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1、Unit 4 A good readStudy skills第1页To improve your writing,you need to make sure that your ideas,both in sentences and paragraphs,stick together and have coherence.One way to do this is to use transitional words or phrases that help bring ideas together.第2页When we write,we have different ways to conne

2、ct the ideas in it.Here are some common transitions.UsageTransitional wordsand phrasesExamplesTo show timebefore,after,while,at first,soon,later,when,After our ship crashed against the rocks,I swam as fast as I could.第3页 When we write,we have different ways to connect the ideas in it.Here are some c

3、ommon transitions.UsageTransitional wordsand phrasesExamplesTo show the sequencefirst,second,next,then,finally,First,we had fun on Space Mountain.Then,we hurried to a restaurant.第4页When we write,we have different ways to connect the ideas in it.Here are some common transitions.UsageTransitional word

4、sand phrasesExamplesTo add more informationand,also,too,again,and then,either,moreover,I could not understand him.I did not know what to say either.第5页When we write,we have different ways to connect the ideas in it.Here are some common transitions.UsageTransitional wordsand phrasesExamplesTo give an

5、 examplefor example,They are now in danger.For example,it is difficult for pandas to have babies.第6页When we write,we have different ways to connect the ideas in it.Here are some common transitions.UsageTransitional wordsand phrasesExamplesTo show cause and effectbecause,since,as,so,as a result,I can

6、 tell her anything because she can keep a secret.第7页When we write,we have different ways to connect the ideas in it.Here are some common transitions.UsageTransitional wordsand phrasesExamplesTo emphasizenever,in fact,He says he knows everything about DIY.In fact,I know much more than he does.第8页When

7、 we write,we have different ways to connect the ideas in it.Here are some common transitions.UsageTransitional wordsand phrasesExamplesTo compare or contrastbut,however,on the one hand on the other(hand),while,otherwise,Many birds live in Zhalong all year round,while some go there only for a short s

8、tay.第9页阅读Reading部分课文,找出其中连接词并参考表格说出它们作用。表示时间连接词 表示次序连接词 表示递进连接词 表示转折连接词 after、by the time、as、soon、when then and,either but、however 第10页第11页I like novels.I enjoy reading the books of Robert Louis Stevenson because I find them really exciting.For example,Treasure Island tells the story of a young boy

9、who sailed the sea to look for hidden treasure.Jim,the maincharacter in the book,is very brave.His storygave me a lot of confidence.After reading第12页the book,l ant not as shy as I used to be and I am willing to try new things I also want to travel and have exciting experiences in the future.Moreover

10、,I havedecided to write my own stories.Maybe I can become a writer when I am older!第13页用适当连接词完成以下句子。用适当连接词完成以下句子。(1)He checked the weather report _he went out.(2)Most girls like reading novels _ most of boys like reading science fictions(3)She has worked for seven hours._,she was tired out.(4)Too many cars have caused a lot of problems._,people cannot find enough parking spaces(5)She saw a man behind her._ he was watching her strangely.beforewhileAs a resultFor exampleMoreover第14页Homework:1记忆词汇。2了解并记忆本课时所学连接词使用方法,能力较强学生能够适当补充。3完成教师布置相关练习。4预习Task。第15页

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