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1、无锡城市职业技术学院中文题目 交通十字路口红绿灯控制系统 英文题目Traffic crossroads traffic light control system 姓 名 所在系部 电子信息工程系 所学专业 电气自动化 班级名称 自动化6980 学 号 指导教师 日 期 2015年05月 6日 目录摘要3Abstract4一、引言5二、设计功能与运行要求5(一)十字路口交通灯控制实际情况5(二)交通灯变化顺序表5(三)结合十字路口交通灯实际情况设计交通灯模拟控制系统61.正常模式62.车流较大模式63.紧急情况处理6三、硬件设计6(一)传感器选择6(二)可编程控制器的选择7(三)I/0端口分配7

2、(三)I/0端口接线图7四、软件设计10(一)交通灯流程图设计101.102.103.10(二)梯形图设计101.102.103.10五、结论13致谢14参考文献15附录16摘 要摘要:随着信息技术和半导体工业的发展,基于各种检测技术、计算机技术、电子技术与术的智能交通系统成为了改善当前恶劣交通状况的有效手段。系统的设计中,主要使用了PLC可编程序控制器和传感器相结合的一种智能控制方法,使用压轴式传感器采集车辆脉冲,用PLC高速计数器对脉冲进行计数,本文使用了FX2N系列家族最为先进的可编程控制器根据取得的数据运用一定的智能控制原则自动调节红绿灯的时间长度,最大限度地减少车辆停留现象,较好地解

3、决了车流量不均衡、不稳定问题。关键词:交通灯;可编程控制器;PLC;FX2NAbstractAbstract: with the development of information technology and semiconductor industry, intelligent transportation system based on a variety of detection technology, computer technology, electronic technology and operation has become the effective means to

4、improve the current poor traffic conditions. The design of the system, the main use of an intelligent control method of PLC programmable controller and sensor combination, the use of the finale collection vehicle pulse sensor, count the number of pulses in PLC high speed counter, this paper uses FX2

5、N series family of the programmable controller is advanced. Based on the length of time the control principle of automatic adjustment of the red green data obtained use of certain intelligence, minimizing the vehicle stop phenomenon, solve traffic imbalance, instability.Keywords:traffic light; progr

6、ammable logic controller; PLC; FX2N一、引言进入第二十一世纪以来,随着工业的发展和生活便利性的需求越来越高,越来越多的汽车尤其是私家车的数量。交通问题越来越严重,到处都是交通堵塞,虽然道路建设在一定程度上,缓解交通压力,但由于土地资源有限,是不能从根本上解决问题。因此交通科学和智能化管理已成为提高交通条件目前的重要切入点。目前,有许多交通灯的设计方案,利用PLC实现对交通灯控制系统设计中的应用;设计与实现方法,一个交通信号灯的单片机的应用。目前,国内的交通灯通常位于十字路口,醒目位置上红色的,绿色的,黄色的三种颜色指示灯。随着最后的倒计时显示控制交通流量。在一



9、闪3S,黄灯亮2S,红灯亮40S。东西人行道红灯亮40S,绿灯亮24S,绿灯闪3S,红灯亮69S。(二)交通灯变化顺序表1. 南北和东西人行道均设有通行红绿灯。南北人行道通行绿灯应在南北主干道直行绿灯点亮时点亮,当南北主干道直行绿灯闪亮时南北行人道绿灯也要对应闪亮,其它时间为红灯。东西人行道通行绿灯于东西主干道直行绿灯点亮时点亮,当东西主干道直行绿灯闪亮是东西行人道绿灯也要对应闪亮,其它时间为红灯。2十字路口交通灯模拟控制系统在PLC交通灯模拟模块中,主干道东西南北每面都有3个控制灯,分别为:通行灯(亮时为绿色)准备禁止通行灯(亮时为黄色)禁止通行灯(亮时为红色)另外行人道东西南北每面都有2个

10、控制灯,分别为:通行灯(亮时为绿色)禁止直通灯(亮时为红色)(三)结合十字路口交通灯实际情况设计交通灯模拟控制系统 当交通灯系统启动开关接通时。21南北向和东西向主干道均设有绿灯亮8S,绿灯闪亮3S,黄灯亮2S和红灯亮15S。当南北主干道红灯点亮时,东西主干道应依次点亮绿灯,绿灯闪亮,黄灯,同理,与其相反的是当东西主干道红灯点亮时,南北主干道依次点亮绿灯,绿灯闪,黄灯22东西向南北向人行道都设为禁止红灯和通行绿灯。南北人行道通行绿灯应在南北主干道绿灯点亮时点亮,当南北主干道绿灯闪亮和黄灯点亮时南北行人道绿灯也要对应闪亮,其它时间为红灯。东西行人道通行绿灯于东西主干道绿灯点亮是点亮,当东西主干道




14、感器车辆检测仪的输出信号的输出有车辆经过没有车辆经过图1 检测器工作原理和波形将光电传感器安装在距离十字路口30米出较为合适。通过光电传感器的计数,可以统计出在路口为红灯时光电传感器到十字路口交叉口处这一段范围内的车辆数。进而完成对数据的统计工作。十字路口的情况以及光电传感器的铺设状况,如图2。图2 十字路口光电传感器的铺设情况(二)可编程控制器的选择本次实验交通灯,设计的来自FX2N-64MR-001可编程控制器FX2N-64MR-001是FX2N系列中三菱PLCFX家族中最先进的系列。有高速处理及可扩展大量满足单个需要的特殊功能模块,灵活性和控制能力强,可扩展到256点。FX2N-64MR

15、-001可编程控制器有着众多优点:1.系统配置既固定又灵活,对系统的稳固具有良好的作用,对交通灯稳定性有着重要保证;2.编程简单,更易的去控制编程 3具有可自由选择,丰富的品种;4.令人更放心的高性能;5.运算速度快6.适用于多种特殊用途;7.外部机器通讯简单化;8.共同的外部设备;9.具有很强的密码保护性,安全性高。下图是三菱公司的FX2N系列产品的最简单的梯形图例:ENDX000X001Y000X010(三)I/0端口分配I/O端口分配表功能符号I/O启动按钮SBIX0关闭按钮SB2X1设置SB3X2加SB4X3减SB5X4光电传感器X5光电传感器X6拍照L0Y0拍照L1Y1拍照L2Y2拍

16、照L3Y3南北绿灯亮L4Y4南北黄灯亮L5Y5南北红灯亮L6Y6东西绿灯亮L7Y7东西黄灯亮L8Y8东西红灯亮L9Y9东西行车灯L10Y10南北行车灯L11Y11公共输入、输出端COM通过加入五个按键来实现对交通灯的控制,分别为启动开关SB1,关闭开关SB2,按键设置SB3,按键加SB4,按键减SB5。启动和关闭两个按键就是控制系统的启动和停止。设置按键,是来对光电传感器的预设值进行设定的,先按下设置键,再通过加减两个按键对预设值进行调节,最后再按设置键结束。(四)I/0端口接线图X0 Y0X1 Y1X2 Y2X3 Y3X4 Y4X5 Y5X6 Y6 Y7COM Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 C

17、OM24VGND四、软件设计(一)交通灯流程图设计 1.正常情况下车流量通车开始N南北绿灯亮8s东西绿灯Y东西红灯亮15s南北绿灯闪亮3s南北红灯亮15s东西绿灯亮8s南北黄灯亮2s东西绿灯闪亮3s东西黄灯亮2s2.根据异常车流量调节红绿灯比较南北与东西的车流量南北方向为绿灯,东西方向为红灯,持续40秒开始南北的绿灯闪烁3秒后变为黄灯,且黄灯持续2秒,东西为红灯南北的车流量小于东西的车流量南北为红灯,东西为绿灯拍照,计数清零,持续55秒南北的车流量大于东西的比较南北与东西的车流量南北为绿灯拍照,东西为红灯,持续55秒车流量循环比较南北的车流量小于南北的绿灯闪烁3秒后变为黄灯,且黄灯持续2秒,东

18、西为红灯东西的出流量南北为红灯,东西为绿灯拍照,计数器清零,持续55秒南北的车流量大于东西的车流循环比较南北的绿灯闪烁3秒后变为黄灯,且黄灯持续2秒,东西为红灯南北为红灯,东西为绿灯拍照,计数器清零,并且持续55秒循环比较南北为绿灯拍照,东西为红灯,持续55秒量3紧急通车有急车是否南北强通人为调节南北绿灯亮东西红灯亮人为调节东西绿灯亮南北红灯亮东西强通开始正常运行 开始运行正常时序判断车流南北或东西是否闯红灯东西强通拍照东西绿灯亮23s东西绿灯闪亮3s东西黄灯亮2s南北强通拍照东西红灯亮28s南北绿灯亮23s南北红灯亮28s南北绿灯闪亮3s南北黄灯亮2s(二)梯形图设计1.正常情况下梯形图2.

19、根据异常车流量调节红绿灯梯形图3. 紧急通车五、结论随着城市中城市汽车化进程的加快,我国城市中机动车辆的数目呈爆发式的增长。虽然道路建设能一定程度上缓解交通的压力,但因为土地资源有限,却无法从根本上解决问题。因此,交通故障和城市交通拥堵越来越多,直接导致汽车的运行工况恶劣、交通时效低、能源浪费、汽车尾气多余的排放等一系列交通问题,给生活环境造成了巨大的影响,减缓了经济的发展。PLC用于控制交通灯,可以准确地控制信号灯,目前普遍使用的,尤其是对多岔路口的控制可方便的实现。PLC一般品牌都配备了实时时钟,通过编程控制,可实现全天候无人管理的信号灯。另外,由于PLC本身还具有通讯联网功能,将信号相同

20、的路径的局域网进行统一调度管理,可缩短车辆的等待时间。致谢感谢我的导师,老师您严谨细致、一丝不苟的作风一直是我工作中、学习中的榜样;您循循善诱的教导和不拘一格的思路给予了我无尽的启迪。 历时将近三个月的时间终于将这篇论文写完,在论文的写作过程中遇到了无数的困难和障碍,都在同学和老师的帮助下度过了。尤其要强烈感谢我的论文指导老师,他对我进行了无私的指导和帮助,帮助我进行论文的修改和改进。另外,在校图书馆查找资料的时候,图书馆的老师也给我提供了很多方面的支持与帮助。在此向帮助和指导过我的各位老师表示最中心的感谢!感谢这篇论文所涉及到的各位学者。本文引用了数位学者的研究文献,如果没有各位学者的研究成



23、X2N系列PLC原理与应用.机械工业出版社.2011.1附录部分系统运行梯形图您好,为你提供优秀的毕业论文参考资料,请您删除以下内容,O(_)O谢谢!A large group of tea merchants on camels and horses from Northwest Chinas Shaanxi province pass through a stop on the ancient Silk Road, Gansus Zhangye city during their journey to Kazakhstan, May 5, 2015. The caravan, consis

24、ting of more than 100 camels, three horse-drawn carriages and four support vehicles, started the trip from Jingyang county in Shaanxi on Sept 19, 2014. It will pass through Gansu province and Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, and finally arrive in Almaty, formerly known as Alma-Ata, the largest city

25、 in Kazakhstan, and Dungan in Zhambyl province. The trip will cover about 15,000 kilometers and take the caravan more than one year to complete. The caravan is expected to return to Jingyang in March 2016. Then they will come back, carrying specialty products from Kazakhstan A small art troupe found

26、ed six decades ago has grown into a household name in the Inner Mongolia autonomous region. In the 1950s, Ulan Muqir Art Troupe was created by nine young musicians, who toured remote villages on horses and performed traditional Mongolian music and dances for nomadic families. The 54-year-old was bor

27、n in Tongliao, in eastern Inner Mongolia and joined the troupe in 1975.He says there are 74 branch troupes across Inner Mongolia and actors give around 100 shows every year to local nomadic people. I can still recall the days when I toured with the troupe in the early 80s. We sat on the back of pick

28、up trucks for hours. The sky was blue, and we couldnt help but sing the folk songs, Nasun says. The vastness of Inner Mongolia and the lack of entertainment options for people living there, made their lives lonely. The nomadic people were very excited about our visits, Nasun recalls. We didnt have a

29、 formal stage. The audience just sat on the grass. Usually, the performances became a big party with local people joining in. For him, the rewarding part about touring isnt just about sharing art with nomadic families but also about gaining inspiration for the music and dance. Ulan Muqir literally t

30、ranslates as red burgeon, and todays performers of the troupe still tour the regions villages and entertain nomadic families, but their fame has spread around the world. On May 16 and 17, nearly 100 singers and dancers from the troupe performed at Beijings Poly Theater. Their show, titled Ulan Muqir

31、 on the Grassland, depicted the history and development of the art troupe. Being from the region allowed me to embrace the culture of Inner Mongolia and being a member of the troupe showed me where I belonged, Nasun, the art troupes president, who is also a renowned tenor, tells China Daily. During

32、a tour in 1985, he went to a village and met an elderly local man, who told him a story about his friendship with a solider from Shenyang, capital of Northeast Chinas Liaoning province, decades ago. The solider gave the old man a handmade saddle when they bid farewell. The story inspired Nasun to wr

33、ite Carved Saddle, a song that later became one of his most popular numbers. Now, every year, Nasun recruits young singers and dancers for the troupe. The troupe has also designed a new repertoire, which is mostly based on the daily lives of Mongolian people, especially the lives of nomadic families

34、, and has combined contemporary musical elements with folk songs of the region. Haimu, a 25-year-old khoomei (a local variant of overtone singing) singer, joined the troupe three years ago. Along with a six-member band, he performs fast songs and soft ones that he writesall while playing the horse-h

35、ead fiddle.Although I learned the piano since childhood and grew up listening to various kinds of music, to me, the folk music of Inner Mongolia is the root, he says. Performing in remote villages is pleasant. I feel at home on the boundless grasslands, and the warm people there make me feel fulfill

36、ed. The first round of spring auction season in Beijing ended last week, but it failed to create much spring in the art market. Although two pieces of Chinese painting fetched more than 100 million yuan, the decline in trading volume and sale rate showed a downturn this year. In the “Grand View: Chi

37、nese Painting Highlight” session at China Guardian 2015 spring auctions, Pan Tianshous representative work Eagle, Rock and Flora hit a record auction price of 279 million yuan, while Li Kerans masterwork Jinggang Mountain fetched 126.5 million yuan, an unexpected high in recent years. However, the t

38、rading volume fells to 1.87 billion yuan from 2.22 billion yuan in the same period the year before. The Huangchen 2015 Spring Auctions, which recorded 42.5 million yuan in total sales, experienced the same. The section number went down to 5 from 12 compared to last year. According to expert Shao Jia

39、nwu, the art market did not attract much excitement this year due to the booming stock market and the persistent problems of forgery and fake deals. The two pieces of Chinese painting notched up high price this spring due to their own value not due to a revival in the market. The successful transact

40、ion of two works with a hammer price of more than 100 million yuan once again confirms that valuable and rare works of high quality always earn the long-lasting high price. Chinese painting and calligraphy is still the pillar of the market. However, the overall sales rate has dropped slightly, which

41、 reflects the demand for the ordinary auction goods has weakened,” said the president of China Guardians Hu Yanyan. Besides, the entry of new buyers also makes certain changes to the direction of purchasing. In a word, the overall market trend is very unpredictable. Although China Guardian 2015 Spri

42、ng Auctions has achieved remarkable results, it does not mean that the market has walked out of the predicament. We still have to wait for the big economic boom to invigorate the art market.” Even so, the hot pursuit of some special items appeared this spring. A special session of China Guardian Spr

43、ing Auctions titled “Fine GiltBronze Buddhist Images” achieved a great deal with total sales volume of 41.89 million yuan and 92 percent sale rate. The 5th Shamar Rinpoche Statue from 16-17th century of Tibet was sold for 5.06 million yuan. The Beijing Chengxuan Auctions featured almost 2,800 items

44、of coins and stamps in three sessions with good sale rate. The Huachen Auctions also set a special session of photographs under the condition of large-scale decline of auction sessions. There was a palpable dull thud of disappointment that accompanied the return of the imperial entourage of Zhen Hua

45、n to her homeland. It followed a couple years of hushed excitement as Chinese fans were fed tidbits about their proud concubine who was supposed to conquer the high ground of the North American market. Zhen Huan is, of course, the title character of The Legend of Zhen Huan, a 2011 television series that swept China off its feet and later took other Asian countries

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