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1、同等学力英语翻译-考试大纲简介本部分现在只考英译汉部分,10分。考试时间为20分钟。要求译文意思准确,文字通顺。英译汉设三种备选题型,每次考试设其中的一种题型,实际考试只考短文翻译。题型一:要求考生翻译5个单句,总长度为100个英文单词。题型二:要求考生翻译一个段落,段落长度为100个英文单词。题型三:在一个较长的段落中,有5个带有下划线的句子,要求考生翻译这5个句子。5个句子的总长度为100个英文单词。-一、翻译基本步骤第一步 快读文章抓大意第二步 意群切割拆长句第三步 直译竖排写意群第四步 润色调序成全文例1:We live in a society/in which the medici

2、nal and social use of substances (drugs) is pervasive/: an aspirin to quiet a headache, /some wine to be sociable, /coffee to get going in the morning, /a cigarette for the nerves.意群理顺直译:我们生活的社会里面物质(药物)的医学和社会使用是普遍的一片阿司匹林来止头疼一些酒来社交咖啡用来早晨(自己推测一下get going的意思?)一根烟来(?)神经翻译:在我们生活的社会里,物质(药物)在医学和社交方面的使用无处不在

3、:比如说,吃一片阿司匹林来止头痛,喝一点酒来应酬,早晨喝点咖啡提神,抽根烟来镇定神经。例2. Additional social stresses may also occur/because of the population explosion or problems/ that have come from mass migration movements,/ which are made relatively easy nowadays/by modern means of transport.意群理顺直译:额外的社会压力也会发生因为人口爆炸或问题这来自于大规模迁移运动迁移运动本身变得

4、相对容易今天被现代交通手段翻译:别的社会压力也会产生,其原因是人口猛增或大规模人口迁移导致的问题,而现代交通工具使得这种迁移变得相对更为容易。二、翻译基本技巧英译汉所有技巧都建立在对原文准确理解的基础上,最终取决于汉语语言能力,表现为语感。译文只要准确了,就要在表达方式上符合汉语的习惯,因此不管是增删、反译、还是未在此列出的词性转换等都可以凭借汉语的语感完成。一切以忠实于原文,汉语通顺为准则。1、增补法 2、删减法 3、反译法 4、被动主动互换(一)最常用翻译手段1、增补法 英汉两种语言由于词法和句法经常存在一定差异,翻译时为了使译文为汉语服务,必要时,从词法语法方面需要考虑,在汉语译文里适当

5、增补一些润滑的词语。单纯词汇的增补往往是因为汉语英语单词的不对称性。也就是说汉语词汇和英语直接并非一一对应。句子成分的补充是因为英语里的某些省略不能在汉语里省略。第一种情况:词汇增补例1:The local government has not come up with effective remedies for the serious unemployment 地方政府未能拿出有效方案来解决严重的失业(问题)例2: While not exactly a top selling book, The History and Geography of Human Genes is an ext

6、raordinary collection of research in population genetics.书名怎么译?人类基因的历史与地理? 例3: They thought their studies were leading in this field.他们原以为自己的研究在这个领域内处于领先地位。【如果译文漏掉“原”字,时态将变成现在时,违反了原文】例4:At the time of the opening, on April 12, the companys shares were trading at 140.90 francs ($28.07), and had been

7、as high as 170 francs earlier in the year. They dropped 2.75 percent Thursday to close at 97.25 francs. Mr. Forsgren, the chief financial officer, said he thought the market had reacted a bit emotionally to early information, adding that by all objective standards the park is very successful and the

8、 rest is just details.第二种情况:复杂信息增补例1:Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, 人们常说: “电视使人了解实事,”例2:It is generally accepted that childrens characters and later personalities are largely determined by their experiences in their first years. 人们普遍认为,孩子的性格和以后的个性主要是由出生后几年的生活经

9、历决定的。2.删减法 由于英汉语言多方面的差异,英语中不可缺少的成分信息如果直译到汉语中去,会影响译文的简洁和通顺。为了使译文更符合汉语的表达习惯,更具可读性,需要省略一些多余的词语。但必须不能改变英语原句的含义。很多介词在短语中也经常省略。例1: Smoking is prohibited in public places. 公共场所禁止吸烟。例2: The company added that the amount of the loss will depend on hotel use rates during the remaining part of the European sum

10、mer vacation period. 公司补充说,亏损量将取决于欧洲暑期剩余时间的宾馆入住率。例3:He discovered there was a pattern of very early stimulation by a parent or teacher figure. 他发现有一种由家长或教师进行的早期激励的模式。注意:无论是增还是删,都是为了保证汉语的通顺和自然,前提是保证原文意思没有改变。3. 反译法有些句子英语是从正面说的,汉语需要从反面来表达才更符合我们的习惯。1、否定译成肯定。注意双重否定如果译成汉语的双重否定不通顺,就需要译成肯定句。例1:He never visi

11、ted us but he brought us some gifts. 他每次来拜访我们都会带些礼物。同样的例子:It never rains but it pours.例2:There is no rule that has no exception.只要有规则,就有例外。这个双重否定就不能译成汉语双重否定“没有规则没有例外的”。4. 被动语态译法 该部分按下面几种情况讨论。1、被动仍可以翻成被动例1:Since 1981, farmers in Holland have been encouraged to adopt “green” farming techniques that we

12、re thought to benefit plant and bird life.自1981年以来,荷兰农民被鼓励采用“绿色”耕种技术,这些技术被认为是有益于植物和鸟类的。2、英语被动需变汉语主动。如:例1:People have come to realize that safety skills can be learned. 人们已经意识到安全技能是可以学习的。(不需要加“被”等被动句标志词)例2:On the whole such a conclusion can be drawn with a certain degree of confidence.总的来说,得出这样的结论是有一

13、定的把握的例3:and the compensation is expected to rise to 10 percent within the next few years. 补偿预计在未来几年内容将增长到10%。5. 句型结构的转换技巧-拆分组合法一切译文要为汉语服务,不能出现很别扭的译文。这其中的意群句子的顺序非常重要。英汉语里的语序不同主要体现在:英语的定语(定语从句)和状语(状语从句)既有前置的也有后置的,而汉语的定语和多数状语(状语从句)只能前置。一些句式结构与汉语差异较大时,为保证汉语译文的流畅自然,将英语的意群拆分后按汉语习惯进行重新组合。前面的翻译步骤第三、四步往往涉及这种

14、方法。多见于有从句的复合句,复杂介词短语的简单句等情况。将英语意群拆开后,分出去的部分往往需要汉语的指示代词“这”、“那”、“这些”和“那些”来引导,使之与其它部分逻辑上联系更紧密。例句:Each year in the United States more people are killed or injured in accidentsat home, at work or school, at play, or while travelingthan were killed or injured in the Vietnam war. (2006年)拆分法:每年在美国死伤于意外的人比越战

15、的多,这些意外发生在家里,工作地点或学校,在玩的时候,或在旅行的时候。考试中,从句往往需要拆分。比如,宾语从句或定语从句如果较长,需要根据从句中的疑问代词或副词使用相应的代词使译文逻辑连贯,翻which翻译成“这个、那个、这些、那些”,who翻译成相对应的人称,when翻译成“那时、这时”,where翻译成“在这里、在那里”。例1:Dr. Day hopes the results, which he plans to explain in full next week, will reveal what troubles -as well as pleases- todays high-sc

16、hool students.戴博士希望结果将能揭示是什么困扰着今天的高中生,什么让他们高兴。这些结果他计划下周全面解释。例2:The Euro Disney Corporation, acknowledging that its elaborate theme park had not performed as strongly as expected, announced Thursday that it would suffer a net financial loss of unpredictable scale in its first financial year.欧洲迪斯尼公司承认

17、,其精心打造的主题公园并未如预期那样表现出色。该公司星期四声明,在首个财政年度里公司将遭受规模难以预计的净亏损。同位语从句,如The fact that,先翻译出that从句的内容,然后将主谓语单独翻译成,使用代词“这个”修饰主语,如“这个事实”。例句:The fact that the number of elderly people is rising dramatically has aroused much concern.老年人数量迅速上升,这个事实引起了很大关注。简言之,一切译文要为汉语服务,不能出现意群关系很混乱的译文。(二)几种常考的比较和否定句式的翻译方法(注意more代表比

18、较级,不一定出现more这个字)1、no morethan翻译成汉语“和一样不”。逻辑上是双否定。He is no more intelligent or diligent than I. 他和我一样既不聪明也不勤奋。2、not so much.as. 翻译成“与其说,不如说”。They succeeded not so much because of their family background as their own efforts.他们成功与其说是其家庭背景,不如说是自己的努力。3、nothing more than形式上的比较级,常翻成实际的最高级。In the morning,

19、he loves nothing better than to have a cup of coffee at breakfast.早晨,他最喜欢早餐的时候喝一杯咖啡。4. can never/not be too +形容词,翻成越越,或无论怎么都不为过。One can never be too calm when faced with an emergency.遇到紧急情况时,人越镇静越好。No woman can be too rich or too thin. (这个变体如何理解?)5. The last,表示全否定。翻成最不(当主句有would, want等表示意愿的动词出现时)Thi

20、s is the last movie I would see.这是我最不想看的一部电影。 6. subject to很重要,完形、阅读、翻译都会出现。1) be likely to be affected by sth. especially sth. bad or unpleasant相当于“容易遭受.”和“容易受.影响”Sensitive people are easily subject to depression.敏感的人容易抑郁。2) Cause to undergo/experience使.遭受/经受,使.经历It is believed that love subjects p

21、eople to blindness.人们相信爱情会使人盲目。7. 其它需要注意的短语翻译anything but 作副词用,表全否定,翻译为“根本不.”。Dont buy his story. He is anything but busy.Nothing but作形容词,等于only,翻译为“只不过/只有”。Take it easy. This is nothing but a small error.(三)专有名词翻译方法大纲后面的常见专有名词需要记住。不常见的人名、地名可以照抄原文,不要费心思乱译,浪费时间。英文名字切勿意译!只能音译!如Bill Gates;President Bus

22、h.(四)生词翻译技巧万一有不认识的词,最好忽略不译,切忌胡乱翻译,因为一个错译远比一个漏译更能引起阅卷老师的注意。但切勿在译文里留出空白,尽可能将剩余的译文组织成完整通顺的句子。(五)译文语域问题 同等学力所考英语材料都是正式书面语,因此翻译出的汉语译文必须为书面语,因此翻译出的汉语译文必须为书面语(大陆规范汉语用语),不能使用很随意的口语,俗语,俚语和网络流行语。through this channel; host; death; stupid;what; whether-三、基本技能适应性进阶练习单句翻译(注意划线部分词汇的译文措辞)1. Globalization did promot

23、e international marketing, marketing hardware and software, marketing electricity, marketing dead bodies of animals around the globe in search of a good price.2. Places that until recently were deaf and dumb are rapidly acquiring up-to-date telecommunications that will let them promote both internal

24、 and foreign investment.3. But while the Internet primarily moves words, the information superhighway will soon make routine the electronic transmission of data in other formats, such as audio files and images.4. A survey of the childrens parents and teachers found that those who as four-year-olds h

25、ad enough self-control generally grew up to be better adjusted, more popular, adventurous, confident and dependable teenagers.5. Cartoon figures, upon entering a country, tend to be localized by the children and therefore, to a French child Mickey is French and to an Italian kid he is Italian.语境划线句子

26、翻译It is a popular myth that great geniuses the Einsteins, Picassos and Mozarts of this world spring up out of nowhere as if touched by the finger of God. The model is Karl Friedrich Gauss, supposedly born into a family of manual workers, who grew up to become the father of modern mathematics. A prof

27、essor who studies early learning has attacked this myth, saying that when he looked into the childhood of these geniuses, he discovered there was a pattern of very early stimulation by a parent or teacher figure. For instance, Einsteins father was an electrical engineer who fascinated his son with p

28、ractical displays of physics. Picassos father was an art teacher who had young Pablo painting bowls of fruit at the age of eight. But what sort of parental stimulation should it be? There is plenty of evidence that, too often, pressure from parents results in children suffering fatigue rather than b

29、ecoming geniuses. One study has identified two kinds of parent style the supportive and the stimulating. Supportive parents were those who would go out of their way to help their children follow their favorite interests, praised whatever level of achievement resulted and generally created a pleasant

30、 home governed by clear rules. Stimulating parents were more actively involved in what their children did, steering them towards certain fields and pushing them to work hard, often acting as a tutor.综合练习1The generation gap is so great in Hong Kong that the teenagers there rarely turn to their parent

31、s or teachers for advice on anything. Whether it be sex, AIDS, school worries or family problems, adults are not considered up to the job.Until now, no one has asked Hong Kong youth, “What do you think?” Some understanding of the emotions of Hong Kongs youth, however, has come from the work of Dr. J

32、effrey Day at the University of Hong Kong. His survey of young people does not focus, for example, on how many drugs they take - but tries to answer the question why.Dr. Day hopes the results, which he plans to explain in full next week, will reveal what troubles -as well as pleases- todays high-sch

33、ool students. Conclusions will be passed on not only to government departments but back to the schools which took part.综合练习2Since 1981, farmers in Holland have been encouraged to adopt “green” farming techniques that were thought to benefit plant and bird life. Farmers who have voluntarily adopted t

34、hese measures are compensated by the European Union. The goal of the program is to work against the negative effects of modern farming, such as declines in species diversity and the disturbance of local nesting grounds.The “green” methods of farming cost the European Union about 1.7 billion Euros an

35、nually. This is about 4 percent of the budget for “Common Agricultural Policy,” and the compensation is expected to rise to 10 percent within the next few years.Various forms of “green farming” employed around the world have proved successful, and all new methods thought to be environmentally sensit

36、ive should be subject to sound scientific evaluation to determine whether they are actually meeting the intended goals.综合练习3The office desk, as we know it, may have had its day. A large study on the future of work in the UK predicts the rise of the “mobile worker” moving with notebook computer and m

37、obile phone between office, home, hotel, airport or highway service station as the needs of a job demand. Today, more than five million people already spend some time working at home or on the move, according to a recent report. That number will rise dramatically over the coming decades, with mobile

38、 work becoming one of the fastest-growing types of employment. According to the study “Working in the Twenty-First Century”, individuals will not necessarily see themselves as working from home. They could equally be working from the office, but they will be on the move from place to place, working

39、at various times of the day, for much of the week. For a large proportion of workers, work in twenty years time will be more about movement than staying in one place.四、真题精讲按照步骤,读全文,切割直译长句,竖排写译文,调整译文。2012年真题In many ways the Internet has had a very positive effect on society. It has improved communica

40、tion, simplified handling tasks, offered a huge convenience, enabled faster processing, and provided more options, all of which frees more time to do other things. Yet, interestingly enough, the Internet has in some ways had negative effects. The quality of communication has declined and people are

41、impatient because they have become accustomed to instant satisfaction, and using the Internet also takes up a lot of time.互联网已经在很多方面对社会产生了非常积极的影响。它改善了交流方式,简化了处理任务方式,提供了巨大的便利,使得处理过程更为快速,同时提供了更多的选择,所有这一切都节省出更多的时间来做其它事情。然而,非常有趣的是,互联网在某些方面却产生了负面影响。交流质量下降了,人们也变得没有耐心,因为他们习惯了立刻得到满足,而且使用互联网也占用了大量时间。2011年真题O

42、ver the years, we tend to think that nuclear technologies and the necessary know-how to ensure nuclear safety have been developed to a level that possibilities for any major nuclear accidents are almost non-existent and if it does happen, it will be controlled in the capable hands of nuclear enginee

43、rs. However, reality has proved again that you just cant be too careful to handle nuclear energy. We dont know for sure yet what will be left behind Japans nuclear crisis. But it will be certain that it is time to re-examine our nuclear practices and many more efforts need to be made to ensure nucle

44、ar safety in the future.多年以来,我们常常认为,核技术以及确保核安全的必要技术(知识)已经发展到了这种水平:发生重大核事故的可能性几乎不存在,如果确实发生,也会被控制在有能力的核工程师们手中。但是,现实再一次证明,处理核能时再谨慎也不为过。我们仍不能确认日本核危机还会遗留下什么问题。但有一点可以确认,那就是,我们此刻应该重新审视我们利用核能源的做法,需要做出更多的努力来确保未来的核安全。2010年真题An ecosystem is a group of animals and plants living in a specific region and interact

45、ing with one another and with their physical environment. Ecosystems include physical and chemical components, such as soils, water, and nutrients that support the organisms living there. These organisms may range from large animals to microscopic bacteria. Ecosystems also can be thought of as the i

46、nteractions among all organisms in a given area: for instance, one species may serve as food for another. People are part of the ecosystems where they live and work. Human activities can harm or destroy local ecosystems unless actions such as land development for housing or businesses are carefully

47、planned to conserve and sustain the ecology of the area生态系统是一群生活在某一区域动物和植物,它们彼此相互作用,也与周围的自然环境相互作用。生态系统包括物理的和化学的组成部分,比如供养系统生物的土壤、水分和营养素。这些生物可能大到大型动物,小到微小的细菌。生态系统也可以看成是某一地区所有生物的相互作用,比如,一个物种可能充当另一物种的食物。人是其生活和工作所处的生态系统的一部分。人的活动有可能损害或破坏所处的生态系统,除非象开发土地建设住房或发展商业这样的活动得到认真规划,以保护和维持当地的生态。2009年真题 Third-hand smoke is tobacco smoke contamination that lingers in carpets, clothes and other materials hours or even

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