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1、第1页Learning aims:To learn to ask and say clock timeTo learn to talk about daily routinesTo learn to save time 第2页时间表示法:时间表示法:*顺读法:顺读法:“钟点钟点+分钟分钟”7点点15分分 seven fifteen8点点45分分 eight forty-five第3页*逆读法:逆读法:“分钟分钟+to+钟点钟点”逆读法:逆读法:“分钟分钟+past+钟点钟点”第4页*a.当分钟小于等于当分钟小于等于30时,用时,用past,表,表示几点过几分,示几点过几分,past是是“过过”

2、意思。如意思。如:2:10 ten past two 9:30 half past nine逆读法:逆读法:“分钟分钟+past+钟点钟点”第5页*b.当分钟大于当分钟大于30时,用时,用to表示表示“差几分钟差几分钟到下一个钟点到下一个钟点”。to是是“差差”意思。如意思。如:1:55 five to two 10:50 ten to eleven逆读法:逆读法:“分钟分钟+to+钟点钟点”。第6页问询时间是几点了用What time is it?=Whats the time 回答用Its第7页Its seven o .clockWhat time is it?第8页Itsseven-fi

3、fteenWhats the time?fifteen past seven第9页Itsseven-thirtyWhat time is it?half past seven第10页Its three forty-five.fifteen to four.What time is it?第11页9:20What time is it?第12页What time is it?6:25第13页What time is it?6:10第14页What time is it?6:40第15页Review some phrases第16页 go home do homework watch TV tak

4、e a shower have dinner 回家回家 做作业做作业 看电视看电视 洗澡洗澡 睡觉睡觉memory challengego to bed吃晚饭吃晚饭第17页 get up eat breakfast take a bus go to school have lunch play sports 起床起床 吃早饭吃早饭 乘车乘车 去上学去上学 吃午饭吃午饭 做运动做运动/进行体育活动进行体育活动 memory challenge第18页What time do/does+sb+(usually)+do?回答:主语回答:主语+usually+动动词词+at+时间。时间。usually

5、 副词,通常(主副词,通常(主语后,实意动词前)语后,实意动词前)问询某人什么时间做什么事:问询某人什么时间做什么事:第19页What time do you usually.?I usually.at.第20页get up(起床起床)A:What time do you usually get up?B:I usually get up at six第21页What time do you usually eat breakfast?I usually eat breakfast at 6:20.6:20eat breakfast第22页 I usually play basketball

6、at 7:00.What time do you usually play basketball?play basketball第23页What time do you usually run?runI usually run at six fifteen第24页pairworkpairworkWhat time do you usually.?I usually.at.第25页 get up eat breakfast take a bus go to school 6:007:158:107:20第26页What time does he/she usually He/she usuall

7、y at第27页What time does Tony usually go to school?He usually goes to school at 7:30第28页He usually goes home at 5:30What time does Tony usually go home?第29页pairworkpairworkWhat time does he/she usually He/she usually at第30页 does homework watches TV takes a shower goes to bed 6:308:007:109:40第31页第32页 2

8、b.Listen to the conversation and fill in the shower schedule Time Name Bob Mary Jerry Alicia5:00 6:007:008:00第33页Fill in the blanks according to the conversation in activity 2b.Rick a big family.He has brothers and two sisters,but they have one shower.Maybe you think its for them to take a shower.No

9、,because they have a shower schedule.His brother Bob takes a shower ,at 5:00.Then his sister Mary a shower 6:00.Next his brother Jerry a shower at 7:00,then his sister Alicia takes a shower 8:00.hastwodifficultfirsttakesattakesatonly第34页Fill in the blanks:1._do you get up?I get up six.2.What time do

10、 you go to school?I go to school at six _(6:35).3.Helen usually breakfast at seven ten.(eat)4.What time he take a shower?At 8.What timeatthirty-fiveeatsdoes第35页Summary1.Ask and say clock time.2.Talk about daily routines.第36页 Proverbs:Time is money.Time is life.Time is flying.So everybody should make full use of time.第37页Make a survey get upeat breakfastgo to schoolPlay sportstake a showerActivity time name Bill Report:My friend Bill gets up at.He eats breakfast at.He goes to school at 第38页

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