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1、Unit 4 Unit 4 Stories Stories and Poemsand PoemsA Story or a Poem?九年级英语上 新课标 冀教第1页A little poem Good,better,best,Never let it rest;Till good is better,And better best.好,更加好,最好好,更加好,最好 永不歇脚永不歇脚 直到好变更加好直到好变更加好 更加好变最好更加好变最好 第2页 ccomparepassagelimitformatrhymealthougheffortfataloudv.比较比较n.章节;段落章节;段落v.限制

2、;限定限制;限定n.格式;版式格式;版式n.韵;韵脚韵;韵脚/v.押韵押韵conj.即使,尽管;即使,尽管;不过,然而不过,然而n.精力;努力精力;努力adj.胖;厚胖;厚n.脂肪;肥肉脂肪;肥肉adv.出声地;大声地出声地;大声地Words andExpressions第3页Brian,Jenny and Danny learned about poems and stories this week.Their teacher,Ms.Cox,told them to write aor a poem.Brian started writing his.Jenny thought it was

3、 easier to write a story than to write a poem.But Danny didnt think so.He said,“with poems,stories are usually longer.”Jenny said,“A story doesnt limit you like a does.With poems,every word must have and meaning.Sometimes writing less takes_ effort than writing more.”poemComparedpoempowermoreRead th

4、e lesson and fill in the blanks with the correct words.story 第4页Read the lesson again and compare poems with stories.poemsstoriesb,c,ea,da.It must have a beginning,a middle and an end.b.Although it is short,every word must have power and meaning.c.Usually fewer words are used.d.It is longer and has

5、more words.e.You have to think about the format.第5页Main phrases:compared withneed to think aboutbe used inRead the text and find out main phrases and sentences.第6页Main sentences:Have you finished your English homework yet,Brian?I havent decided which one to write yet.But a story doesnt limit you lik

6、e a poem does.With poems,you need to think about format,rhyme and meaning.Although a poem has fewer words,its not always easier to write.If you think about it,it can take a long time to come up with the right words.Sometimes writing less takes more effort than writing more.I described something I lo

7、ve.Youve already finished第7页教材解读教材解读1.Have you finished your English homework yet,Brian?本句为本句为现在完成时现在完成时。现在完成时表示过去发生或已经。现在完成时表示过去发生或已经完成动作对现在造成影响或结果完成动作对现在造成影响或结果,也可表示过去已经开始也可表示过去已经开始,一直延续到现在动作或状态。一直延续到现在动作或状态。yet意为意为“还还,尚尚,仍仍,已经已经”,通惯用于否定句或疑问句。通惯用于否定句或疑问句。其组成是其组成是:主语主语+have/has+过去分词过去分词+其它其它或疑问句中或疑

8、问句中,多用于现在完成时态多用于现在完成时态,常放于句末。常放于句末。2.I havent decided which one to write yet.本句中本句中which one to write是是“疑问词疑问词+不定式不定式”结构用结构用在动词在动词decided后作宾语。后作宾语。第8页3.Compared with poems,stories usually have longer pared with意为意为“和和比起来比起来”,在句中为过去分在句中为过去分词短语作状语。词短语作状语。【辨析辨析】comparewith,compareto(1)compare A with B意

9、为意为“把把A和和B做比较做比较”,用于连接用于连接A、B两个比较对象。两个比较对象。(2)compare A to B意为意为“将将A比作比作B”,用于表示把用于表示把A比喻成比喻成B。4.But a story doesnt limit you like a poem does.like能够引导比较状语从句能够引导比较状语从句,意为意为“像像,如同如同”。从句中从句中does是为了防止与主句中动词重复。是为了防止与主句中动词重复。第9页5.With poems,you need to think about format,rhyme and meaning.with在本句中为介词在本句中为

10、介词,意为意为“对于对于,关于关于”。need to think about意为意为“需要考虑需要考虑”。6.You must use words very carefully because so few words are used in poems.be used in poems意为意为“被用于诗中被用于诗中”。be used为为被动语态被动语态,意为意为“被用被用”。被动语态结构为。被动语态结构为“be+动词动词过去分词过去分词”。第10页7.Although a poem has fewer words,its not always easier to write.although

11、意为意为“即使即使,尽管尽管”,引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句,不能与不能与but连用。连用。含有含有all,both,everybody,always,everywhere等含有等含有“总总括意义括意义”词否定句是部分否定词否定句是部分否定,而不是全部否定。而不是全部否定。8.If you think about it,it can take a long time to come up with the right words.本句中本句中If you think about it是条件状语从句是条件状语从句,表示前提表示前提,短短语语think about意为意为“考虑考虑”;it c

12、an take a long time to come up with the right words是主句是主句,其中其中it是形式主语是形式主语,动动词词take表示表示“花费花费”,真正主语是后面不定式短语真正主语是后面不定式短语to come up with the right words,短语短语come up with意为意为“想出想出”。第11页9.Sometimes writing less takes more effort than writing more.动名词短语动名词短语writing less作主语表示单数作主语表示单数,故故take用第三人称单数形式。用第三人称

13、单数形式。10.I described something I love.句中句中I love为定语从句为定语从句,用在不定代词用在不定代词something之后作定语之后作定语,前面省略了关系代词前面省略了关系代词that。11.Youve already finished?陈说句末尾用问号句子叫作陈说句末尾用问号句子叫作“陈说疑问句陈说疑问句”。朗诵时朗诵时,句末要用升调。句末要用升调。第12页Try to change Dannys poem with words you like.Share your new poem with your classmates.When I wake

14、up on a warm sunny morning in spring,A_(adjective),_(adjective)and_(adjective)_(food)is my favorite thing.The smell of it gets me up on my feet,Like its calling me aloud to eat!With this_(adjective)_(noun)in my mouth,I like to think about going south.There,with my _(person),I can go for a short stay

15、,To sit in the sunshine eating _(food)all day!第13页Practice.依据句意及首字母提醒补全单词依据句意及首字母提醒补全单词1.C with other years,we have got more photos.2.Your parents shouldnt l your development if you like playing basketball.3.The f cat under the tree is his.4.We should take much e to finish the hard work.5.He looks y

16、oung a he is seventy years old.omparedimitatffortlthough第14页.单项填空单项填空1.Have you finished your homework?A.still B.yet C.just nowD.often2.Comparedyou,I ran much faster.A.withB.ofC.forD.from3.I think the poem is too easy.You dont needit.A.readB.to readC.readingD.reads4.The children decidetheir schoolya

17、rd this Friday afternoon.A.cleanB.to cleanC.cleaningD.cleaned5.I still remember my first teacherwe havent seen each other for many years.A.for B.becauseC.sinceD.thoughBBBDA第15页.连词成句连词成句1.a,much,takes,to,time,too,it,story,write(.)2.described,love,I,something,I(.)3.decided,write,yet,havent,which,to,on

18、e,I(.)4.are,words,few,used,so,poetry,in(.)5.need,to,about,carefully,you,answer,think,the(.)It takes too much time to write a story.I described something I love.I havent decided which one to write yet.So few words are used in poetry.You need to think about the answer carefully.第16页Homework1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.2.Preview Lesson 20.第17页

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