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1、 Celebrating Me!Unit 8 Georgia Plays BasketballLesson 44 第1页 同学们,上一课学习单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大同学们,上一课学习单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面音频开始听写吧!家来检验一下,点击下面音频开始听写吧!第2页He is Michael Jordan,a famous basketball player.第3页THINK ABOUT IT Do you have basketball teams in your school?What makes you unique in your class?Hello ev

2、eryone!My name is Georgia.I am in Grade 8.What makes me unique?Lets see.My family comes from Greece.I was born there.Nobody else in my school comes from Greece!That makes me unique.Want to play?第4页Ive been in Canada for seven and a half years.My grandparents,aunts,uncles and cousins still live in Gr

3、eece.My sister is a basketball player in Canada.But she sometimes returns to Greece to play for the Greek National Basketball Team.Playing basketball is my main talent,too.When I was in Grade 6,I played for the junior high basketball team.I was the youngest player.We did very well last year.We lost

4、only two games.Once,we played against a team from another city.The game was almost over,and the score was fiftyone to fiftyone.第5页 A player on my team passed me the ball.I was too far from the basket.Could I put the ball into the basket?I tried,and the ball went in!The final score was fiftyfour to f

5、iftyone.We won!We felt proud of ourselves.My dream is to play basketball in the Olympics.Id like to go to university,too.My parents want me to study medicine,but I want to continue taking PE.What sport would I study?Basketball,of course!第6页讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点1 1have been in sp.已在某地已在某地考向一 have been i

6、n为为现现在在完完成成时时结结构构,强强调调某某人人已已经经在在某某地地,而而且且当当前前还还在在那那里里。常常与与表表示示一一段段时时间间状状语连用。语连用。eg:Mr.Green has been in Shanghai for four months.格林先生已经在上海呆了四个月了。第7页讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨考向二 当表示当表示“在某个小地点停留多久在某个小地点停留多久”时,还可用时,还可用 have been at sp.。eg:I have been at this library for two hours.我已经在这个图书馆呆了两个小时了。拓展拓展have gone to s

7、p.到某地去了强调此人现在不在说话地方,还没有回来。eg:That man cant be Mr.Green.He has gone to the park.那个男不可能是格林先生。他去公园了。have been to sp.去过某地惯用来表示某人到过某地,现在已经回来了。eg:I have been to the Summer Palace.我去过颐和园。第8页讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨典例典例Hello,may I speak to Mr.Smith?Sorry,he isnt in.He _ the office.(福州)Ahas been toBhas gone toChas been

8、awayB【点拨点拨】has/have been to 指指“去过去过(回来了回来了)”)”has/have gone to指指“去了去了(还没回来还没回来)”)”;has/have been away指指“离开离开”,依据句意可知选,依据句意可知选B。第9页讲解来自讲解来自点拨点拨知识点知识点2 2 play for 为为效力效力play for 表示组织/团体名词,意为“为效力”。eg:He plays for the NBA.他为NBA效力。拓展拓展play against 与反抗;与比赛。eg:France will play against Wales this afternoon.

9、今天下午,法国队将迎战威尔士队。第10页1)Listen to the passage and tick the correct answers.NameWheres he/she from?Whats his/her fathers job?Whats his/her mothers job?Whats his/her dream job?TomThe US.Canada.A teacher.A doctor.A teacher.A doctor.A teacher.A doctor.Lets Do It!第11页NatalieRussia.India.A businessman.A pol

10、ice officer.A writer.A shop assistant.A writer.A doctor.Hong LeiChina.Singapore.A tailor.A bank clerk.A bank clerk.A writer.A basketball player.A teacher.第12页听力材料听力材料 I have three good friends in my classTom,Natalie and Hong Lei.Tom comes from the U.S.He is here with his parents.His father works at

11、a school.He teaches English.Tom wants to be a teacher like his father.His mother is a doctor at No.1 Hospital.Natalie is from Russia.Her father works at a police station.Her mother works at a shop.As a shop assistant,she is always kind to her customers.Natalie wants to be a doctor when she grows up.

12、Hong Lei is from China.Her parents both work in a bank.She enjoys exercising and wants to be a basketball player.第13页2)Read the lesson and complete the passage.The first letter is given.Georgia is a student in Grade 8.She is unique in her school because she was b_ in Greece.N_ else in her class is f

13、rom Greece.Georgia has a big family.Her grandparents,aunts,uncles and cousins are living in Greece.Her sister is a basketball player in Canada.But she sometimes r_ toornobodyeturnsLets Do It!第14页Greece to play for the Greek National Basketball Team.Georgia is good at basketball,too.Her parents want

14、her to study m_,but she wants to c_ taking PE.Her dream is to be a basketball player.edicineontinue第15页3)Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.1Last year he _(return)to China to play for the Chinese team.2.Once,she _(win)a game for her city.She was very proud of herself.3Her d

15、ream is _(play)pingpong in the Olympics.4Jack wants to _(continue)studying Chinese when he returns to Canada.returnedwonto playcontinueLets Do It!第16页4)Work in groups.What makes you unique?Think about the other members and share your ideas.Example:I think Da Zhi is special.He can play the guitar ver

16、y well.Lin Tao always helps others.She is really kind.She is unique.Lets Do It!第17页一、依据句意及所给提醒完成句子一、依据句意及所给提醒完成句子1The spaceship will_(返回)to the earth in two days.2When_(没有些人)can help you,you can help yourself.3We will be angry if you c_ talking like that.4He could get _(几乎)nothing from his parents.5

17、The final s_ of the match was two to one.return ontinuecorenobody almost来自来自点拨点拨第18页二、单项选择二、单项选择6“I want to go to Mars(火星),because its a place that no one _ to before,”said Carson.(临沂)Ahas gone Bhas been Cwas Dwent7Li Ming is_never late for school.AnearBalmostCmostDnearly【点拨点拨】句意:卡尔森说句意:卡尔森说“我想去火星,因

18、为这是个之前我想去火星,因为这是个之前 没有些人去过地方没有些人去过地方”。由句意可知是没人去过这个地方,。由句意可知是没人去过这个地方,用完成时态,用完成时态,have been to 去过某个地方,去过某个地方,have gone to 去去 了某地还没回来。故选了某地还没回来。故选B。B来自来自点拨点拨B第19页8Dr.Bethune _ working in spite of cutting his hand during an operation.Astopped BcontinuedCforgot Denjoyed【点拨点拨】本题采取本题采取词语辨析法词语辨析法。stop 停顿停顿

19、;continue 继续继续;forget 忘记忘记;enjoy 喜欢喜欢。句意:。句意:尽管白求恩医生在手术中尽管白求恩医生在手术中切伤了手,但他继续工作。切伤了手,但他继续工作。由句意可知用由句意可知用continued。B来自来自点拨点拨第20页9The building is empty._ lives there.(威海)ANobody BAnybody CSomebody【点拨点拨】本题采取本题采取词语辨析法词语辨析法。句意:这个大楼是空。句意:这个大楼是空。_住在这里。住在这里。nobody没有任何人;没有任何人;anybody任何人;任何人;不论谁;不论谁;somebody有些

20、人,某人。依据前一句大楼是空可有些人,某人。依据前一句大楼是空可知里面没有些人住。故选知里面没有些人住。故选A。A来自来自点拨点拨第21页10We all know Guo Jingjing used to_the Chinese National Diving Team.Aplay for Bplay against Cplays for Dplays against【点拨点拨】本题采取本题采取短语辨析法短语辨析法。play for“为为效力效力”;play against“与与比赛,反抗比赛,反抗”。used to do sth.“过去经过去经常做某事常做某事”,依据句意可知选,依据句意可

21、知选A。A来自来自点拨点拨第22页三、连词成句三、连词成句11makes,class,what,you,in,unique,your_?12from,Australia,Toms,comes,family_.13sister,to,sometimes,my,returns,Greece_.14.talent,playing,my,piano,is,the,main_.15to,studying,want,continue,I,medicine_.What makes you unique in your classPlaying the piano is my main talent来自来自点

22、拨点拨Toms family comes from AustraliaSometimes my sister returns to GreeceI want to continue studying medicine第23页本节课主要学习了以下重点内容本节课主要学习了以下重点内容:(1 1)重点单词)重点单词:almost等。等。(2 2)重点短语:)重点短语:have been in,play for等等。第24页1.1.熟记本课时词汇熟记本课时词汇 2.2.完成本课时课后作业完成本课时课后作业课后作业课后作业A A(选自典中点选自典中点)课课后作业后作业B B(选自选自点拨训练点拨训练)第25页

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