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1、World War One 第一次世界大战.第1页The war lasted for four years between 1914-1918这场战争连续了四年,1914-1918 第2页During that time 37 million people both military During that time 37 million people both military and civilian were killed.and civilian were killed.一战期间,士兵,平民总计伤亡共计3千700万人 第3页The war ended at 11am on the 1

2、1th of November 1918 and every year The war ended at 11am on the 11th of November 1918 and every year since then countries from around the world have marked November since then countries from around the world have marked November 11th with a two minutes silence.11th with a two minutes silence.一战在191

3、1月11日早晨十一点结束,今后每年参战国都会在11月11日进行两分钟默哀。第4页This day is known as Remembrance day.第5页During the two minutes silence,my whole country comes During the two minutes silence,my whole country comes to a complete stop,everyone bows their head in silent to a complete stop,everyone bows their head in silent admi

4、ration and remembrance for the people that gave up admiration and remembrance for the people that gave up everything to protect our countries.everything to protect our countries.在两分钟默哀期间,全场一片寂静,每个人都会停下脚步并平静地低头鞠躬,以表示对那些因保卫国家而英勇献身战士们敬仰和思念。第6页The most famous memorial in England to the war dead is The m

5、ost famous memorial in England to the war dead is called the Cenotaph,and it bares only three words called the Cenotaph,and it bares only three words The The Glorious DeadGlorious Dead and the dates of the war.and the dates of the war.英格兰最著名缅怀阵亡者纪念碑是the Cenotaph,,碑上只刻有三个单词“The Glorious Dead(死光荣)”以及战

6、争日期。第7页The Queen of England of leads the ceremony every year The Queen of England of leads the ceremony every year laying a wreath of poppies at the foot of the monument laying a wreath of poppies at the foot of the monument 英国女王每年会参加国殇纪念日,在纪念碑下方摆放虞美人花圈。第8页The worst battle of the war,the battle of t

7、he Somme is the The worst battle of the war,the battle of the Somme is the reason we all wear poppies in the lead up to the day of reason we all wear poppies in the lead up to the day of remembrance.remembrance.为了纪念战争中最惨烈战役索姆河会战,每个人都佩戴虞美人花。第9页During this four month battle one million people were kil

8、led During this four month battle one million people were killed or wounded and the landed so aggravated by the or wounded and the landed so aggravated by the destruction became the perfect soil for the poppy to thrive destruction became the perfect soil for the poppy to thrive in vast fields.in vas

9、t fields.在为期四个月战役中过百万人伤亡,鲜血弥漫过广袤田野成为了虞美人花生长理想土壤。第10页Every year we stand and remember for one very important Every year we stand and remember for one very important reason reason If you forget the lessons the past has to teach If you forget the lessons the past has to teach you,you are nothing but do

10、omed to repeat themyou,you are nothing but doomed to repeat them It is important to honour those without whose bravery your It is important to honour those without whose bravery your country,family and life would not exist.country,family and life would not exist.每年我们伫立是为了铭记住一个主要哲理,忘记过去必将重蹈覆辙。纪念这些英勇战

11、士是如此主要,没有他们,我们幸福家庭和美满生活都不会存在。第11页Cryptography is the practise and study of the development of Cryptography is the practise and study of the development of codes,with the express aim of sending secure codes,with the express aim of sending secure communications communications between two partiesbetwee

12、n two parties.Cryptography has been incredibly important.Cryptography has been incredibly important in world conflicts.in world conflicts.第12页There are many different types of code.Today we are going to look at one particular code.第13页It is called Morse Code it is an alphabet in which letters are re

13、presented by combinations of long and short light or sound signals 第14页第15页Morse code is still used Morse code is still used around the world around the world today,today,as an as an emergency emergency form of form of communication.The most common being S.O.S.Code for communication.The most common

14、being S.O.S.Code for Save Our Souls,is an internationally recognised call for help.Save Our Souls,is an internationally recognised call for help.第16页Todays taskTodays task is is toto use the copies ofuse the copies of Morse Morse Code given to you to Code given to you to break break the codesthe codes.第17页

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