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1、 No matter who you are,way you live,/or what your culture background is,/people gets some pleasure from listening to the favorite music./However,some people are simply not capable of enjoying music./This is not because they cant experience pleasure at all,/they dont have trouble hearing music proper

2、ly,either./Instead,they are just indifferent to music./Researchers have conducted studies to find out/why some people have lower emotional reaction to music./However,despite their efforts,the mystery remains.第1页sevenusage of soundcognitivethe sound changesSix-monthdiscriminate soundstheir first birt

3、hdays equivalentsomething incredible occurstake statistics第2页原本,一直以来原本,一直以来第3页第4页证词证词;证实,证据证实,证据;可争辩可争辩;成问题成问题;未定未定有争议有争议;引发争论引发争论可论证地可论证地;可争辩可争辩可疑可疑;不可靠不可靠支持,勉励支持,勉励;第5页碎片,残骸碎片,残骸第6页adj.adj.n.n.n.n.n.n.n.n.n.n.v.v.adj.adj.v.v.they(32)adv.adv.第7页名词:名词:动词:动词:形容词:形容词:副词:副词:第8页PASSAGE ONE51.Of all the

4、values mentioned in the passage,which one is regarded as the most fundamental?(1)The earliest settlers came to the North American continent to establish colonies which were free from the controls that existed in European societies.They wanted to escape the controls placed on their lives by kings and

5、 governments,priests and churches,noblemen and aristocrats.The historic decisions made by those first settlers have had a profound effect on the shaping of the American character.By limiting the power of the government and the churches and eliminating a formal aristocracy,they created a climate of f

6、reedom where the emphasis was on the individual.Individual freedom is probably the most basic the most basic of all American values.By“freedom,”Americans mean the desire and the ability of all individuals to control their own destiny without outside interference from the government,a ruling noble cl

7、ass,the church,or any other organized authority.Individual freedomIndividual freedom第9页PASSAGE TWO52.What can be inferred from the sentence*Not all awards are as noble as the Nobels.”according to Para.2?(2)Not all awards are as noble as the NobelsNot all awards are as noble as the Nobels.Even though

8、 most countries have a system for recognizing,honoring and rewarding people who have done something good in their countries,there are now hundreds of awards and awards ceremonies for all kinds of things.(12)On the surface,it seems to be a“win-win”situation,with everyone being happy,but let me ask yo

9、u a question-how far do you think that publicity and marketing are winning here,and how much genuine recognition of achievement is taking place?Some of the Nobels are connection with marketing.Some of the Nobels are connection with marketing.第10页53.What conclusion can be drawn from Para.5?(5)Awards

10、dont only exist for the arts.There are now awards for Sports Personality of the Year,for European Footballer of the Year and World Footballer of the Year.This seems very strange-sometimes awards can be good to give recognition to people who deserve it,or to help people who dont make much money carry

11、 on their work without worrying about finances,but professional soccer player days certainly arent short of cash!The awards are not given to those who really need it.The awards are not given to those who really need it.第11页PASSAGE THREE54.What was Mrs.Mallards mood when she was left alone in the roo

12、m?(3)She wept at once,in her sisters arms.When the storm of grief had spent itself she went away to her room alone.She would have no one follow her.(4)There stood,facing the open window,a comfortable armchair.Into this she sank,pressed down by a physical exhaustion that haunted her body and seemed t

13、o reach into her soul.(7)She sat with her head thrown back upon the cushion of the chair,quite motionless,except when a sob came up into her throat and shook her,as a child who has cried itself to sleep continues to sob in its dreams.(9)There was something coming to her and she was waiting for it,fe

14、arfully.(10)Now her bosom rose and fell tumultuously.(13)There would be no one to live for during those coming years;she would live for herself.sadly;exhausted;fearfully;lonely;desperatelysadly;exhausted;fearfully;lonely;desperately(17)“Go away.I am not making myself ill.”No;she was drinking in a ve

15、ry elixir(长生不老药)of life through that open window.第12页55.The doctors said that Mrs.Mallard died of heart disease-of joy that kills.What do you think is the real cause of her death?(19)She arose at length and opened the door.There was a feverish triumph in her eyes,and she carried herself unwittingly

16、like a goddess of Victory.She clasped her sisters waist,and together they descended the stairs.Richards stood waiting for them at the bottom.(20)Someone was opening the front door with a latchkey.It was Brently Mallard who entered,a little travel-stained,composedly carrying his bag and umbrella.He h

17、ad been far from the scene of accident,and did not even know there had been one.He stood amazed at Josephines piercing cry;at Richards quick motion to screen him from the view of his wife.(21)But Richards was too late.(22)When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease-died of heart disease-of joy that kills.of joy that kills.Extreme misery and joy are put togetherExtreme misery and joy are put together第13页

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