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1、人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 Unit 2 What time is it?Part A第1页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 第二课时Lets talk 第2页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 What time is it?Its _.Its time for _.7:00 breakfastTalk something about the schedule.Timesubject7:00breakfast9:00English class10:00Chinese class12:00lunch2:00music class3:00PE class6:00dinner Warm-up第3页人民教育

2、出版社 四年级|下册 What time is it now?Its oclock.8 Presentation第4页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 School is over.Lets go to the playground.Presentation第5页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 Its 6 oclock.Its time for dinner.Presentation第6页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 Hi!School is over.Lets go to the playground.OK.What time is it now?Its 5 oclock.Time to go h

3、ome,kids.What time is it?Its 6 oclock.Its time for dinner.Oh!Lets go.Presentation第7页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 John:What time is it _?Wu:Its 5 oclock.Guard:Time to _,kids.John:_?Guard:Its 6:00.Its time for _.John&Wu:Oh!Lets _!John:Hi!School is _.Lets go to the _.Wu:_.overplaygroundOKnowWhat time is itdinnergogo

4、 home Practice第8页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 Time for breakfast.Time to drink some milk.Practice第9页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 Time for lunch.Time to have some chicken.Practice第10页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 Time for dinner.Time to eat some rice.Practice第11页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 Time _ PE class.Time _ jump and run.forto Practice第12页人民教育出版社 四年级|

5、下册 Time _ English class.Time _ read and write.forto Practice第13页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 Time for breakfast.Time to drink some milk.Time for lunch.Time to have some chicken.Time for dinner.Time to eat some rice.Time for PE class.Time to jump and run.Time for English class.Time to read and write.Time for music

6、 class.Time to sing and dance!Practice第14页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 123BeijingLondonNew YorkSydney4 Production第15页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 Its _ p.m.in London.7:00p.m.下午下午What time is it?Its 7 oclock in the afternoon.Production第16页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 Its _ a.m.in Sydney.6:00 a.m.早晨早晨 Production第17页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 New York(早晨)Its 10:00 _ in New York.a.m.Production第18页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 Its 4:00 p.m.in Beijing.Production第19页人民教育出版社 四年级|下册 1.将Lets talk 对话抄2翻1,并会背诵。2.完成平板上口语评测。Homework第20页谢谢观看!第21页

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