable.双方应尽一切合理的努力满足第3.1 条所规定的条件。3.3 The preconditions in clause 3.1 are for the benefit of Buyer and may only be waived or deferred in whole or in part by Buyer by written instrum

25、ent. If the preconditions have not been satisfied or waived in writing by Buyer, Buyer may, at any time after signing this Agreement, in its absolute discretion, terminate this Agreement. 第3.1条为保护买方利益,因此只有买方可以以书面形式通知卖方全部或部分放弃或延迟第3.1条规定的条件。如买方对先决条件的结果不满意或未以书面形式表示对3.1条中条件的放弃,买方可以在本协议签署之后的任何时间内单方面终止本协议

26、。Due Diligence尽职调查3.4 Seller will cooperate in all reasonable respects with Buyers conduct of its due diligence review, including providing any financial information in relation to Seller and the Project, and to the extent available, the history and status of the Project, technical description, equi

27、pment suppliers, baseline description, additionality discussion, proposed methodology, status in the CDM project cycle, CER production schedule, existing contractual arrangements with respect to the Project, environmental and socio-economic impacts, any reputational risks associated with the Project

28、, granted and awaiting official approvals, milestone planning for next 3 years and the estimated Project Registration date.卖方应尽一切合理的努力配合买方的尽职调查,包括提供买方需要的有关卖方和项目的任何财务信息,且在资料能提供可获取的前提下,提供项目的历史背景和进展情况,技术描述,设备供应商,基准线描述,额外性分析,拟议的方法学,在CDM项目周期中的进展情况,CER产生时间进度,与项目相关的现有合约安排,环境与社会经济影响,项目的信誉风险,已得和未得的官方批准函,未来三年

29、的重要安排及预计项目注册日期。4 Delivery and Payment交付和支付Delivery and Payment of Pre-2013 CERs2013年前CER交付和支付4.1 Subject to and in accordance with the other provisions of this Agreement, with respect to the Pre-2013 CERs:关于2013年前CERs,除本协议另有约定外,适用以下规定:(a) Seller agrees to sell, and Buyer agrees to purchase, the Tota

30、l Pre-2013 CER Volume; 卖方同意出售,且买方同意购买2013年前 CER总量;(b) As soon as reasonably possible after the end of the relevant Verification Period, but in any event, on or before each Pre-2013 CER Delivery Date, Seller shall Deliver the Periodic Pre-2013 CER Volume to the Trading Account(s) nominated by Buyer,

31、and send Buyer an invoice in respect of the CERs Delivered; and无论在何种情况下,卖方应在相关的2013年前的核查期结束后,在每个交付之日或之前,将买方应获交付的定期2013年前CER 交付到买方指定的交易账户,同时向买方开出所交付CER的发票;且(c) subject to clause 4.3, on each Pre-2013 CER Payment Date, Buyer will pay to Seller the Pre-2013 CER Price for each Pre-2013 CER Delivered on

32、or before the corresponding Pre-2013 Payment Date, provided that Buyer has received an invoice from Seller in respect of that Delivery.在受第4.3条规定约束的条件下,在每个2013年前CER支付日,如买方已收到卖方有关相应交付的发票,买方应在其相应2013年前CER支付日或之前支付相应的CER款项给卖方。Ineligibility豁免权4.2 Buyer is under no obligation to (but for the avoidance of d

33、oubt may elect to) purchase:买方无义务(但为可以选择)购买(a) any ERs that it is (or may be) otherwise required to purchase from time to time pursuant to this Agreement, if at any time:任何根据本合同(可能)条款买方有义务购买的ERs ,如果(i) any such ERs are found or declared to be, or otherwise become, no longer eligible for use for meet

34、ing compliance under the EU ETS; or任何ERs被发现或宣布不再符合EU ETS的规定;或(ii) the European or international registry systems are unavailable; or欧洲或国际减排量注册系统不再存在;或(iii) there is not a sufficiently liquid secondary market for such ERs such that the Buyer, using reasonable endeavours, is not able to find a third p

35、arty buyer for such ERs; or没有具备充分流动性的ERs二级市场,以至于买方无法通过合理的努力找到ERs的第三方买家;或(iv) such ERs cannot be delivered to the Trading Account nominated by the Buyer; orERs无法被交付到买家指定的交易账户下;(b) all or any part of the Total Pre-2013 CER Volume:所有或部分2013年前CER总量:(i) that is not Delivered prior to 31 March 2013; or没有在

36、2013年3月31日前交付的;或(ii) that is in excess of one hundred and thirty percent (130%) of the aggregate of the Estimated Periodic Pre-2013 CER Volumes; or超过估算减排量130%部分的2013年前CER量;或(iii) in relation to any specific Verification Period, that is in excess of one hundred and thirty percent (130%) of the releva

37、nt Estimated Periodic Pre-2013 CER Volume.在任何一个核查其内,超过该周期内预估减排量130%的2013年前的CER量。Deductions扣减4.3 Buyer may deduct from the first payment under clause 4.1(c) (Delivery and payment of Pre-2013 CERs) or clause 5.9(b) (Post-2012 Call Option delivery and payment), and if necessary, from subsequent payment

38、s, an amount equal to the amount incurred by Buyer in respect of upfront payments made under clause 7.2.买方可以根据第4.1(c)款项(2013年前CERs的交付与支付)和/或5.9(b)(2012年后购买选择权项下的交付和支付)从首次付款中,或者在必要时,从后续付款中扣除第7.2条中买方所支付的预付款相等的数额。Accounts账户4.4 Payment and Delivery will be made into the respective Cash Accounts and Trad

39、ing Account specified in Schedule 1 to this Agreement or as otherwise notified to the other Party pursuant to Clause 4.5 (Accounts) below.支付和交付应分别打入本协议附件1所指定或根据如下第4.5条款(帐户)指定的现金账户和交易账户。4.5 Any Party may change its Cash Account or Trading Account for receiving a payment or Delivery by giving at least

40、 ten (10) Business Days prior notice to the other Party.任何一方均可改变其交付或支付的现金账户或贸易账户,但必须提前十(10)个工作日通知对方。Effecting Delivery交付生效4.6 Delivery of ERs to Buyer under this Agreement is deemed to occur when the ERs are received in the Trading Account nominated by Buyer.买方指定的交易账户收到列明的ERs 时,则视为交付已经完成。4.7 Subject

41、 to Clause 5.12 (Transfer of legal title), Seller shall convey and properly transfer all legal and beneficial right, interest and title in each CER Delivered as part of the Total CER Volume and any ERs Delivered as part of the Post-2012 Call Options to be Delivered under this Agreement, and all othe

42、r rights and benefits arising from the corresponding GHG Reductions, on Delivery.根据第5.12条款(法定所有权的转让),卖方在交付作为本协议下CER总量的一部分及2012年选择权行使后ERs的一部分时,应将与此部分温室气体减排量相关的法定上和利益上相关的所有权利及权益一并转让移交给买方。Buyer Priority买方优先权4.8 Seller shall fulfil all its obligations to Deliver ERs pursuant to this Agreement in priorit

43、y to any other arrangements with any Third Party.卖方应优先于与其他第三方的任何安排,履行依据本协议交付ERs的义务。5 Option to Purchase ERs after 20122012年后购买 ERs的选择权Grant of Post-2012 Call Option2012年后的购买选择权5.1 In consideration of Buyers agreement to purchase the Total Pre-2013 CER Volume, Seller irrevocably grants Buyer the righ

44、t, but not the obligation, to purchase the Post-2012 ERs from the Seller at the Exercise Price in accordance with the following provisions (each such right to purchase Post-2012 ERs being a “Post-2012 Call Option”).鉴于买方同意购买2013年前CERs总量,卖方不可撤消地授予买方以本协议规定的行权价格及条款向卖方购买2012年后ERs的权利(该购买权视为“2012年后的购买选择权”)

45、,但买方并无购买2012年后 ERs的义务。5.2 If Buyer exercises any Post-2012 Call Option, then except as expressly set out in this clause 5, the relevant provisions in this Agreement (including but not limited to provisions relating to monitoring, generation, Verification and issuance of ERs) will be deemed to apply,

46、 mutatis mutandis, to any such Post-2012 ERs to be purchased by the Buyer (such Post-2012 ERs being referred to as “Exercised ERs”), and such provisions shall be interpreted, if appropriate, in accordance with the relevant International Rules (or any other applicable standard at that time). 如买方行使201

47、2年后的购买选择权,则除非本条款5中明确规定,否则本协议中的相关条款(包括但不限于ERs的监测、产生、核查和签发),将原则上适用于任何买方购买的2012年后ERs(该2012年后ERs视为“已行权ERs”),并且这些条款的解释,如适用,应当遵循相关国际规则(或其他届时适用的标准)。Procedure for Exercise of any Post-2012 Call Option行使2012年后的购买选择权的程序5.3 The Buyer may choose to exercise a Post-2012 Call Option to purchase all or any part of

48、 the Post-2012 ERs:买方可以选择行使2012年后的购买选择权来购买2012年后全部或者部分的ERs:(a) in respect of any Verification Report received by the Buyer during the Post-2012 Option Period; or买方收到2012年后购买选择权期间的核查报告;或(b) that are Issued without a Verification Report having been received by the Buyer,减排量已获签发但是买方未收到相应核查期内的核查报告by providing the Seller with an Exercise Notice

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