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上传人:快乐****生活 文档编号:2730291 上传时间:2024-06-05 格式:PPTX 页数:25 大小:2.97MB
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1、五年级五年级Unit 2 How do you come to school第2课时第1页Read a storyI AM Going to the Sun第2页第3页第4页第5页第6页第7页第8页Q:How does the girl go to the sun?Public Transport第9页Q:What else do you know?Public Transport第10页Ticking timeI can talk about public transport.I can talk about where I live.I know the sound of tr.第11页P

2、ublic Transportnamefunction第12页A:Where live?B:A:How go?B:Look and say 第13页My aunt lives in Beijing.We sometimes visit her第14页tr/tr/transportmetrotreetraintrouserstravel第15页Sound timetrTraffic,traffic,on the street,Beep beep,beep beep!Trains,trains,through the trees,Choo-choo,choo-choo!traintraveltre

3、etrousers第16页Ticking timeI can talk about public transport.I can talk about where I live.I know the sound of tr.第17页Think and writeWhere do you live?How do you go to school?How do your parents go to work?What about your friend?I live .It is near .I go to school .My father goes to work .My mother goe

4、s to work .第18页Think and writeWhere do you live?How do you go to school?How do your parents go to work?What about your friend?I live .It is near .I go to school .My father goes to work .My mother goes to work .in Sunshine Townschoolon footby carby bike第19页Think and writeMy friend lives .It is near .

5、He/She goes to school .His/Her father .His/Her mother .第20页My friend lives .It is near .He/She goes to school .His/Her father .His/Her mother .Su Hai on Moon StreetCity Libraryby busgoes to work by metrogoes to work by metro,too第21页Think and writeMy friend lives .It is near .He/She goes to school .His/Her father .His/Her mother .第22页Ticking timeI can talk about public transport.I can talk about where I live.I know the sound of tr.第23页1.Talk about the public transport.2.Finish the writing.3.Try to sing the song.Homework第24页谢谢观赏第25页

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