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1、Lesson 25 Mrs.Smiths kitchen第1页Mrs.夫人夫人kitchen n.厨房厨房 refrigerator n.电冰箱电冰箱 right n.右边右边 electric adj.带电,可通电带电,可通电 left n.左边左边 cooker n.炉子,炊具炉子,炊具middle n.中间中间of prep.(属于属于).room n.房间房间cup n.杯子杯子New words and expression第2页New Words kitchen ktn n.厨房厨房第3页 refrigerator rfrdret n.电冰箱电冰箱 第4页electric cook

2、er 电炉电炉electric lektrk adj.带电,可通电带电,可通电第5页room ru:m n.房间房间第6页cup kp 杯子杯子第7页 left left n.左边左边middlem dl 中间中间 right rat n.右边右边第8页on the leftn.左边左边in the middle of 中间中间on the rightn.右边右边第9页Content课文课文第10页Listen and answer!1.Is Mrs.Smith kitchen big or small?2.What colour is the refrigerator?3.Where is

3、the electric cooker?4.Where is the table?5.Is the bottle full?6.Is the cup clean or dirty?Her kitchen is small.It is white.Its on the left.Its in the middle of the room.No,it isnt.Its empty.The cup is clean.lesson25.mp3第11页Mrs.Smiths kitchen is small.第12页There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.第13页Th

4、e refrigerator is white.第14页It is on the right.第15页There is an electric cooker in the kitchen.第16页The cooker is blue.第17页It is on the left.第18页There is a table in the middle of the room.第19页There is a bottle on the table.The bottle is empty.第20页There is a cup on the table,too.The cup is clean.第21页Th

5、ere is这里有这里有Key structures划出带有there be句型句子。第22页There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.There is an electric cooker in the kitchen.There is a table in the middle of the room.There is a bottle on the table.There is a cup on the table,too.这里有这里有第23页表示某地有某物某地有某物,我们可用“there be”句型来表示。be 有两种形式:单数是is,there i

6、s 复数是are,there are第24页1.在我书桌上有一本红色书。2.在这个房间中间有一把椅子。There is a red book on my desk.There is a chair in the middle of the room.第25页否定形式:There is not a red book on my desk.There isnt a chair in the middle of the room.疑问形式:Is there a red book on my desk?Yes,there is.Is there a chair in the middle of the

7、 room?No,there isnt.第26页a和the第27页1.There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.2.The refrigerator is white.3.There is an electric cooker in the kitchen.4.The cooker is blue.7.There is a cup on the table,too.8.The cup is clean.5.There is a bottle on the table.6.The bottle is empty.第一次提到物品用第一次提到物品用a第二次再提及该

8、物品用第二次再提及该物品用the第28页There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.There is an electric cooker in the kitchen.There is a table in the middle of the room.There is a bottle on the table.There is a cup on the table,too.表示位置用the第29页1.Tim:Is there_ bottle in _refrigerator?Stella:Yes,there is._ bottle in _ refrig

9、erator is full.atheThethe2.Anna:Is there_ television in _kitchen?Louise:No,there isnt.There isnt _ television in_kitchen.athethea第30页3.Mr.Smith:Is there_ clean cup in_cupboard?Mrs.Smith:Yes,there is.There is _ clean cup in_cupboard.Its on _ right.athethethe4.A friend:Is there_ electric cooker in you

10、r kitchen?You:Yes,there is.There is _ electric cooker in our kitchen.And theres_ table in our kitchen.Its in _ middle of _room.anthetheanaa第31页electric cookerelectric cookerrefrigeratorrefrigeratortabletablebottlebottlecupcup第32页What is this?kitchenktn 第33页Whats this?refrigeratorrifridreit 第34页Whats

11、 this?cookerkuk electric 用电ilektrikelectrican第35页Where is the refrigerator?It is on the right.rait 第36页Where is the electric cooker?Its on the left.第37页Where is the table?middle中间in the middle of the room在房间中间The table is in the middle of the room.第38页The bottle is on the table.Where is the bottle?T

12、here is-.在-有-There is a bottle on the table.第39页记忆力大比拼第40页Mrs.Smiths _ is small.There_ a refrigerator _._ refrigerator is white.It is _ the right.There _ an electric cooker in the kitchen.The cooker is blue._is on the left._ a table _ the room.There is a bottle _ the table.The bottle is _.There is a

13、 cup on the table,_._ cup is _.kitchenisin the kitchenTheonisItThere isin the middle ofonemptytooTheclean第41页small small refrigerator refrigerator white white right right cooker cooker blue blue left left table table bottle bottle empty empty cup cup clean clean第42页Where is it?它在哪里?Lesson 26 第43页Whe

14、re is it?on the table cleanThere is a cup on the table.The cup is clean.第44页Where is it?There is a box on the floor.The box is large.on the floor large第45页Where is it?in the cupboard emptyThere is a glass in the cupboard.The glass is empty.第46页Where is it?on the plate sharpThere is a knife on the pl

15、ate.The knife is sharp.第47页Where is it?There is a fork on the tin.The fork is dirty.on the tin dirty第48页Where is it?There is a bottle in the refrigerator.The bottle is full.in the refrigerator full第49页Can you introduce the kitchen?第50页Homework1、誊录单词;2、完成试卷;3、复习L25、26,预习L27、28;4、坚持每课听读坚持每课听读20分钟。分钟。第51页第52页

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