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1、Unit 5Business第1页Reading Skill:Context Clue to Word Meaning II第2页Review Definition/Restatement CluesUseful hints:to be defined as,to mean,to refer to,to be called,to be known as,or,namely,i.e.,that is,e.g.While hiking in the mountains,they came to a tarn or a mountain lake.Example CluesUseful hints:

2、for example/instance,such as,likee.g.Condiment,such as salt,pepper,sauce and mustard,is the very thing a cook turns to if he wants to make the dishes taste better.第3页1.Class Relationship(Hyponymy)Livingthingscreatureanimalinsectplantvegetablecarrotflowerdaffodiltreeoakpine第4页ExamplesMr.Johnsons pain

3、tings show his attention to geometric shapes of all kinds.The paintings contain circles,squares,triangles,pirrles,etc.The conference was attended by prime ministers,ministers,presidents and other important dignitaries.Animal is general when compared with tiger,horse,etc.,but horse is more general th

4、an steed,stallion,etc.第5页Useful hints:but,while,whereas,however,conversely,yet,otherwise,on the contrary,on the other hand,Examples:There was no fllip seats available,so they had to buy expensive ones.Smith was rather thin while his wife was really obese.Unlike her gregarious sister,Jane is a shy,un

5、sociable girl who does not like to go to parties.My son likes to take part in all kinds of social activities and make friends,while my daughter is introverted.In the past,the world seemed to run in an orderly way.Now,however,everything seems to be in a state of turmoil.2.Contrast Relationships第6页Lev

6、i Strauss&Company 第7页I.Pre-reading tasksI.Pre-reading tasks Warm up questions:1.What kind of pants do you like most?2.Do you know the jeans brand:Levi Strauss?3.How much do you know the creator of this brand?第8页Cultural Information:(1829-1902)(1829-1902)One of the best-known beneficiaries of Califor

7、nias gold rush economic boom,Levi Strauss was born in Bavaria in German,and came to San Francisco in 1850,one of the thousands hoping to strike it rich.第9页第10页ConclusionBornLbStraussFebruary26,1829Buttenheim,Bavaria,GermanConfederationDiedSeptember26,1902(aged73)SanFrancisco,California,U.S.KnownforF

8、oundedthefirstcompanytomanufacturebluejeans,knownasLevi Strauss&Co.第11页Levis brandEnglish name:Levis Chinese name:李维斯 Full name:Levi StraussThe founder:Levi Strauss(李维史特劳斯)Founded country:the United States Founded date:1853Brand endorsement:Hebe,Wu Zun Chinese distributor:Levi Strauss&Commercial Tra

9、ding Co.,dLt.第12页Skim the passage and find out the general idea in one minute.第13页Scan the passage and finish the reading comprehension in seven minutes.第14页Text StructureText Structure The whole text is arranged by chronicle order(the order of time)第15页 Time Event Time Event 1847 came to America185

10、0 go to California1873 cooperate with Jacob1906 earthquake and fireWorld war II commodity/ratio1950 meet demand 1960s standard uniform for youth1968 Levis for Gals1984 Olympic gamesMid 1980s limited production of 555Today target different age and racial groups第16页StructureStructurePara.12 How did St

11、rauss start his businessPara.38 The development of Levis companyPara.9 The conclusion about the success of Levis company 第17页Levi Strauss&Company 1.How was Levis founded?At first,Strauss sold tents to gold miners,and later he made the unsold cloth into waist-high overalls which were very popular,in

12、this way Levis was founded.第18页Levi Strauss&Company 2.What were the features of Levis material?Shrink,wrinkle and fade.第19页Levi Strauss&Company 3.What kind of fabric/cloth did Strauss use?Denims(Serge de Nimes)and Jeans(Genes)第20页Levi Strauss&Company 4.Whats the logo of Levis?Can you draw it?A doubl

13、e arc of orange thread stitched on the back pockets第21页Levi Strauss&Company 5.Why can Levis be so successful?-Levi always tried to improve his products-the company has operated in an enlightened manner-great marketing strategies第22页Levi Strauss&Company 6.What were Levis marketing strategies?-Levis a

14、djusted its products,advertising and marketing approaches to meet the changing market force.第23页Levi Strauss&Company 6.What were Levis marketing strategies?-Levis also adopted some unusual way to attract customers,like high price and limited production.第24页Levi Strauss&Company 6.What were Levis mark

15、eting strategies?-Today Levis is trying to meet different kinds of customers different needs.第25页Suffix Suffix 1.minimize2.delighted3.industrial 4.realized5.frightened6.organized7.partial8.talented 第26页Cloze Cloze 1.spread2.concept3.reason4.supermarkets5.estimate6.least7.work8.price9.open10.form第27页

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